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• Organisms reproduce in a variety of ways. Animals can give birth

to offspring while plants produce seeds that could generate.
• Earth is inhabited by a wide variety of living things from smallest
bacteria to the biggest animals.
• Fossil imprints of some ancient ferns serve as evidence of the
existence of the plant during prehistoric time.
• The survival of the present day organisms rely on their abilities to
survive and produce.
• Plants and animals contribute to the diversity of organisms on
Earth. They reproduce in many ways.

 How do plants reproduce ?

Plans reproduce in two ways: sexual reproduction and

asexual reproduction.

• Sexual reproduction in plants involves the fusion of the parent’s

gametes, which give rise to an individual that has the genes of both
parents. Thus, Instead it carries combined genes.
• Involves the production of seeds and fruits from specialized cells of
two plants.

• Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that creates

genetically identical offspring.
• In most plants, asexual reproduction is an advantageous adaption.
• Occurs when apparent’ plant grows new plants from its roots, stems, or
• A flower consists of highly specialized male and female reproductive organs.

Stamen Others

Male part of flower produces and carries pollen.

produces pollen.
Petal Filament
Colorful part that fine hair like stalk the anther sits on.
attract pollinators.
Sepal Stigma
Protects the flower sticky bulb that
before it open. receive the pollen grains
Pistil Style
The female part long stalk that the stigma Ovule
of the plan. sits on. the part of the ovary that
becomes the seeds.
has seeds inside.
 Sexual reproduction in plants starts with pollination. Pollination is the transfer of
pollen from the anther to the stigma of the flower. The pollen grain absorbs
moisture in the stigma and sprouts, producing a pollen tube that burrows deep into
the sky of pistil until it reaches the ovary.
The two male gametes travel down the pollen tube into the ovary.
 One sperm fertilizes the egg and become the embryo, diploid (2n) the other
sperm fertilizer the two polar bodies and become the endosperm, a triploid. This
process is called double fertilization.
 After fertilization, the ovule become the seed and the matured or ripened ovary
become the fruit.

• The seed usually consist of a seed coat, embryo, and endosperm.

• The endosperm serves as the food for the growing embryo. Eudicot seed such as
beans, mango, and jackfruit have two cotyledons, while monocots like the corn,
white, and rise have one cotyledons.
• The embryo has three parts: hypocotyl, epicotyl, and radicle. The hypocotyl
becomes the lower part of the stem.
• The radicle or the embryonic root becomes the primary root the first organ to
emerge in the plants.
• The epicotyl becomes the upper part of the stem and gives rise to the shoot.
Figure 7-3 shows the comparison of a monocot and a dicot seed.
• After the seed are formed and become matured, they are usually scattered in the
environment where they can grow as new plants. This scattering of seeds is known
as seed dispersal.
• There are different ways by which seeds are disperse. External factors such as
wind, animals, humans, and water help in the successful dispersal of seeds.
• Some have thorns or sticky surface that can cling on to some animals. Most humans
and animals eat fruits. They throw the seeds on the ground where they become
new plants.
• Gemination is the early growth stage of a plant embryo. Germination leads to
maturity, which leads to reproduction.
Dr. Pedro Escuro.
 Is a well-known Plant-breeder in the Philippines who led the
improvement, segregation, and release of nine seed board rice
selections. He has received many awards for his achievement in
improving our rise variety.


 Like plants, animals also reproduce. By reproducing an animals can be
sure that there is another individual of its kind that can take its place on
earth when it die.
During sexual reproducing in animals, a haploid sperm cell and a haploid
egg cell unite to form a diploid zygote. That zygote divides and different
into an embryo.
Most animals exhibit cross-fertilization, meaning, fertilization involves two
separate individuals or the same species (a male and a female) in reproduction.
 Even earthworms which has two sexes (hermaphrodite),
do cross-fertilization. In the event that mating of two
individuals is not possible,
for instance, when no other organism is in the vicinity
or the union of egg and sperm is not possible, some
species of animals undergo self-fertilization like that
of the tapeworm in the intestine.
• External fertilization in fish: female fish release unfertilized eggs and
the male fish release sperms; the sperm fertilizes the egg and soon
develops into zygote. The egg hatches to release a new individual.
• After a successful fertilization, the zygote grows and
develops. Most vertebrates, such as bird, fish, and most
amphibians and reptiles, lay eggs. The egg is surrounded
and protected by tough membrane or shell.
Depending on the species of animals, eggs are often
incubated by the mother or father until it hatch and are
released as fully-developed young. By contrast,
most mammals give birth to a live and fully-developed

 Most fertilization happens inside the body of the female

species, wherein the male deposits the sperm in the
female’s reproductive organ during mating. This is called
internal fertilization. Internal fertilization is said to be one
adaption of land animals which led to the successful
reproduction of species. The growth and development
of the offspring happen in the uterus of the mother.
While inside the mother, the embryo is nourished through
the umbilical cord.
 Internal fertilization in human; the sperm released by the male in the
female’s reproductive tract meet the egg. One successful sperm fertilizes
the egg. The fertilized egg implants in the uterus where it grows and
develop into a fully-grown fetus.

 Some animals are also capble of asexual reproduction,

which usually occur when sexual reproduction is not
possible. Asexual reproduction in anials occurs in
invertebrates and can be done through budding or

 Budding involves the

splitting of new
individuals from an
existing organism by
forming small projections,
called buds, from the
parent’s body. Animals
such as hydra undergo
this type of asexual
“budding is hydra”

 Fragmentation and
regeneration is a type of
sexual reproduction wherein
a single parent breaks into
part that give rise to new
individuals. sponge, planaria,
and starfish are example of
animals that exhibit this type
of asexual reproduction.

“organism may reproduce

by means of fragmentation
like in planaria and starfish.”

 Parthenogenesis is a form of
asexual reproduction in
which growth and
development of embryos
occur without fertilization in
animals, parthenogenesis
means development of an
embryo from an unfertilized
egg cell.
 Genes are the molecular unit of the heredity of all organisms.
Organism that reproduce through asexual reproduction tend to
grow in large numbers but have a disadvantage when it comes to
species vulnerabilities.
 Gene variation only happen in simple mutation. One parent alone
passes on a duplicate of all its genes to the newly-produced
 Sexual reproduction yields fewer offspring but it results in a greater
gene variation. Both the mother and the father contribute to the
offspring’s genes. The combination of genes make an individual
different yet still has its parent’s hereditary materials.
 This leads to variations in the physical and behavioral traits of the
succeeding generation. Notice that sexually-produced animals do
not exactly look the same.
 What is the role of biotechnology in plant and animal reproduction?
 Selective breeding or artificial selection is the process by which
humans breed animals and plants that contain particular desired
 Bred animals are called breeds, while plants are called varieties or
cultivars. Even CHARLES DARWIN discussed how selective breeding
contributed in the change of species over time. The main goal of
selective breeding is to produce offspring of species with desired
 Biotechnology is define as he use of living systems or organism to
create or develop new product. Biotechnology is no being used in
the reproduction of new plants and animals.
 Genetic engineering, is also known as
recombinant DNA TECHNOLOGY, means
altering the genes in a living organism to
ORGANISM (GMO) with a new genotype.
 Genetic engineering is combining DNA
from two or more different organisms to
create recombinant DNA.
 All breeding leads to genetic change, but
genetic engineering is targeted
manipulation of a plants DA to modify
specific traits it can involve. Tweaking a
species’ own genes or adding genes from
another species.
 In vitro fertilization is a process by which a
sperm fertilizes an egg outside the body.
This is usually done in the laboratory,
hence the name, “in vitro”(Latin: in glass)
this technique involves the removal of
matured ovum (egg) from the woman’s
 The fertilized egg (zygote) is then
cultured for days in a growth medium.
Then, it is implanted in the same or
another woman’s uterus to establish
healthy growth and development of the
embryo. In humans, this technique is
usually chosen by a couple who cannot
produce a child naturally.

 Technique of growing plant cells,

tissue, and organs in an artificially
prepared nutrient medium under
aseptic condition.
 TISSUE CULTURE. Is the term used for “
the process of growing cells artificial
in the labor

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