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a new report from the WHO says processed meat
causes cancer. processed meat includes bacon, hot dogs,
ham and sausages, as well as canned meat and meat-based
Processed meat sauces. the report was made by the international agency for
research on cancer. it said it was important to tell the world
causes cancer, about the danger of processed meat because of the large
number of people who eat it and get cancer. the report says
says WHO that eating just 50g of processed meat a day increases the
chance of developing certain types of cancer by 18 per cent.
fifty grams is just two slices of bacon or one sausage. the WHO
also said eating red meat carried a risk of developing cancer.
althought the WHO warned people about the risk of
eating too much processed and red meat, it did say that meat
had health benefits. meat has many important vitamins and
Processed meat minerals. the WHO said people should also eat more food
that contains fibre, such as fruit and vegetables, so they have
causes cancer, a balanced diet. the meat industry is not happy with some of
the report. it does not like the fact that the IARC put processed
says WHO meat in the same group as tobacco and alcohol. a
spokeperson said processed meat is not as harmful as
alcohol or tobacco. the north ameriican meat institute said the
report would unnecessarily scare people
1. What is teenagers favourite junk food ?
Processed meat, noodle instant, french fries,
pizza, fried chicken
2. What was said by International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) ?
IARC said that it was important to tell the
world about the danger of processed meat,
because of the large number of people who eat
it and get cancer.
3. How much is the equivalence of 50g ?
50 grams of processed meat a day increases the
chance of developing certain types of cancer by
18% and 50g is just two slices of bacon or one
4. What does WHO recommended about meat
Dont eat too much processed meat. You should
also eat more fiber- containing foods, such as fruits
and vegetables, so you have a balanced diet
5. What do you think of a balanced diet ?

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of

maintaining good health, and can help you feel your best. It
means that you are combining the right fats, proteins,
carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fibre in order to obtain
all of the nutrients you need for good health. By eating the
correct combination, and not too much or too little of anything
to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
find the meaning of each word and write some more words or
expressions related to eating habit
Please write
some other
word related
about eating
habit :



Number Of
Students From 30
one Class 20


Male Female

Rice porridge

Fried chicken
The survey was Pizza
conducted on 54 Bananas
student in S1-4B Survey
French fries
class STIKES Hang
Tuah Surabaya

Hot dogs

0 5 10 15 20
Result of the survey of 54 student S1-4B. 17
students chose steak, 11 student chose hot dogs,
10 student chose pizza and fried chicken, and 6
students chose french fries. So it can be concluded
that the food causes cancer is a steak
Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemicals formed when muscle
meat, including beef, pork, fish, or poultry, is cooked using
high-temperature methods, such as pan frying or grilling
directly over an open flame. In laboratory experiments, HCAs
and PAHs have been found to be mutagenicthat is, they
cause changes in DNA that may increase the risk of cancer.
. The formation of HCAs and PAHs varies by meat type,
cooking method, and doneness level (rare, medium, or well
done). Whatever the type of meat, however, meats cooked at
high temperatures, especially above 300F (as in grilling or
pan frying), or that are cooked for a long time tend to form
more HCAs. For example, well done, grilled, or barbecued
chicken and steak all have high concentrations of HCAs.
Cooking methods that expose meat to smoke or charring
contribute to PAH formation
Video Interview

Viga doing a healthy diet in his eating Habit. He

choose a healthy diet,because he want to be healthy and avoid
from disease. The benefit from doing healthy diet is keep your
body fit and avoid to obesity
Write a free essay
The Effect Of Consuming Fast Food
Eating habits is person's way to choose what foods that will
be consumed as a reaction to the influence of physiology,
pychology, and social culture. Nowadays, there are many fast
food that consumptio by people that want to get food with fast
service, chap, tasty and interesting.
Fast foof actually has no good nutrition and contains
ESSAY unhealthy substances. And also eating fast food can take bad
effect for healty if we consumed continuously. That's because
fast food unsually contains very high calories, sugar, salt and
Fast food that we often meet are food preserved such as
canned food and instant noodles , and then food that contain
high salt and Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) such as in
snacks, food that contain fat in processed meats such as
steaks, burgers, and hot dogs. Based on the contains, fast
food certainly endanger themselves if contuinually consumed.
Many diseases caused by eating fast food too often,
such as : obesity and colesterol taht caused by high fat can
accelerate weight gain, cancer that caused by high levels of
chemicals preservative substence (usually on artificial
sweeteners and Monosodium Glutamate "MSG"), etc.
Based on the impact of fast food, we should be able to
determine which foods are good to consume for us. Because
eating a healthy food will give a good affect to the our bodies
Choose wholegrain or higher fibre versions with less added fat,
salt and sugar
- Potatos
- Bread
- Rice
- Pasta
- And other starchy carbohydtares
Eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables
every day
Eat more beans, pulse, fish, and other proteins
per week. Eat less red and processed meat
Milk and alternatives

Choose lower fat and lower sugar options

Hygiene Lifestyle
By applying clean living behaviors, you can
reduce the risk of exposure to infectious sources, ie
germs, viruses, and bacteria.
Monitoring Ideal Weight
By diligently monitoring your weight, you can detect if at any
time your Body Mass Index is already more or less than
recommended, so you can take precautions before it gets
The BMI is calculated based on the following formula:
BMI : x Kg / (y M* y M)
Where :
x = bodyweight in kg
y = height in meter
BMI Table WHO:

Meaning BMI
Normal weight 1924,9
Overweight 2529,9
Obesity level I 3034,9
Obesity level II 3539,9
Obesity level III 40
Daily Workout
Daily workout is important in maintaining
the energy balance in the body. If the
amount of nutrients, especially energy
sources, that enter greater than the exit,
this can lead to obesity.

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