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 Admission Standards:
 Open door admission policy
 Not as “credible” or “prestigious”

 In the media:
 In movies or in shows, “punch line”.
 Bad stigma and reputation when these types of
jokes are made.
 Its “easy”
 Not easy but effective.
 Based on the scholarly journal of Student
Loans and the Dynamics of Debt
 Full-time undergraduate students in four-
year schools, (tuition, fees, room and tax
benefits) $7,620 to $11,630 (1992 to 2012)
for public institutions. $17,470 to $22,830 for
private nonprofit institutions.
 Easier to manage and payoff Community
College Tuition.
 Working/ Saving Up
 Paying off a loan
 At a community college funds for housing is not always required or as necessary as
a University. Community colleges are typically local and known as a commuter
college, closer to home.
 Class sizes are smaller and more personal.
 No Major? No Problem!
 Less pressure and stigma with changing your
major, partly because of the costs.
 Associated Degree= Careers
 Ex: Architectural Technician, Preschool
Teacher, Clinical Social Work Aide or a
Paralegal. (best
 Easy Transferring
 Great place to get your generals or even
prerequisites done for a lower price and some
would say at a some what easier pace.
 Argument: Community Colleges do not look good on
a resume’.
 Depends on what you did during your time at a
Community College.

 Honors Society (High GPA)

 Involvement: Community Service or Student Association.
 If transferring: schools look at any type of involvement.
 Can be used as experience when applying for a job, shows
compassion and commitment. Also a way to get funding!
 Networking Opportunities: Whether that is in your field
of study or getting to know a professor or advisor well
for advice or even as a reference when applying for a
 Community college does indeed provide business and students with vocational
training with two year degrees or a way to transfer/ additional schooling.
 Community College meets the labor market's demand for "middlelevel" or
"semiprofessional" workers, such as computer operators, nurses, and
technicians (The Contradictory College)
 You have to do what's best for you!

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