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& Division
4th Grade Math Night
Multiplying multiples of 10
 Multiply the basic fact
 Add the extra zeros

 30 x 5 = 3 tens x 5 = 15 tens = 150

30 x 5 = 15 0

600 x 3 = 1800

50 x 40 = 2000
Let’s Practice…
80 x 40 =

700 x 20 =

40 x 600 =
Multiplying 2, 3 and 4-digit
numbers by 1-digit numbers
 Multiply the VALUE of each digit in the multi-digit number by
the 1-digit number
 Add the values (partial products)

246 x 3 = 600
200 40 6 +18
3 x 200 738
3 x 40 3x6
600 120 18
Let’s Practice…
 524 x3=

 812 x5=
Multiplying 2- digit numbers by
2-digit numbers
 Multiply the VALUE of each digit groups by the amount in
each group
 Add the values (partial products)
24 x 13 = 200
10 3 40
20 x 10 20 x 3 312
20 200 60

4 x 10 4x3
40 12
Let’s Practice…
 23 x 14

 35 x 12
Dividing by multiples of 10, 100,
 Divide the basic fact
 Add the extra zeros

 9 ÷ 3 = 3 ones 90 ÷ 3 = 3 tens or 30

60 ÷ 3 = 2 0

600 ÷ 3 = 200

450 ÷ 5 = 90
Let’s Practice…
 300 ÷5=

 810 ÷9=

 450 ÷5=
Let’s Practice…
 965 ÷5=
Abstract Division
Example: 1,438 ÷ 3
 3 groups and1,438 as our dividend
 Start in thousands. We can’t so we
REGROUP our 1 thousand = 10
 Share out the hundreds, 10 hundreds
+ 4 hundreds =14
 We can share 4 hundreds to each
group and we have 2 hundreds left.
We regroup 2 hundreds = 20 tens.
 We move to the tens place. We
have 3 tens and 20 tens = 23 tens.
We share out and have 7 tens and
have 2 tens left over.
 Share out ones. 2 tens = 20 ones + 8
ones = 28 ones.. We share out 9 ones
to each group and have 1 left.
 There are 4 hundreds, 7 tens and 9
ones, or 400, 70 and 9 in each group
with 1 left over, which means 1,438 ÷
3 = 479 R1.
Let’s Practice…
 1,284 ÷3=
Division as Side Length
Example: 185 ÷ 5
 Start by drawing a rectangle to represent the total area of
the array. We can think of 185 ÷ 5 as 5 x ____ = 185, knowing
that the missing factor is also the quotient.
 Start by thinking about how many tens can be along the
top: 3 tens. 3 tens x 5 = 15 tens, or 150. If we had any more
tens, we would have an amount greater than the total
area. (
 We know that this section has an area of 150 since it is 30
across and 5 down, and 30 x 5 = 150.
 Since the total area is 185, the remaining portion must have
an area of 35 since 185 – 150 = 35.
 This section is 5 on one side, so it must be 7 on the other side
because 7 x 5 = 35, and we determined that this section
must have an area of 35. Therefore the length of the top
(and bottom) side is 37, since 30 + 7 = 37.
 This means that an array with 5 along one side and 37
along the other has an area of 185. This means that 37 x 5 =
185. 37 is the missing factor or side length that can be
multiplied by 5 to get 185, which means that 185 ÷ 5 = 37.
Let’s Practice…
 734 ÷5=

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