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• In pond water there are very tiny organisms.
– Some are photosynthetic such as the microscopic algae,
but many are heterotrophic like the animals that live on
– The amount of nutrients determines the amount of
– The most profound effect on the number of
microorganisms found in the water are nitrates and
• Low levels of nitrates and phosphates reduce the number of
micro-organisms. The water appears clear and sunlight can
penetrate deeper supporting the production of oxygen by
photosynthetic organisms.
• In ponds where water appears clear and sunlight
can penetrate deeper supporting the production of
oxygen by photosynthetic organisms.
– Under these conditions, the pond or lake can support
large populations of fish and other organisms that are
adapted to relatively high levels of oxygen. Such a lake
in which oxygen levels are relatively high is known as
an oligotrophic lake.
• Enrichment- the fertilization of a body of water,
by nitrates and phosphates mainly from
agricultural lands and from untreated human or
animal sewage causes the number of micro-
organisms to increase to the point that the water
actually appears turbid (cloudy).
– As a result of the bacteria, less light is able to penetrate
the water and oxygen concentrations tend to be
reduced. Such a lake is said to be eutrophic.
• Eutrophic lakes are generally shallower and warmer than
oligotrophic lakes and because there is a lower oxygen
concentration in the water, they are unable to support the same
type of fish populations
• Eutrophication is the accumulation of nutrients in
aquatic ecosystems.
• It alters the dynamics of a number of plant, animal
and bacterial populations; thus, bringing about
changes in community structure.
• It is a form of water pollution and like all other
forms of pollution is the result of human activities
influencing ecological cycles.
• The nutrient enrichment of an aquatic ecosystem.
• Natural Eutrophication -- a process that occurs as
a lake or river ages over a period of hundreds or
thousands of years.
• Cultural Eutrophication -- a process that occurs
when humans release excessive amounts of
nutrients; it shortens the rate of aging to decades.
Natural Eutrophication

Lake classification based on

nutrient content and production
of organic matter. Oligo- nutrient
poor; meso- middle nutrient;
eu- nutrient rich.
Cultural Eutrophication
• The addition of excess
nutrients from a variety of
sources results in the rapid
aging of aquatic
• During this process the
species composition of the
aquatic community
f e rt i l i s e rs s e wa g e
(l i q u i d d o m e s t i c
a n d i n d u s t ri a l w a s t e )

The process of
m i n e ra l s m i n e ra l s
e s p . n i t ra t e s e s p . p h o s p h a te s

ganic m
e u t ro p h i ca t i o n

a lg a l b lo o m

er ial
c of mo r pl iegt hi t it o n c o nc so un ms uem f ae srst ec na on u' t g h

d e a d p la n ts d e a d a lg a e

d e t ri t u s
c of mo r pl iegt hi t it o n c o n s u m e rs c a n ' t
c o n s u m e fa s t e n o u g h
The process of Eutrophication cont.
d e a d p la n ts d e a d a lg a e

d e t ri t u s

m o re d e c o m p o s e rs
use up oxygen
b y a e ro b i c re s p i ra t i o n
(i n c re a s e d B O D )

a e ro b e s d i e a n a e ro b i c b a c t e ri a
(i n v e rt e b ra t e s , t h ri v e . R e l e a s e
Water Chemistry and
Eutrophication (I)
• Eutrophication brings
about changes in water
• These include:
Dissolved O2
Water Chemistry and
Eutrophication (II)
• pH -- The pH of water reflects the CO2 contents as well
as the presence of organic and inorganic acids. Values
below 5 and above 9 are definitely harmful to fish and
limit growth of algal and invertebrate populations.
• Dissolved O2 -- The amount of dissolved oxygen in
water varies with temperature and pressure; high
temperature or pressure, low oxygen. Most
invertebrates die if oxygen levels fall below 4-5 mg/l
for extended periods of time.
Water Chemistry and
Eutrophication (III)
• CO2 -- Carbon dioxide is largely a product of
aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of organic
matter. It reacts with water to form carbonic acid.
Normal concentrations are usually less than 1
mg/l. Fish are affected at higher levels and
continued exposure to 10mg/l or more is fatal to
many species.
• Phosphates -- Present in low quantities in natural
waters; less than 0.01 mg/l. Released during
decomposition. High levels stimulate algal
Water Chemistry and
Eutrophication (IV)
• Ammonia (NH3 or NH4+) -- Ammonia is a product of
decomposition of animal and plant protein. It is an
important plant nutrient. Natural bodies of water
contain > 1 mg/l. Levels higher than this stimulate
algal growth and are toxic to fish.
• Nitrates/Nitrites -- These N containing compounds are
formed during decomposition and are inter-converted
by certain species of bacteria. Natural concentrations
rarely exceed 10 mg/l and are often > 1mg/l.
Major Sources of Excess
• Major sources of excess
nutrients are agricultural
fertilizers, domestic
sewage and livestock
• Agricultural fertilizers
provide inorganic
• Sewage and wastes
provide both inorganic
and organic nutrients.
Fate of Nitrogen

• 14% of N produced in the process enters the

human mouth...... if you are a vegetarian.
• 4% of N used for animal production enters
human mouth.
• 82% of N is lost to the environment.
Effect of Productivity on Composition: Nitrogen
Excess Organic Matter
• Untreated sewage, manure,
paper pulp, packing plant
wastes are sources of excess
organic matter added to aquatic
• Results in exponential growth
of bacterial populations.
• Bacteria deplete dissolved
oxygen in the water.
Low Oxygen Levels Cause Die-
• Rapidly growing bacterial
populations need
exponentially increasing
amounts of oxygen.
• Once dissolved oxygen
levels become too low,
fish and many freshwater
invertebrates die, thus
adding more organic
Effects of Oxygen Depletion on Chemical Composition
• Low DO favors reduced species
Common Chemical Species in Lakes
Oxidized Forms Reduced Forms
CO2, H2CO3, HCO3-, CO32- CH4(g)
SO42-, HSO4- H2S(g), HS-, S2-
NO3-, NO2-, HNO2 N2(g), NH3(g), NH4+
MnO2(s), etc 2+
Mn (aq)
FeOOH(s), etc Fe2+ (aq)

• Release of chemicals from sediment in reduced form

– Reduced form of many chemicals are more mobile than their oxidized form
• Release of gases: methane (CH4), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia (NH3)
– smelly!
• Release of some toxic metals
– Release of nutrients from sediment
• Increases effectiveness of nutrient recycling
• Feedback loop leading to further algae blooms, eutrophication
Oxygen Depleted Waters

• As oxygen disappears, anaerobic

bacteria produce methane,
hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.
• Bacterial respiration increases
carbonic acid.
• In all but the most oxygen
depleted waters, tubificid worms,
midge larvae and mosquito larvae
replace oxygen-loving
Impacts of Eutrophication
1. Decrease in the transparency of water
2. Development of anoxic conditions (low oxygen levels)
3. Increased algal blooms
4. Loss of habitat (e.g. Sea grass beds)
Global Warming - Eutrophication
Current indications of feedback effects of eut
rophication on climate change

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