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6 Hormonal Coordination in
the body
The endocrine system
The endocrine system
1. The endocrine glands腺体 secrete chemicals
called hormones荷尔蒙.
2. The glands are ductless无导管的 glands,
thus they secrete their hormones directly
into the bloodstream.
3. However, only certain organs will respond to
the hormones, known as target organs.
Gland Hormone
Pituitary脑垂体 Growth hormone成长激素

Thyroid甲状腺 Thyroxine甲状腺素
Adrenal肾上腺 Adrenaline肾上腺素

Pancreas胰腺 Insulin胰岛素
Ovary卵巢 Oestrogen & progesterone
雌激素 & 黄体激素

Testis睾丸 Testosterone睾丸素
Gland Hormone Functions

Pituitary Growth hormone •As the master gland that

stimulates other endocrine
• Stimulates growth
Thyroid Thyroxine •Control rate of metabolism

Adrenal Adrenaline •Increases rate of metabolism,

heartbeat, respiration and blood
pressure to prepare body for
responsive action during an

Pancreas Insulin • To control the blood sugar level.

Ovary Oestrogen & progesterone • Controls development of

secondary feminine sexual

Testis Testosterone •Control development of

secondary masculine sexual
(a) Growth hormone
(i) Under secretion: Dwarfism 侏儒症
(ii) Over secretion: Gigantism 巨人症
(b) Thyroxine
(i) Under secretion: Simple goitre 大颈泡
(ii) Over secretion: Exophthalmic goitre
(c) Insulin
(i) Under secretion: Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病
(ii) Over secretion: low blood glucose level
(d) Oestrogen & Progesterone
(i) Under secretion:
Underdevelopment of female
secondary sexual characteristics,
menstrual problems
(ii) Over secretion:
Feminisation女性化 in men (men
having female characteristics)
(e) Testosterone
(i) Under secretion:
Underdevelopment of male secondary
sexual characteristics, less sperms
(ii) Over secretion:
Masculinisation男性化 in women
(women having male characteristics)
2.7 Coordination between the
nervous system and endocrine
1. Difference between nervous coordination
and endocrine coordination
Feature Nervous coordination Hormonal
Means of control Nerves impulse Hormones

Nature of message Electrical and chemical Chemical

Destination of Effector (muscle & gland) Target organ

Speed of Rapid Slower
Area affected Localised Widespread

Duration of effect Temporary Longer-lasting

A robber holding a knife
approaches Ali
At the same
time, the
adrenal glands Ali sees the robber
The brain
receive impulse and sends nervous
interprets the
and secrete impulse to the
impulse and
more brain
decides to run
Ali’s heartbeat,
respiration and
blood pressure The brain sends
Ali run
increase preparing impulse to effector
him for the run (muscles) for action
2.8 Effects of Drug Abuse on
Body Coordination and Health
Effect of drug on health
Type of drug Example Effect on body
Stimulants (i) Amphetamine Will increase:
兴奋剂 (ii) Nicotine 尼可丁 • heartbeat
(iii) Caffeine 咖啡茵 •breathing rate
•blood pressure 血压
•metabolic rate 新成代

Depressants (i) Opium 鸦片 • slow down reactions to
镇静剂 (ii) Heroin stimuli 反应迟钝
• make the user sleepy
and less anxious担忧
Hallucinogens (i) Iysergic acid • cause hallucination
幻觉剂 diethylamide (LSD) • erratic 反常behaviour
(ii) Marijuana • impair muscular
2.9 Effects of excessive
consumption of Alcohol on Body
Coordination and health
• Effect of alcohol on heath
- Cirrhosis of the liver 肝硬化
- Damage the brain and stomach

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