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Solving Equations Containing

Rational Expressions
Unit 4
Lesson 9.6 text book
Standards for Mathematical
• 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
• 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
• 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning
of others.
• 4. Model with mathematics.
• 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
• 6. Attend to precision.
• 7. Look for and make use of structure.
• 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
• Create equations and inequalities in one
variable and use them to solve problems.
Include equations arising from linear and
quadratic functions, and simple rational
and exponential functions.
Essential Question(s):
• How do I solve a rational equation?
• How do I use rational equations to solve
Recap of This Unit
• So far in this unit we have:
Talked about Polynomial Functions with one
Graphed polynomial functions with one variable.
Learned how to use Quadratic Techniques.
Talked about the Reminder and Factor Theorem.
Roots and Zeros.
Next up…
• In this section, we
will apply our
knowledge of solving polynomial
equations to solving rational equations
and inequalities.
Please try to control your excitement.
Example 1
• Solve the equation below:
3 2

5x x  7
• When each side of the equation is a single
rational expression, we can use cross
 • It is VERY important to check your answer
in the original equation.
Example 2
• Solve the equations below by cross-
multiplying. Check your solution(s).
4 5 1 x
 
x3 x3 2x  5 11x  8

LCDs: Performance-
Enhancing Math Term?
• When a rational equation is not
expressed as a proportion (with
one term on each side), we can
solve it by multiplying each side
of the equation by the least
common denominator (LCD) of
the rational equation.
• NOTE: To balance the equation,
we must be sure to multiply 7-time Cy Young Award
by the same quantity on winner Roger Clemens
never “knowingly used
both sides of the equation. LCDs” in his career.
“One less thing to worry
If your solution doesn’t
• If one or more of your solutions are not
valid in the original equation, they are work in the original
called “extraneous solutions” and equation, well, I guess
should not be included in your list of that’s just one less thing
actual solutions to the equation. you has to worry about.
• The graphs of rational functions may
have breaks in continuity. Breaks in
continuity may appear as asymptote (a
line that the graph of the function
approaches, but never crosses) or as a
point of discontinuity.
Solving rational equations
• Find the LCM for the denominators
• Any solution that results in a zero in denominator
must be excluded from your list of solutions.
• Multiply both sides of the equation by the LCM to
get rid of all denominators
• Solve the resulting equation (may need quadratic
techniques, etc.)
• Always check your answers by substituting back
into the original equation! WHY????
Example 3
• Solve the equation by using the LCD.
Check for extraneous solutions.
7 3
 3
2 x

Example 4
• Solve the equation by using the LCD.
Check for extraneous solutions.
3x 5 3
 
x  1 2x 2x
Example Real life 5
• Suppose the population density in the
Wichita, Kansas, area is related to the
distance from the center of the city.
• This is modeled by D  2
x  32
where D is the population density (in people
per square mile) and x is the distance (in
 the center of the city.
miles) from
• Find the distance(s) where the population
density is 375 people per square mile.
• Recall that for inequalities, we often pretend we
are dealing with an equation, put the solutions on a
number line, and then test a point from each
• Same thing here!
• 1st find the excluded values
• Then solve the related equation
• Put the solutions and excluded values on a number
• Then test a point in each region to determine
which range(s) of values represent solutions!
Solve the Inequalities
Remember to be careful with multiply
(negative number changes the direction of the
inequality) 1 2 2
 
3x 9x 3
Solve the Inequalities
Multiply by the LCM which is 9x.
 1 2  2
9x         9x
 3x 9 x   3 

3  2  6x
5  6x

Solve the Inequalities
Was there any excluded values?
 1 2  2
9x         9x
 3x 9 x   3 

3  2  6x
5  6x

Solve the Inequalities
Was there any excluded values? YES
 1 2  2
9x         9x
 3x 9 x   3 

3  2  6x
5  6x

Solve the Inequalities 5
Using the exclude value and the solution
Make a Number line. Test the values between
the dotted lines.

Solve the Inequalities 5
Using the exclude value and the solution
Make a Number line. Test the values between
the dotted lines.

1 2 2 3 2 2
   
Let x  1 3x 9 x 3
9 9 3
1 2 2 5 2 5
   yes x  works
3 9 3 9 3 6
Solve the Inequalities 5
Using the exclude value and the solution 6
Make a Number line. Test the values between the
dotted lines.

1 2 2
Let x  1   5
3 9 3
6 Yes x  0 works
5 2

9 3
Solve the Inequalities 5
Using the exclude value and the solution 6
Make a Number line. Test the values between the
dotted lines.

1 2 2
1  
Let x   
1   3
1 5
3  9 
3  3  3 6
2 2
1  Does not work
1 2 2
  3 3
1 3 3
So final solution will be:
x0 x
Real Life example:
P (t ) 
The function t 1 models the
population, in thousands, of Nickelford, t
years after 1997. The population, in
thousands, of nearby New Ironfield is
modeled by Q(t ) 
t 8
Determine the time period when the
population of New Ironfield exceeded the
population of Nickelford.
**Solve for the interval(s) of t where Q(t) > P(t)
Q (t )  P (t )
240 20t

t  8 t 1
240 20t
 0
t  8 t 1
240(t  1) 20t (t  8)
 0
(t  8)(t  1) (t  1)(t  8)
 20t 2  80t  240
(t  8)(t  1)  20(t  6)(t  2)
Let f (t ) 
 20(t  6)(t  2) (t  8)(t  1)
(t  8)(t  1)
Solving the Inequality Graphically
o Graph both curves on the same set 240 20t
of axes. 
o Find the POIs of the two curves. t  8 t 1
o Use the POI to determine the
intervals of t that
satisfy the inequality.
Solving Rational Equations &
Inequalities Practice

2x x3 5 3
1.  4. 
6 x  5 3x  1 x 3 x 2

x 2  9 x  14 5 2
2. 0 5. 
x  6x  5
x  4 x 1

x3 x 2  5x  6
3. 0
x4 6. 0

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