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The Objective and Subjective Effects

of Replacing Dairy Milk with Non-

Dairy Milk Alternatives on a Mixed
Berry Smoothie
Carly Harris & Christina Constantinou
Section 1-Station 3
Clinical Condition: Dairy
★ Cow’s milk allergies are one of the most
common food allergies among children
★ They are part of the “big 8” food allergies
★ There are a few different types of milk
allergies, all IgE-mediated
★ Why this condition?
○ A good friend passed away after going
into anaphylactic shock from a dairy
Food Product: Mixed
Berry Smoothie
★ Most children do not consume enough fruit per
day, so smoothies are a delicious and nutritious
way to incorporate fruit into the diet
★ Children with food allergies may require more
effort to meet their dietary needs, so the versatility
of smoothies was of interest
★ In order to increase fruit consumption without the
use of dairy milk, we will be testing smoothie
recipes with non-dairy alternatives.
Food Products:
Our Variable
Variable Chosen: Cow’s Milk
(Whole milk)
Replaced with: Almond milk,
Cashew milk, or Soy milk
Almond milk, Cashew milk, and Soy milk were 3
viable options as replacements because they are
commonly found, affordable, and attempt to mimic
some of the properties Cow’s milk has

● In a blender, prepared control smoothie by adding

○ 1 cup whole milk
○ 1 cup frozen raspberries
○ ½ cup frozen blueberries
○ ½ cup frozen strawberries
○ 1 whole banana
○ 3 tbsp honey
● In a blender, prepared 3 other smoothies replacing whole milk (117)
with, almond milk (334), cashew milk (789) and soy milk (547)
● Placed smoothies in individual testing cups with designated sample

Each product varied

in visual appearance


Objective Variables
Results Mean Sensory Evaluation Graphs

Figure 1: Bar graph comparing sensory evaluations of control smoothie to those made with almond, cashew and
soy milk, with standard deviation bars.
T-Test Results
Control vs. Almond milk:
● How creamy is the sample? - 0.01 Control vs. Soy milk:
● How thick is the sample? - 0.00 ● How creamy is the sample? - 1.0
● How sweet is the sample? - 1.00 ● How thick is the sample? - 0.17
● How tart is the sample? - 0.61 ● How sweet is the sample? - 0.63
● Overall liking? - 0.08 ● How tart is the sample? - 0.27
● Overall liking? - 0.66

Control vs. Cashew milk:

● How creamy is the sample? - 0.17
● How thick is the sample? - 0.42
● How sweet is the sample? - 0.14
● How tart is the sample? - 0.57
● Overall liking? - 0.13
Nutrition Facts Label
Discussion and Q&A
» We were surprised to find that as far as overall liking, most of our panelists preferred the control smoothie to
the non-dairy milk smoothies. This was interesting considering both Carly and I found the non-dairy one more
» In addition, the Almond milk smoothie average for sweetness was a 2.7, compared to the control average
which was around a 5. This was particularly interesting since the almond milk used was “sweetened”.
» The only significant values were for the creaminess and thickness of the almond milk smoothie vs. control
smoothie, which may be due to the almond milks lack of “milk texture”
» As far as procedure, we found our trial run to be a success and luckily did not change any of our measurements,
as the smoothies came out very uniform.

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