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Design of Column : Flexural

and Shear Reinforcements

Prof. Ir. Widodo, MSCE, PhD

Earthquake Engineering Management

Master Program
2. Axial load capacity approximation (Compression Control)
In the previous discussion, the value of the nominal axial capacity can be
computed through several steps. This procedure needs time and accuracy.
Alternatively, Whitney (1942) proposed very simple closed-form formula in
determining the nominal axial capacity of the column under compression
control. Some assumptions are required in the derivation of the closed form
formula :
1. The fixed value of thickness concrete block a = 0,54 h is taken. This
value is just slightly higher than value at the balance condition ( a =
0.516 h)
2. The displace concrete is neglected.
After systematic mathematically derivation, the whitney closed form
approximate formula for nominal axial load capacity is,
f c A's . f y
Pn   9.1) .e e
 1,18  0,5
h 2
h  d'
3. Axial load capacity approximation (Tension Control)
An attempt to derive closed form formula for tension control has been
one of the point of interest of researchers. How the approximate closed
form formulas for compression and tension control have been very useful
in the design process of column. Similar to the compression control, in
the tension control there are some assumptions should be taken :
1. The compression steel is assumed always yield
2. Displace concrete is neglected
Through relatively long mathematical derivation, finally the approximate
closed form formula for column with tension control is,

  
  d' e  
Pn  0,85. f c .b.h.   1   1    2. .m  11     
e e

h  h   h  h

where  = As/(b.h), m = fy/0.85.fc

4. Column Design : Compression Control
Numerical Procedures
Nuk = 415,46 ton
As As’ Nn,k = 639,17 ton It is considered the column
ultimate moment and axial
Muk = 111,69 ton load such as computed before
h Mn,k = 139,61 tm
and shown in the figure.
Since the axial load is relatively high, the com-
pression control of the column is expected.
s 4.1 Determination of the column ‘s size
a Wang and Salmon (1977) said that in the determi-
ning column’s size two assumptions can be made :

1. The balance condition is used as a basis
Cc Cs
2. Displace concrete is neglected
c 0,003
cb  .h  h  0,6069. h
c   y 0,003  0,001943

The equilibrium of internal forces gives,

Pb  Cc  A's . f y  As . fy
 0,85. f c .( 1.c).b  0,85.(255).0,85.(0,6069). b.h  111,8204.(b.h)

It is common to assume that h ± 0,, therefore,

Pb  0,9.(111,8042).  100,6384. Agrs

According to the procedure suggested by Wang & Salmon (1977) then,

640323  100,6384 Agrs
Agrs  6362,612 cm 2

Wang and Salmon (1977) said that if used gross area of concrete column
section Ag > Agrs means that the column is relatively big. In this condition will
only require a relatively thin concrete compression in the column. Accordingly,
the tension control will occur. Conversely, if used Ag < Agrs means that the
column is relatively small. Under axial provided axial load, it requires
relatively thick concrete compression in column section. This condition will
lead to the compression control.
75 Taking for instance, the size of 55/75 cm column is
used, then Ag = 4125 cm2 or 64,7 % .Agrs. In addition
55 8D25 As’
8D25 bars is used in each side of column with steel
area As = As’ = 39,25 cm2. e = Mn/Pn = 21,8035 cm.
d e=21,8035
4.2 Check Pn according to Whitney formula
By using Eq.9.1) the nominal axial load capacity
Pn can be computes,
s Pn 

3.(75).21,8035 21,8035
c  1,18  0,5
63,75 2
63,75  625
a  474,626  188,654  662,817 ton  640,323 ton

The column is predicted able to carry the external

Cc Cs axial load.
4.3 Check the failure mode
The balance condition is a good tool in checking the mode failure of
column. Accordingly,
cb  .(63,75)  41,7269 cm, ab  0,85. cb  35,4678 cm
0,003  0,001943
41,7269  6,25
 's  .0,003  0,002551  0,001943

The compression steel has yielded, then

C cb  0,85.(255).35,4678.(55 )  422,8211 ton
C sb  39,25.(4080  0,85.255)  151,6326 ton
Tsb  39,25.(4080)  160,140 ton
Pnb  422,8211  151,6236 160,140  414,3136 ton  640,323 ton

The column is right in the compression control such as predicted/expec-

ted before.
4.4 Analysis the column with given loading eccentricity
75 The procedures is similar to the previous discussion

55 8D25 As’ a) Thickness of the compr. concrete, c (c is unknown)

Cc  0,85. f c .(1 .c).b  0,85.(255).(0,85.c).40 10133,06.c
C s  A' s ( f y  0,85. f c )  39,25(4080  0,85.255)  151632,6 kg
h hc
d e=21,8035 Ts  As f s  As . s .E s  As .  c .E s
Pn h
 39,25
 63,75  c  17000156  247275.c 
.0.003.(2100000) 
 c  c

c In this case the nominal axial capacity Pn is also un-
c known, therefore there are 2-unknown in the system.
a Accordingly, the static moment of forces with respect
to the action-line Pn is required to eliminate/to main-
tain only 1-unknown in the system, therefore :
C c Cs
  .c  h  h 
Cc  1  0,  e   Cs  t  d  e   Ts  t  d  e   0
 2  2  2 
 0,85.c 
(10133,06.c)  (37,5  21,8035   151632,6.37,5  6,25  21,8035 
 2 
17000156  247472.c  (37,5  6,25)  21,8035  0
  .c  h  h 
C 
 0,5.h  e   C c  e   T   e   0
t s

 2  2  2 
 0,85.c 
 (37,5  21,8035   151632,6.37,5  6,25 
The above relationship leads to the equation in term of c. After rearrange-
 2 
17000156  247472.c  (37,5  6,25)  21,8035  0
ment, the following relationship is found,

c 3  36,9331.c 2  2713,63.c  209249,04  0

This is non linear/cubic equation, the solution can be done by solving the
roots of the equation. Several methods can be used in solving the equation.

One of the root which satisfies the equation is,

c  55,707 cm
s 
63,75  55,707  .0.003  0,000702
f s  0,000701.(2100000) 1475,055 kg / cm 2

The corresponding internal forces are,

C c  0,85.(255).0.85.(55,707).55  564,482 ton

C s  151,632 ton
C c  0,85.(255).0.85.(55,707).55  564,482 ton
T  39,25.(1475,055)  57,896 ton
C s s 151,632 ton
Ts  39,25.(1475,055)  57,896 ton

The nominal axial load generated by column will be

Pn  564,482  151,632  57,896
 658,219 ton  640,323 ton

The nominal moment produced by column can be found by taking the static
moment of internal forces or Pn respect to the plastic centroid, therefore,

M n  Pn .e  658,219.(0,2180)  143,5147 tm  139,61 tm DESIGN SUCCESS

5. Design of Column by Graphical Method
Kolom 55/75 cm
f'c = 25 Mpa, Fy = 400 Mpa
Nuk = 416,21 ton
Nn,k = 640,323 ton 55 8D25 A's

Muk = 111,69 ton 900

Mn,k = 139,61 tm 800 5
6 7

143,515 , 658,219
700 75

Pn (ton)
600 640,323
55 8D25 A's

Pu 415460
  0,395 500

f c . Ag 255.(55.75). 400 epsis

s e

Ts Cc Cs


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
-100 139,632 tm

Mn (tm)
6. Column Design : Tension Control
hc a. Steel reinforcement hasn’t yielded
Nuk = 29,84 ton
bc As As’ Eccentricity e :
Nn,k = 45,907 ton

Muk = 62,78 ton e 

 1,709 m
h Mn,k = 78,475 tm 45,907
d e Pn

The loading eccentricity is quite large, it may

>y several times the dimension of the column.
5.1 Estimating of the column size
a Similar to the previously discussion, the approx-
imate closed form formula for nominal axial load
capacity for tension control Pn control can be
Ts Cc Cs used to in estimating the size of the column
At balance condition,
c 0,003
cb  .h  h  0,6069. h
c   y 0,003  0,001943

The equilibrium of internal forces gives,

Pb  Cc  A's . f y  As . fy
 0,85. f c .( 1.c).b  0,85.(255).0,85.(0,6069). b.h  111,8204.(b.h)

It is common to assume that h ± 0,, therefore,

Pb  0,9.(111,8042).  100,6384. Agrs

Assuming Pn  Pb such as used before,

45907  100,6384. Agrs  Agrs  456,157 cm2

Such as stated before that the status of the mode of failure is affected by
the column’s size used. If used column sized greater that Agrs, then the
tension control likely will be found.
In other side, the approximate axial load capacity closed form formula
according to Eq.9.1) can be used. Recalled Eq. 9.1) :
  e
  d '  e  
Pn  0,85. f c .b.h.   1   1    2. .m  11     
 h  h   h  h

 C1 .b.0, .C 2  C3 

C1  0,85.(255)  216,75 , C 2   0,01  1  4,335   3,345

C 3  (1  4,335) 2  2.(0.01).((18,823  1)(1  0,143)  4,335)  3,393

From which,
45907  216,75.0,9.Agrs (3,345  3,393),  Agrs  4902,7 cm2

It should be noted that the required gross column section area Agrs = 4902,7
cm2 or computed from Eq.9.1. This equation is an approximate formula for
column axial load capacity in tension control by assuming the compression
steel has yielded.
When compression steel hasn’t yielded means that the thickness of com-
pression concrete should be much smaller than as computed and this im-
plies that the column size should be smaller than as computed.
After involving some considerations, then the
As As’ column size b/ht = 45/50 cm with 4D25 bars
in one side is used (Agrs = 2250 cm2 ± 5 x
456,157 cm2 or 46 % of 4902,7 cm2).
d 170,9 Pn 5.2 Checking for failure mode

The balance condition is a good tool in checking

>y the mode failure of column. Accordingly,
c 0,003
’s cb  .(43,75)  26,553 cm,
a 0,003  0,001943

26,553  6,25
 's  .0,003  0,00229  0,001943
The compression steel has yielded, then
Ccb  0,85.(255).0,85.26,553.(55 )  220,146 ton
Csb  19,625.(4080  0,85.255)  75,816 ton
Tsb  19,625.(4080)  80,070 ton
Pnb  220,146  75,816  80,070  215,892 ton  45,907 ton

The column is in the tension control such as predicted/expected.

5.3 Analysis the column with given loading eccentricity

The procedures is similar to the previous discussion
a) Thickness of the compr. concrete, c (c is unknown)
Cc  0,85. f c .(1.c).b  0,85.(255).(0,85.c).45  8290,688.c
Ts  As fy  19,625.4080  80,070 ton
c  d' C .c  C 2
C s  A' s . f s  19,625.  s .E s  1
c c
123637,5.c  772734,4

In this case the nominal axial capacity Pn is also un-
known, therefore there are 2-unknown in the system.
4D25 As’
Accordingly, the static moment of forces with respect to
the action-line Pn is required to eliminate/to main-tain
only 1-unknown in the system, therefore :
d 170,9 Pn

  h  .c    h  h 
Cc  e   t  1    Cs  e   t  d '   Ts  t  d  e   0
>y  2 2   2  2 
c   50 0.85.c     50 
(8290,688.c)170,9409       80070 .
 2  6, 25  170,9409   
c   2 2   
a 123637,5.c  772734,4   50 
.170,9409    6,25   0
c  2 

After rearrangement, the following relationship is found,
c3  343,39 c 2  887,605 c  42971,028  0
This is non linear/cubic equation, the solution can be done by solving the
roots of the equation. Several methods can be used in solving the equation.
One of the root which satisfies the equation is,
c  9,8445 cm
9,8445  6,25
 0,003  0,001095,  f s  0,001095.E s  2300,2840 kg / cm 2

Compression steel has not yielded !

The corresponding internal forces are,

Cc  0,85.(255).0.85.(9.8445).45  81,617 ton

Ts  80,070 ton
C c  0,85.(255).0.85.(55,707).55  564,482 ton
T  19,625.(2300,284)  45,143 ton
C s  s151,632 ton
Ts  39,25.(1475,055)  57,896 ton

The nominal axial load generated by column will be

Pn  81,617  45,143  80,07
 46,690 ton  45,907 ton
The nominal moment produced by column can be found by taking the static
moment of internal forces or Pn respect to the plastic centroid, therefore,

M n  Pn .e  46,690.(1,70904)  79,813 tm  78,475 tm DESIGN SUCCESS

a. Steel reinforcement has yielded
Given column ultimate axial load and moment as follows
Nuk = 192,04 ton
Nn,k = 295,446 ton Eccentricity e :
bc As As’
Muk = 62,27 ton e   0,2808 m
Mn,k = 82,962 tm 295,446
d e Pn The loading eccentricity is moderate, it may half
dimension of the column. The tension control
with compression steel yield is expected.
5.4 Estimating of the column size
’s Similar to the previously discussion, the approx-
imate closed form formula for nominal axial load
capacity for tension control Pn control can be
Ts C c Cs used to in estimating the size of the column
At balance condition,
c 0,003
cb  .h  h  0,6069. h
c   y 0,003  0,001943

The equilibrium of internal forces gives,

Pb  Cc  A's . f y  As . fy
 0,85. f c .( 1.c).b  0,85.(255).0,85.(0,6069). b.h  111,8204.(b.h)

It is common to assume that h ± 0,, therefore,

Pb  0,9.(111,8042).  100,6384. Agrs

Assuming Pn  Pb such as used before,

295446  100,6384. Agrs  Agrs  2975,32 cm2

Such as stated before that the status of the mode of failure is affected by
the column’s size used. If used column sized greater that Agrs, then the
tension control likely will be found.
In other side, the approximate axial load capacity closed form formula
according to Eq.9.1) can be used. Recalled Eq. 9.1) :
  e
  d '  e  
Pn  0,85. f c .b.h.   1   1    2. .m  11     
 h  h   h  h

 C1 .b.0, .C 2  C3 

C1  0,85.(255)  216,75 , C2   0,005  1  0,4779  0,5170

C3  (1  0,4779) 2  2.(0.005).((18,823  1)(1  0,1063)  0,4779)  0,6683

The above values are computed by assuming b/ht = 55/60 cm, h = 58,75
cm, used 3D25 in one side then  = 0,005, d’/h = 0,4779
From which,
295446  216,75.0,85. Agrs (0,517  0,6683),  Agrs  1352,919 cm2

It should be noted that the required gross column section area Agrs= 1352,92
cm2 or computed from Eq.9.1 i.e column axial load capacity in tension con-
trol by assuming the compression steel has yielded. Agrs = 1352,92 cm2 is
far away from Agrs = 2975,32 cm2 as computed by using different method.
For the first guess a column with 55/60 cm is used, then h = 58,75 cm and
assuming the compression steel has yielded. With displace concrete is
ignored then the equilibrium of forces in the tension control will be,
Pn  0,85. f c .a.b  A' s . f y  As . fy
Pn 295446
a   27,261 cm , c  32,071 cm
0,85. f c .b 0,85.255.50

The strain of compression steel,

32,071  6,25
 c  0,003.  0,00241  0,001943

This result is right as expected i.e column in compression control with

compression steel has yielded.
In further, it can be seen from the figure that since Ts = Cs then between Cc
and Pn causes right moment rotation while between Ts and Cs against the
rotations. Accordingly, the following relationship can be constructed,
 h a
Pn . e  t    As . f y h  d ,
 2 2
 60 27,261 
295446 28,08   
As   2 2 
 12,7049 cm , n 
 2,5895
408058,75  6,25 4,906

Used 3 bars in 1-side and this result confirms to the first guess before.

The other columns can be designed with similar ways.

Table. 9.1 Summary of the results of column design
Storey Col.size 1-side reinf. Mode of failure Compr. steel status
8 45/50 4D25/4D25 Tension control Compr. steel hasn’t yielded
7 45/50 5D25/5D25 Tension control Compr. steel hasn’t yielded
6 50/65 2D25/4D25 Tension control Compr. steel has yielded
5 50/65 3D25/4D25 Tension control Compr. steel has yielded
4 50/65 4D25/4D25 Tension control Compr. steel has yielded
3 55/75 2D25/4D25 Compr.control Tens. st. must not yielded
2 55/75 3D25/6D25 Compr.control Tens. st. must not yielded
1 55/75 8D25/8D25 Compr.control Tens. st. must not yielded
Smallest column Tension control,
axial load compression steel
hasn’t yielded

Moderate Tension control,

column axial compression steel
load has yielded

Compression control
Greatest column
axial load

9,25 6,30 8,50

7. Column Shear Reinforcement
Shear reinforcement in column plays extremely important on the stability of
column. The longitudinal column reinforcement works due to the well functi-
oning of the lateral reinforcements. Among the roles of the column shear
reinforcements are in the following :
a. Resisting column shear actions
Shear force acting on the column me-
Mu,ka rely due to the action of column flexu-
ral moments. Shear force causes
Mu,kb crack in the columns and this problem
will be encountered by the presence of
Shear force the shear reinforcement.
b. Confined the concrete
Lateral and longitudinal reinforcements
core work together to confine the core of concre-
te column. Concrete cover is spalling due
to tension stress. It is important to maintain
the core area to support the axial load.
3 Prevent buckling to longitudinal bar
P P When spalling of concrete cover occur, the
longitudinal bar reinforcements may separate
from the concrete core. Under axial load and
moment, the bucking of bars can not be
avoided if the spacing of the stirrups is

4 Longitudinal bar locater

Lateral reinforcements are tighten across the longitudinal bars together
with certain of distance. Accordingly, the lateral reinforcements maintain
the location of the longitudinal bars in a right position.
Ultimate shear force of column
a. Ultimate shear at intermediate stories
According to SK SNI 1991, the ultimate shear force acting on the column in
the intermediate storey (not in the first storey) can be computed based on,

M u ,ka  M u ,kb
Vu ,k  9.3)
H 'k

However, the ultimate shear force should be less than shear in elastic
response or,
 4 
Vuk  1,05.VDL  VLL  VE  9.4)
 K 

b. Ultimate shear at first stories

At the bottom-end columns at the first storey the formation of the plastic
hinges is expected to occur due to the principle of Capacity Design. The
ultimate shear force will be,
M u ,ka  0,7.M cap,kb
Vu ,k  9.5)
H 'c

Where Mkap,kb is the moment capacity of the column.

Design of Column Shear Reinforcement

a. Column at intermediate stories
There will be no plastic hinges occur in
column intermediate stories. Therefore
Mu,ka the is a contribution of the concrete in
resisting the shear and can be
calculated by :
lo 
 N u ,k 
 fc
Vc  1   b.h 9.6)

 14. Ag   6
Vs Vc
A part of the shear force in column will be resisted by steel reinforcement/
stirrups, through the following expression,
Vn Vc  V s
Vt  Vu ,   Vu   Vu 9.7)
 

From which,
Vs   Vc 9.8)

b. Column at first stories
At the bottom end of first storey, the plastic hinge will be occur. Crushing
concrete is usually occur in the plastic hinge, therefore the concrete
could not contribute in resisting shear force in the column. Accordingly,
Eq. 9.8 becomes,
Vs  9.9)

35/70 62,78 Numerical Example :
35/70 43,69 a) Intermediate storey B-C
35/70 43,69
In intermediate storey B-C, the forma-
55,31 tion of the column plastic hinges is not
35/70 55,31 allowed/expected.
35/70 66,37 76,76  64,87
Vu ,k   43,578 ton
76,76 4  2.0,375
40/75 76,76
C 76,76 According to the structural analysis,
40/75 76.76
B 64,87
VDL = 2,98 ton VLL = 0,228 ton, VE =
40/75 64,87 28,12 ton. From Eq. 9.4),
A 101,69  4 
Vuk ,max  1,05.2,98  0,228  28,12  121,47 ton
9,25 6,30 8,50  1 
With Nuk = 362,23 ton (3 549 854 N), b = 550 mm, h = 687,5 mm then
concrete shear strength Vc according to Eq.9.6),

 3549854  25
Vc  1   55.(68,75)  214451,875 N  21,874 t
 14.(55). 68,75  6

According to Eq. 9.8), the shear force resisted by steel reinforcement Vs,
Vs   21,874  50,756 ton

Stirrup P10 is used with Ad = 0,785 cm2 and first trial using 4 –sections/
double stirrups then the required stirrup distance will be,

s  13 cm

The stirrup with distance 12.5 cm is used

a) First storey A-B
According to column design of first storey as computed before, the nomi-
nal flexural moment of the column Mn,k = 143, 515 tm. In practical purpose,
the flexural capacity of the column Mkap,k = 1,4. Mn,k = 200,921 tm.
According to Eq.9.5)

64,87  0,7.(200,921)
Vu ,kb   56,69 ton

According to Eq. 9.9)

Vs   62,698 ton

The stirrup distance s will be,

s  10,53 cm
The stirrup with distance 10 cm will be used
Lo = 1,5 h = 1,10 m if Pu/fc) > 0,3 ; Hc/6 = 0,66 m, or 0,45 m


4P10-100 Lo = 1100


4P10-100 Lo = 1100
According to SKSNI 1991 :
The spacing of the column’s shear reinforcement ,s should be installed no
longer than :

1. s  b/4 =55/4 = 13, 75 cm

2. s  8. ds = 8.(2,5) = 20 cm
3. s 10 cm

The stirrup with 10 cm spacing will be used

Shear Reinforcement According to SNI 2000
According SNI 2000, the cross section area of the shear reinforcement
(stirrup) Ash should not less the following equation

 f 'c   Ag 

Ash  0,3. s.hc .  1 9.10)
 f yh   Ach 
  
 f 'c 
Ash 
 0,09. s. hc .  9.11)
 f yh 
 
hc =71

ht = 80 b = 72 Ag =

Ach = a.b

a = 72
As . f y .h
This method differs from the previous one. According to SK SNI 1991, the
column shear reinforcement is determined based on the flexural moments
acting on the column. Mean while, SNI 2000, the shear reinforcement is
designed according to volumetric ratio of the shear reinforcement.

Numerical Example :

hc =71
Beam 35/75 cm,
57,9 tm
therefore hk’ = 3,00m
ht = 80 b = 72
57,9 tm

a = 72
57 ,9  57 ,9
Vuk   38,60 t
Ag =
Vuk 38,60
  59,38 t
Ach = a.b  0,65
Shear reinforcement P10 is used with fyh = 390 Mpa = 3978 kg/cm2. For 1-
section, Av = 0,785 cm2. Supposing 3-legs are used then Av = 2,355 cm2.

Av . f y .h 2,355.(3978).66.75
s   10,53 cm2
Vs 59 380

Shear reinforcement 3-leg with s = 10 cm will be used.

By using SNI 2000 method

Ash  hc . f c  Ag   710 .(255)  6400 

 0,3    1  0,30    1
s  y  ch 
f A  3978  5184 
 3,202 mm.

Ash 0,09.hc . fc 0,09.710 .(255)

 
s fy 3978
 4,09 mm
Maximum spacing of column shear reinforcement (SNI Pasal
1. ¼ column cross section = 80/4 = 20 cm
2. Six of longitudinal reinforcement = 6*2,2cm = 13,2 cm
3. Is not necessary greater than 10 cm
If spacing of the stirrup s = 10 cm is used then according to SNI 2000

Ash  4,09 mm.100mm  409 mm2  4,09 cm 2

Shear reinforcement 4-leg D13 with s = 10 cm will be used (4-leg, Asp =

5,306 > Ash = 4,09 cm2)
Therefore :
According to SNI 1991 : 3 leg, D10, s = 10 cm is required
According to SNI 2002 : 4 leg, D13, s = 10 cm is required
Beam Column

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