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Chapter 7

Project Quality

2017/11/21 帅传敏 1

1. Plan Quality
2. Perform Quality Assurance
3. Perform Quality Control
4. Quality Gurus
5. 6 Sigma Quality

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Quality is “the degree to which a set of inherent

characteristics fulfill requirements”. Stated and implied
needs are the inputs to developing project requirements.
The four core project quality concepts are: stakeholder
satisfaction; process management; fact-based management,
and empowered performance.

2017/11/21 帅传敏 3
- (Quality Features & Connotations):
⑴ (Exterior Quality):E x t e r n a l features:
s h a p e , color, s m e l l , p a c k a g e , …
⑵ (Interior Quality):I n t e r n a l f e a t u r e s :
p e r f o r m a n c e s , a c c u r a c y, …

2017/11/21 帅传敏 4

⑶ (Economic Quality):。Life t i m e , c o s t , price,

maintenance cost …
⑷ (Commercial Quality):⑸ (Environmental
Quality)。 Environmental c o n c e r n s of a p r o d u c t

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7.1 质量计划 Plan Quality
Plan quality is the process of identifying
quality requirements and/or standards for the
project and product, and documenting how the
project will demonstrate compliance.

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7.1 质量计划 Plan Quality
7.1.2 方法 Methods
1. Cost-Benefit Analysis
The primary benefits of meeting quality requirements
can include less rework, higher productivity, lower costs,
and increased stakeholder satisfaction. A business case for
each quality activity compares the cost of the quality step
to the expected benefit.

2017/11/21 帅传敏 7
Cost of economic quality
Total cost of quality


Cost of quality correction

经济质量成本 质量保障成本
Cost of quality assurance
Q0 废品件数
No. of rejected products

图7-1 项目经济质量示意图 Cost of Economic Quality of a Project

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7.1 Plan Quality
2. Cost of Quality (COQ)
Cost of quality includes all costs incurred over
the life of the product by investment in preventing
nonconformance to requirements, appraising the
product or service for conformance to requirements,
and failing to meet requirement (rework).

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7.1 Plan Quality
3. Benchmarking
Benchmarking involves comparing actual or planned
project practices to those of other projects to generate ideas
for improvement and to provide a basis by which to
measure performance. These other projects can be within
the performing organization or outside of it, and can be
within the same or in another application area.

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7.1Plan Quality
4.Design of Experiments
Design of experiments (DOE) is a statistical
method that helps identify which factors may
influence specific variables of a product or process
under development or in production.

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7.1 Plan Quality

5.Statistical Sampling
Statistical sampling involves choosing part of a
population of interest for inspection.

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7.1 质量计划 Plan Quality
6. Proprietary Quality Management
These include Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Quality
Function Deployment, CMMI (Capability Maturity
Model ® Integration), etc.

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7.1 Plan Quality

7. Additional Methods
Other quality planning methods include
brainstorming, affinity diagrams, force field analysis,
nominal group techniques, matrix diagrams,
flowcharts, and prioritization matrices.

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7.2 Perform Quality Assurance

7.2.1 Definition
Perform quality assurance is the process of
auditing the quality requirements and the results from
quality control measurements to ensure appropriate
quality standards and operational definitions are used.

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7.2 实施质量保证
Perform Quality Assurance
7.2.2 Methods
1. Quality Audits
A quality audit is a structured, independent review
to determine whether project activities comply with
organizational and project policies, processes, and

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7.2 实施质量保证
Perform Quality Assurance
Process analysis can identify the necessary
improvements in accordance with the steps in the
process improvement plan. It also checks the problems
encountered during the course of operation,
constraints, and the non-value added activities.
Process analysis is a specific technology including the
root cause analysis (used to identify problems, explore
the root causes) and preventive measures formulation.

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7.3 实施质量控制
Perform Quality Control
7.3.1 Definition
Perform quality control is the process of
monitoring and recording results of executing the
quality activities to assess performance and
recommend necessary changes.

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7.3 实施质量控制
Perform Quality Control
7.3.2 Methods
Seven Basic Tools of Quality
1.Cause and Effect Diagram
Cause and effect diagrams, also called Ishikawa
diagrams or fishbone diagrams, illustrate how various
factors might be linked to potential problems or effects.

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Figure 7-3 Cause and Effect Diagram
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7.3 Perform Quality Control

2.Control Charts
Control charts illustrate how a process behaves
over time and when a process is subject to special
cause variation, resulting in an out-of-control

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Figure7-6 Example of a Control Chart of Project Schedule Performance

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7.3 实施质量控制
Perform Quality Control
3. Flowcharts
Flowcharting is used during Perform Quality
Control to determine a failing process steps and
identify potential process improvement opportunities.

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Figure7-7 Sample Process Flowchart
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7.3 Perform Quality Control

4图 Histogram
A histogram is a bar chart showing a distribution of
variables. Each column represents an attribute or characteristic
of a problem/situation. The height of each column represents the
relative frequency of the characteristic. This tool helps identify
the cause of problems in a process by the shape and width of the

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Fig.7-8 Histogram
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7.3 实施质量控制
Perform Quality Control
5.Pareto Chart
A Pareto chart is a specific type of histogram,
ordered by frequency of occurrence, which shows how
many defects were generated by type or category of
identified cause.

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7.3 Perform Quality Control

Pareto diagrams are conceptually related to Pareto’s Law,

which holds that a relatively small number of causes will
typically produce a large majority of the problems or defects.
This is commonly referred to as the 80/20 principle, where 80
percent of the problems are due to 20 percent of the causes.
Pareto diagrams also can be used to summarize all types of data
for 80/20 analyses.

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. Pareto Diagram (Chart)

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Fig. 7-11 Pareto Diagram
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7.3 实施质量控制
Perform Quality Control
A run chart shows the history and pattern of variation. A run
chart is a line graph that shows data points plotted in the order in
which they occur. Run charts show trends in a process over time,
variation over time, or declines or improvements in a process
over time. Trend analysis is performed using run charts. Trend
analysis involves using mathematical techniques to forecast
future outcomes based on historical results. Trend analysis is
often used to monitor:
- Technical performance. How many errors or defects have been
identified, how many remain uncorrected?
- Cost and schedule performance. How many activities per period
were completed with significant variances?
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7.3 Perform Quality Control

7.散点图 Scatter Diagram

A scatter diagram shows the pattern of relationship between
two variables. This tool allows the quality team to study and
identify the possible relationship between changes observed in
two variables. Dependent variables versus independent variables
are plotted. The closer the points are to a diagonal line, the more
closely they are related.

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Fig. 7-12 Scatter Diagram

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8. Sampling
9. Inspection
An inspection is the examination of a work product to
determine whether it conforms to standards.
10. Inspection
All approved change requests should be reviewed to
verify that they were implemented as approved.

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7.4 质量管理专家 Quality Gurus

戴明 Edward Deming

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7.4 Quality Gurus
• PDCA 循环 PDCA Cycle
P =
D = do
C =
check A
= action

2017/11/21 帅传敏 36
The basic methods of quality management include
enterprise management and mathematical statistical
methods. Dr. Deming, the American quality
management expert proposed PDCA cycle, including
four stages: Plan, Do, Check and Action. The four
states is divided into eight procedure, see below.

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7.4 质量管理专家 Quality Gurus

Table 7-1 Juran’s Quality Trilogy

Identify all customers and their needs, develop
Quality requirements based upon those needs, and develop
Planning the methods to satisfy those requirements.
Determine what to control, establish measurement
Quality systems, establish standards, compare performance
Control to standards, and act on differences.
Select and support improvement projects, prove
causes, select and implement solutions, and maintain
control of improved processes.

2017/11/21 帅传敏 38
7.5 Six Sigma (6σ) QC
1In the statistical theory of, 6σ quality has clear
quantitative indicators for two types of measures.
As for the quality characteristics of the measurement value,
6σ means the high conformity or consistency for the goal,
the dispersion of the quality characteristics does not exceed
1 / 2 of the size limit (see Fig.7-12).

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7.5 Six Sigma (6σ) QC

As for the quality characteristics of the count value, 6σ

means very low defect rate, typically 3.4 ppm (see below),
that is to say, there are 3.4 defective products per million

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图7-13 不同质量水平的缺陷率
2017/11/21 帅传敏 41
7.5 Six Sigma (6σ) QC
The the late 1980s, more and more companies began to
apply 6σ quality management in United States, including
General Electric, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Hewlett-
Packard, Xerox, Allied Signal, the world's best companies.
Mr.Jack Welch, General Electric CEO described 6σ as
"the most challenging and profit potential pioneering
initiative in the GM ever conducted ones”. GM's annual
report showed that in 1997 there were $ 300 million among
its revenues resulted from the 6σ quality management.

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7.5 Six Sigma (6σ) QC
2. 6σ质量的实现途径 Realization
(1) 6σ design quality
The continuous improvement with the goal of 6σ quality
Note: The former emphasizes on the use of engineering
technology, and the later provides for the 6σ design quality
organizational structure, design of organizational behavior,
management activities and corporate culture change, which has
strategic importance for the company.

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7.5 Six Sigma (6σ) QC
(3) 建立相应的企业文化:
Establishing the appropriate corporate culture
The key is top management commitment and leadership
Training is the best means and necessary way to form a quality
Continuous improvement model is its specific methods and
processes (PDCA cycle is the core model)

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Table 7-3 Six Sigma Themes

Theme Brief Description

Customer focus Relentless focus on customers and their needs is a strong
driver of good quality.
Fact-driven Develop appropriate metrics in a top-down fashion and
management rigorously analyze them statistically.
Process management Understand, control, and improve key business and
and improvement operational processes to reduce cost and time.
Goal setting Determine objectively what needs to be improved and then
set stretch goals for that improvement.
Project management Develop executive sponsors and process experts (black
roles belts), collaborate with suppliers and customers, and deploy
DMAIC process Carefully apply the define, measure, analyze, improve, and
control (DAMIC) process.

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