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• The ancient Greeks

were the first to
experiment with
alternative, methods of
methods of transmitting
information over long

• These early
involved the tops of
hills, and fire by night,
plus columns of smoke
or large mirrors by day
• 19th century- when
experiments began to
transmit messages via a
series of electrical
clicks on wires.
• The telegraph system
was born, laying the
foundations for the
broadcast of the
human voice and other
• 20th century-Radio is
the first 'modern' media
form, and had a huge
impact on the history.

• The birth of radio ushers
in the era of mass
• 1920’s -Many people have
likened the explosion in
• 1895-The first documented radio
transmission occurred, and was sent
by a 21 year old Italian, Guglielmo
Marconi, who conducted simple
experiments using a radio
transmitter and receiver, the
transmitter placed at his house, and
the receiver placed three miles away.
• He got his servant to fire a gun when the
transmission had been received - the three
dots ··· of the letter S in Morse Code.
• The Italian government were not at all
interested in Marconi's invention, so he
continued his experiments in Britain where he
had the full support of the Minister of Post.
• Took out several patents and
started to build radio stations
across the south coast of Britain.
• 1901- he crossed the Atlantic to
St John's Terranova, and
there, on 12 December,
received the first weak
transatlantic radio signal,
another ···.
• 1870’s-1920’s-The idea of
television (i.e. sending and receiving
images along wireless technology)
was first bouncing around
• 1921-Vladimir K. Zworykin
• invented a device that
would convert patterns
of light into electronic
• 1924 -Scotsman, John Logie Baird,
• who produced the first television set
• Also in 1924- Philo Farnsworth
• an American, came up with the
concept of broadcast television
• 1928- engineers had managed to
create a crude receiver set and
camera, and this went on show at
the World's Fair - the first public
viewing of television
• 1927-The opportunities presented by TV
were clear to many before this, and both the
BBC and CBS were established
• 1895-radio transmission consisted of Morse
code (or wireless telegraphy) was made from
a temporary station set up by Guglielmo
Guglielmo Marconi
• 1905-1906-The broadcasting of
music and talk via radio started
• 1920 to 1923-commercially, (very
high frequency) stations started
30 to 35 years later
• When people started
broadcasting television the first
movie that was shown was
"Batman curse of the green pearl"
it was 10 minutes long.
• 1890- United Kingdom, Hungary, France
and some other places, from as early as
1890 there was already a system whereby
news, music, live theatre, music hall,
fiction readings, religious broadcasts,
etc., were available in private homes [and
other places] via the
conventional telephone line, with
subscribers being supplied with a number
of special, personalised


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