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• A fossil is the preserved remains • Fossils are found in sedimentary

or imprints of ancient organisms. rock formed when sand and silt
• Someone who studies fossils is settle to the bottom of water.
called a paleontologist. • Not all animals turn are
fossilized, why?
• Do you think we have a
complete fossil record?
Determining ages of Fossils
• Relative dating- • Radioactive dating
• Looks at the layer of the earth • Determined by remaining
they are found. radioactive isotopes the fossil
• The oldest fossils will be deeper. contains.
Radioactive Dating
• What is an isotope?
• Scientists estimate the age of
fossils by analyzing the isotope
in the rock around fossils.
• Some isotopes are radioactive
and undergo radioactive decay.
• During radioactive decay, the • Radioactive potassium (40K) decays to
isotope gives off particles and produce argon gas. Its half-life is 1.3
energy changing its identity to a billion years.
different element.
• It occurs during a constant rate,
called its half life. • The half-life of an element is the time
it takes for half of the atoms in a
sample to undergo radioactive decay.
Ways to determine ages of fossils.
• K-Ar dating • Radiocarbon dating
• Scientists looks at the age of • Living org. absorb12C and 14C.
rocks and fossils that are The ratio is constant.
found near them are • When org. dies it no longer
assumed to be the same age. absorbs C. 14C (radioactive)
begins to decay and decreases
Solve: while 12C (non-radioactive) stays
8g of 14C in a fossil and 16g in the same.
living org. How old? • 14C half-life every 5600 years.
Look at ratio of 14C to 12C and
compare to living org.
3g 14C in a fossil and 12g 12C. .

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