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When does AIDS develop?
Ô Initial HIV infection can mimic those of influenza
and other viral infections.
Ô The term AIDS applies to the most advanced
stages when your CD4 T-cell count drops below
200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood or when
you have HIV and an AIDS-related illness such as
tuberculosis take place.
Ô Currently, there is no cure for HIV or AIDS.
In new born, HIV infection get transmitted mainly
due to :
1) transfusion of infected mothers blood
2) milk feeding by infected mother
À n you use the HIV ntibody test
to detect HIV in newborns?
½Úo. Because maternal antibodies are
transferred from mother to baby and stay in
the newbornǯs system for 6Ȃ12 months, a
different test must be used. This test is
called the HIV DÚA test .

½Methods that test either oral fluid or

urine are available in some locations
Êlood cell disorders
½Sickle cell
½Argininosuccinic aciduria
½Citrullinemia (CIT)
½Congenital hypothyroidism (CH)
ëests performed on Àhild
Ô £aboratory tests for children younger than 18 months of age :
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) deoxyribonucleic
acid (DÚA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at birth, 2
weeks, 4 to 6 weeks, 6 to 12 weeks, and 4 to 6 months of age.

Ô £aboratory tests for children older than 18 months of age :

ÔEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (E£ISA)
ÔWestern blot test for confirmation

Ô Rapid test assays :

ÔReveal Rapid HIV-1 Antibody test
ÔUni-Gold Recombigen HIV Test
Êlood S mple Àollection
Ô Collecting a sample by pricking the heel of a newborn baby
to get enough blood (typically, two to three drops) to fill a
few circles on filter paper labeled with names of infant,
parent, hospital, and primary physician. It is usually
specified that the sample should be obtained on the second
or third day of life, after protein-containing feedings (i.e.,
breast milk or formula) have started.
Golymer se Àh in
e ction(GÀ 
The polymerase chain reaction is a
laboratory (in vitro) technique for
generating large quantities of a specified
DÚA. Obviously, PCR is a cell-free
amplification technique for synthesizing
multiple identical copies of any DÚA of
Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay is a non-
isotopic immunoassay. E£ISA is based on the
immunochemical principles of antigen-antibody
reaction. Stages of E£ISA are as below
Ô Antibody against the protein to be determined
Ô Úow protein antibody complex react with the second
protein specific antibody to which an enzyme is
covalently linked.
Ô This specific enzyme is easly assayed.
Western Êlotting
Western blotting involves the identification of
proteins. It is very useful to understand the nucleic
acid functions, particularly during the course of gene
Ô Õ  is an antibody test that provides
results in 20 minutes. The blood, plasma or oral fluid
is mixed in a vial with developing solution, and the
results are read from a stick like testing device. Usually
detects HIV 1 and HIV 2.
Ô u 
is a rapid HIV antibody test that provides
results in 10Ȃ12 minutes. A drop of blood is placed on
the device with developing solution. Uni-Gold is only
FDA approved to test for HIV 1.
Ô ›      is a non-FDA-approved
home test. The company sells a blood test and a urine
test. Similar to a home pregnancy test the patient
collects a drop of blood/urine and drops the sample
onto a cassette. Results are read visually in 15
minutes. The accuracy of this test has not been
confirmed by the FDA, and it is not authorized for sale
in the United States.
Ô A simple blood test is now helping India identify the
status of children born to HIV positive mothers as
early as six weeks after their birth, instead of 18
As soon as the child of an HIV positive mother is
older than six weeks, his or her blood sample is
collected and transported to seven national labs for
testing with DÚA PCR which gives us a definitive
diagnosis on the child's HIV status.
Ô The Úational Aids Control Organization (ÚACO) is
activated by Indian Govt. to control HIV infection.
Ô ÚACO will start the DÚAPCR testing in four months.
But it will be introduced first in high-risk states like
Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. In
Mumbai, PCR laboratory inside Kasturba Hospital will
have the testing facility.

Ô The project director of Mumbai District Aids Control

Society, said. DzThough each test can cost almost Rs
1,200, patients will not have to pay anything. It is
In India infant disease screening is in developing
stage for parents as it is little unaffordable to screen
the baby for various diseases due to the cost associated
with this.
But we can predict that, in future there will be
advancement in this area due to the seriousness of the
issue and awareness created among the people.

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