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Y An ’ ’ ’ is software that attempts to provide
an answer to a problem, or clarify uncertainties where
normally one or more human experts would need to be
consulted. Expert systems are most common in a
specific problem domain, and is a traditional
application and/or subfield of  
  ’  ’
 ’  ’
A wide variety of methods can be used to simulate the
performance of the expert system.

Y Expert Systems are computer programs that are
derived from a branch of computer science research
called Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI's scientific goal is
to understand intelligence by building computer
programs that exhibit intelligent behavior. It is
concerned with the concepts and methods of symbolic
inference, or reasoning, by a computer, and how the
knowledge used to make those inferences will be
represented inside the machine.
Y ¯f course, the term 3 3  covers many
cognitive skills, including the ability to solve problems,
learn, and understand language; AI addresses all of
those. But most progress to date in AI has been made
in the area of problem solving -- concepts and
methods for building programs that reason about
problems rather than calculate a solution.
Y whe major difference between an expert system and a
simple database containing information on a
particular subject is that the database can only give the
user discrete facts about the subject, whereas an expert
system uses reasoning to draw conclusions from stored
information. whe purpose of this AI application is not
to replace our human experts, but to make their
knowledge and experience more widely available.
’  ’ 
  ’ ’  ’ - All user interfaces
are bi-directional;
’’ - whe inference
engine runs the that is, are able to
system by receive
- whe knowledge
determining which information from
base contains
procedural the user and
both declarative
knowledge to access respond to the
(factual) and
in order to obtain user with its
the appropriate recommendations.
(rules-of-usage) declarative whe designer's
knowledge in a knowledge, then user interface
very narrow draws conclusions must also be
field. and decides when capable of adding
an applicable new information
solution is found to the knowledge

Y An interface is usually defined as the point where the
machine and the human "touch." An interface is
usually a keyboard, mouse, or similar devices.
In an expert system, there are actually two different
user interfaces.
¯ne is for the designer of the system (who is generally
experienced with computers).
whe other is for the user (generally a computer


An ideal expert system can be characterized as including
Application of search techniques.
Support for heuristic analysis.
Symbolic Processing.
Capacity to infer new knowledge from existing
A language processor for problem oriented
communication between the user & the expert system.

Expert systems are designed and created to facilitate
tasks in the fields of
Process Control.
Financial service.
Human Resources etc.
Most applications of expert systems will fall into one
of the following categories:
Y Interpreting and identifying
Y Predicting
Y Diagnosing
Y Designing
Y Planning
Y Monitoring
Y Debugging and testing
Y Instructing and training
Y Controlling


Y Most of the expert systems have common characteristics
already explained above like user friendliness,query
answering and explanation of the logic.However for
different purposes of decision making types of expert
systems are used.It is therefore useful to be acquainted with
some of the more commonly used expert systems types:


whese help in estimating probable conclusions of certain
actions.Predicting the weather,forcasting the population
growth trends, military operations ,agricultural production
and stock market trends are some of the areas in
which this type of expert system are used.

Y $  
whese systems call for a large number of symptoms on
the basis of which a diagnosis can be made.whese
types of systems are very common in medical parctice
and also in maintenance of complicated
equipment.Infact one of the earliest expert
systems,called MYCIN dealt with diagnosis of diseases
and their treatment
A large no of software packages are developed to teach
the students different concepts of both physical and
biological sciences.


whis type of expert system usually gathers the
performance of the previous years and compares it
with the demand of the current year before giving a
figure of excellence.Planning organizations find these
systems very useful for preparing annual budgets
,allocation of funds etc.

whese systems keep watch over activities
continuosly.whey can compare the results obtained in
activities like marketing,transporting etc. with the
standard pre-determined norms.whe performance of
bothman and machinery can be regularly evaluated
without a subjective bias if one uses this type of expert
Y "  3   3   3 engaged in, expert systems can
fulfill the need for higher productivity and
reliability of decisions. Everyone can find an application potential in the field
of expert systems. Contrary to the belief that expert systems may pose a threat
to job security, expert systems can actually help to create opportunities for
new job areas. Presented below are some areas that hold promise for new job
Y Basic research
Y Applied research
Y Knowledge engineering
Y Inference engine development
Y Consulting (development and implementation)
Y wraining
Y Sales and marketing
Y Passive or active end user
Provides consistent answers for repetitive decisions,
processes and tasks.
Holds and maintains significant levels of
Encourages organizations to clarify the logic of their
Always asks a question, that a human might forget to
Can work continuously (no human needs).
Can be used by the user more frequently.
A multi-user expert system can serve more users at a

{acks common sense needed in some decision
Cannot make creative responses as human expert
would in unusual circumstances .
Domain experts not always able to explain their logic
and reasoning .
Errors may occur in the knowledge base, and lead to
wrong decisions .
Cannot adapt to changing environments, unless
knowledge base is changed.

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