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8/14/2018 1
-The study of
how your
body uses the
food that you

8/14/2018 2
What is a Nutrient
A nutrient is a chemical substance
in food that helps maintain the
body. Some provide energy. All
help build cells and tissues,
regulate bodily processes such as
breathing. No single food supplies
all the nutrients the body needs to

8/14/2018 3
 Protein Sugars
Carbohydrat Starches
es Cellulose
 Minerals
Nutrients that have
 Proteins
 Carbohydrates
 Fats

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Definition of a Calorie:

A unit of measure for energy in


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Protein 1 Gram = 4
Carbohydrates 1 Gram = 4
Fat 1 Gram = 9 K.calories

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Variables which affect nutrient
1. Age
2. Gender
3. Activity Level
4. Climate
5. Health
6. State of nutrition
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 Nature-Complex org.Compound composed
of C,H,O,N & Some Of P,Sulpher.

Protein are formed by combination of amino

acids a simple unit of protein.

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 Simple –These are composed of amino acid
Albumine in egg white
Serum in blood
Globulins of muscle
Zein of corn
Gladine of Wheat
 Derived-Product of partial break down of
Coagulated protein
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 Complete protein- Contain all E.A. Acids.
 Partially incomplete –May not contain one or
more E.A. acids
 Incomplete protein- Content of amino acids
incapable either maintaining of life or
supporting growth e:g Goletine

8/14/2018 11
Animal Sources
Plant sources
Milk & Milk product
Eggs,Meat,Poultry, & Fish

8/14/2018 12
 Essential Amino Acid
 Tryptophane  Non Essential Amino Acid
 Isoleucine  Alanine
 Lysine  Asparagine
 Methionine  Aspartic Acid
 Phenylalanine
 Cystine
 Threonine
 Valine
 Cysteine
 Arginine  Glutamic Acid
 Histidine  Glutamine
 Glycine
 Hydroxy Proline
 Hydroxy Lysine
 Proline
 Serine
 Tryrosine
8/14/2018 13
Protein Source Limiting amino acid
Wheat Lysine
Rice Lysine
Maize Lysine & Tryptophan
Pulses Methionine(or Cysteine)
None;the reference for
absorbable protein
Milk Or Whey, bovine Methionine(or Cysteine)

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 Synthesis of new protein
 Body Building
 Protective & Regulative Substance like enzyme,
hormones, Antibodies
 Protein as carrier- Hemoglobin
 Energy Giving- 1 gm 4 Kcal

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Group Particular Protein
Man 60
Woman 50
Pregnancy +10
Lactation +20
Infants 0-6 months 2.3-1.8/K.g
7-12months 1.8-1.5/K.g

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Children 1 year 17
2 year 18
3 year 20
4-6 years 22
7-9 years 33
10-12 years 41
Adolescents 13-15 years Boy 55

13-15 years Girl 50

16-18 years Boy 60
16-18 years Girls 50

8/14/2018 17
 Two Clinical Forms

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 Important cause of child hood morbidity &
 Two clinical pictures – Kwashiorkor &
Marasmus. Marasmus is more common
 Causes of PEM-
 Inadequate food intake, Low incom,Education
 Infections- Respiratory infections, measles,intestional
 Large family, poor maternal health, failure of lactation,
premature termination of breast feeding, poor
distribution of food within family are other causes of

8/14/2018 19
 First indicator of PEM is Under weight for age
 Marasmus-Low Weight,Dewasting of
Mussules,Wrinkles on skin,Hungry,Infection
 Kwasiorkor-Edema,Liver enlarge, Hair color

Grade III

Grade I
8/14/2018 20
8/14/2018 21
Weight,Dewasting of
Mussules,Wrinkles on
loss &
no fat

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 Edema on face, Hands & Lags

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Infection Sparse
Edema Swollen
Liver enlarge belly
Hair color change
Dermatitis Decreased
Poor Appetite muscle

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Health Promotion
 Health education & distribution of supplements
to pregnant & lactating women
 Promotion of breast feeding
 Family planning & spacing of births
 Food & personal hygiene
 Early diagnosis & treatment of all infection
Specific Protection
 Low-cost High protein & energy rich diet to child
 Immunization
 Food fortification
 Improve family diet

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 Early Diagnosis & Treatment
 Periodic Surveillance
 EDPT of infections & Diarrhea
 Early diagnosis of lag in growth
 Deworming of infested children
 Rehabilitation
 Nutritional Rehabilitation services
 Hospital services
 Follow – up care

8/14/2018 34
 Nature
 Contain Carbon, Hydrogen & Oxygen.
 Classification
 Mono-Saccharides. e.g. Glucose,Fructose,Gelectose
 Di-Saccharides. e.g. Lactose, Maltose, Sucrose
 Poly-Saccharides. E.g. Starch, Dextrin, cellulose ,

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 Dietary Sources
 Cereals, Pulses, Dry Fruits, Sugar, Jegary, roots &
tubers like potato, sweet potato, fruits-banana, dates

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 Function
 Supply energy for body function. 1 gram-4Kcal
 Supply Certain sugar like ribose which constituents
nucleic acid
 Sparing effect on protein
 Fibers plays essential roll in functioning of intestinal
 Adds to the test of diet

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 Disorder
 Excess sugar in diet leads to obesity which connected
with Cardiovascular disorder
 Less Sugar utilization of protein, reduce body weight

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 Nature
 Technically known as Lipids containing Carbon,
Hydrogen & Oxygen
 Lipids are compound of glycerol & fatty acids

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Fatty acids
Saturated Unsaturated
Butyric acid Oleic acid
Caproic acid Linoleic acid
Caprylic acid Linolenic acid
Capric acid Arachidenic acid
Lauric acid
Myristic acid
Palmitic acid
Stearic acid
Arachidic acid
8/14/2018 40
 Dietary sources
Edible vegetable oils,Ghee,oil seeds,millk & Milk
product, Eggs, Fish
30 to 50gm per day
(Not more than 15% calorie from fat in the diet)

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 Function
 Source of energy- 1gm-9 kcal.
 Source of essential fatty acids-
 Protection of body
 Vehicles of fat soluble vitamins-A,D,E,K.
 Palatability
 Satiety value
 Reserve source of energy

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:Deficiency disorder
-Loss of body weight
-Skin disease
:Excessive consumption cause obesity

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In small amounts On a regular basis

Required by
human body

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Water Calcium
soluble Phosphorus
Vit-B1(Thaiemine) Iron
Vit-A,D,E,K Iodine
B9(Folic Acid) Cobalt
B12(Cyanocobalmin) Chromium
Vit- C Selenium
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 Nature
 Complex higher alcohol with unsaturated structural
 Fat soluble
 Heat stable
 Well stored in body (Liver)

8/14/2018 46
 Dietary sources
 Animal sources- As Retinol-Milk & Milk
Product,Eggs,Liver,Pork,Fish liver oil
 Vegetable sources-As Carotene-Yellow & orange
color fruits & vegetabls,Red palm oil, vegetable ghee

8/14/2018 47
 Essential for good vision
 Necessary for reproductive system
 Protecting mucosmembranes
 Helping in immune function
 Necessary for bone formation
 Prevent dry skin
 Anti oxidents

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 Daily requirement
 Adult Men & women-600mcg-Retinol
 Pregnant mother,Adolecent(10-12 yrs)-600mcg
 Lactating mother-950 mcg
 Infant-350 mcg
 Children(1-9 yrs)-400mcg

8/14/2018 49
 Deficiency
 Night blindness
 Bitot spot
 Xerophthelmia
 Keretomalacia
 Dermatosis on skin

8/14/2018 50
 Primary signs:- X1A Conjunctiva Xerosis
X1B Bitot”s spot with Conjunctiva Xerosis
X2 Corneal Xerosis
X3A Corneal Ulceration with Xerosis
X3B Keratomalacia
 Secondary signs:- XN Night blindness only
XB Bitot”s spot only
XF Typical fundus only
XS Corneal scars attributable to
Most common in aged 1-3 years
 Associated risk factors- ignorance, faulty feeding
practices, infections,Meassles,

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 Short Term Action: Large doses of Vita. A
 Medium Term Action: Fortification of
certain foods with Vita. A
 Long Term Action: - Consume green leafy
vegetables, Yellow &
Orange color fruits
& vegetables daily
- promotion of Breast feeding
- Immunization
- improved MCH services

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 Nature
 Activated sterols closely related to cholesterol
 Fat soluble
 Relatively heat stable
 Well stored in body
 Dietary sources
 Fish liver oil, Egg
yolk,sardines,butter,Cream,Vegetable ghee
 Ultraviloet Rays of sun

8/14/2018 55
 Essential for calcium & phosphorous absorption for
formation of teeth & bones
 Essential for growth
 Daily Requirement
 Infant & Children-10mcg(400IU)
 Pregnant & Lactating Mother-10mcg(400IU)
 Adult Man & Woman-2.5mcg(100IU)

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 Deficiency-RICKETS in children
 Causes disturbances in metabolism of Ca.& P.
 In adults osteomalacia
 Excess vit-d –Toxic-calcification & damage to
kidney muscular weakness, nausea.

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& osteomalasia

8/14/2018 58
 Nature
 A pyrimidine thiozol compound Having Sulphur
 Water soluble
 Heat labile, poor stored in body
 Dietary sources
 Lean pork,Peanuts,dried peas & beans,
liver, chicken, green beans, Whole cereals &

8/14/2018 59
 Daily Requirement
 0.5mg per per day)
 Deficiency diseases
 Infantile beriberi
 Wet beriberi
 Dry beriberi

8/14/2018 60
 Cardiac beriberi (wet beriberi)
edema & cardiovascular symptoms
Dry beriberi
numbness, burning sensation, muscles
tenderness, loss of wt.,loss of
Infantile beriberi
cardiac failure & ultimate death.

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 Nature
 Flavin compound, Yellowish green fluorescence
 Water soluble, Heat stable
 Detoration when exposed to light
 Dietary sources
 Liver, lean meat, egg yolk,
buttermilk,whole grain.

8/14/2018 64
 Function
 Production of co-enzyme for proper utilization of
 Help in oxidative process of living cell
 To form enzyme flavo protein

 Daily Requirement
 0.6mg/ 1-2-3mg/day)

8/14/2018 65
 Inflammation of lips
 Angular stomasis
 Dermatitis of nasolabial folds
 Phtophobia,burning,itching,irritation of the

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 Nature
 Organic compound related to nicotine
 Heat stable, Water soluble
 Dietary Sources
 Liver,meat,leanbeef,milk,egg
yolk,spinach,lettuce,green cabbage, green
peas,soyabeans,groundnutt,Whol cereals & pulses,
Niger seeds.

8/14/2018 69
 Function
 A constituent of co-enzyme
 Necessary for health of epithelium & nervous system
 Requirement
 6.6mg/

8/14/2018 70
 Dermatitis,stmatitis,diarrhoea,Sunbur
 Mild redness,sorness & smoothness of
toung & mouth, ulceration
 Nausea & vomiting
 Mentally not concentrated

8/14/2018 71
 Water soluble, Heat labile.
 Dietary sources
 Liver,green,spinach,GLV,Soyabeans
 Function
 Necessary for red blood cell formation & assist vit-
B12 function in this process
 Essential component in DNA Synthesis
 Essential for growth

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 Deficiency
 Pernicious anemia
 Poor growth in children
 Depression, Mental confusion
 Excessive intake associated with
gastrointestinal problem

8/14/2018 73
 Nature
 Sparingly soluble in water
 Stable to heat
 Red-pink color with cobalt element
 Dietary sources
 Liver, egg, meat, fish,& milk
 Requirement
 1.0mcg/day for adults
 Lactating mother-1.5mcg/day

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 Function
 Development of D.N.A
 Co-enzyme in amino acid(metionine) metabolism
 Building in epithelial tissue
 Promotes maluratin of red blood cell
 Utilized in formation of white blood cells &
blood platelets.
 Deficiency
 Megaloblastic anemia

8/14/2018 75
 Nature
 Alaetone haxuronic acid
 Water soluble, Heat labile, Poorly stored in the body
 Dietary sources
 All citrus fruit,spinach,cabbage,cucumber,
guava,drumstic, coriander leaves amla,& germinated
cereals & pulses
 Requirement
 Adult-40mg/day
 Lactating mother-80mg/day

8/14/2018 76
 Function
 Important for healthy immune system
 Essential for collagen formation 7 healthy
 Facilitates iron absorption
 Helps in wound healing
 Acts as antioxidants

8/14/2018 77
 Deficiency
 Leads to scurvy Excessive bleeding, loose gums &
 Inflammation of joints & edema
 Reduce risk of heart attack, cancer.

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 Weakness,Anamia,swelling of gums &
multiple hemorrages,joint effusion

8/14/2018 79
 Dietary sources
 Milk & Milk
Apple,Bajra,Jowar,Pulses,Sesame seeds etc.
 Function
 Bone & teeth formation,
 Cell transport
 Require for nerve cell transport
 Essential for muscle contraction
 Important for blood clotting

8/14/2018 80
 Requirement
 Adult-400mg /day
 P/L mother-1000mg/day
 Children-400-600mg/day
 Deficiency
 Osteoporosis(Thining of bones)
 Rickets in children
 Tiredness & muscular dysfunction
 Excess calcium causes kidney disease &
development of kidney stones.

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Iron is an essential micronutrient in human nutrition.

Iron is necessary for :

1. Formation of Haemoglobin

2. Development & function of brain

3. Regulation of body temperature

4. Muscle activity

5. Acts as cofactor for many enzymes

Lack of Iron directly affects the immune system. It

diminishes the number of T- cells and production of
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Iron is essential for binding of oxygen to the blood

cells i. e. RBCs.

The main function of Iron is :

Oxygen Transport


Cell respiration.

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Sources of IRON

Animal Plant
Source Source

Haem Iron Non - Hem Iron

Better absorbed Less absorbed

Meat , liver , Cereals , GLV, Legumes , Nuts,

poultry, fish Oil seeds , Jagerry & dried fruits.

Hem iron also promotes absorption

of non hem Iron
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•Iron absorption is more when there is increased
demand for Iron; e.g. pregnancy.

•Only a small fraction (5 to 10 % ) of the total

iron in the diet is absorbed.

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Regulation of Iron

The body has no mechanisms specifically designed to

excrete iron.

Normal losses that occur through the gut or skin are very

•Regulation of total body iron therefore occurs through

regulation of the absorption of Iron.

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Total dietary Iron intake ( 28 mg/day)

Haem Iron Non Haem Iron

10% of Dietary Enhancers

Iron is absorbed
Iron absorbed from gut
( 2.8 mg/day )

Total body Iron (3 - 4 g )

Haemoglobin Iron stores (5 % )
Circulatory iron Myoglobin (20% )

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It is a condition in which haemoglobin

level in the blood falls below a standard

value which is age - sex specific .

Normal Anaemic
Reduced Oxygen
blood blood
carrying capacity

8/14/2018 88

deficient Poor absorption of Iron Blood Loss /
Iron available in the diet Increased
demand of Iron

Absence of Iron
absorption Enhancers Hookworm infestation
 Cereals based diet
 Less consumption Presence of Iron Malaria,Typhoid
of Iron rich diet absorption Inhibitors Juondic,
Poor bioavailability of Start of menstruation
Iron in Diet During Childhood &
Deficiency of Vit.C,B12,&
folic acid Frequent Pregnancy

8/14/2018 89
 Hemoglobin content of blood is lower than
 Most frequent cause- Iron deficiency
 Less frequent cause – Follate or Vita. B12
 Increase risk of maternal & foetal mortality
& morbidity due to Anaemia

8/14/2018 90

Nearly 50 % population of India is suffering from anaemia

6 out of 10 adolescent girls

( 60% adolescent girls )

7 out of 10 children below

5 yrs
( 70% Children )

8 out of 10 pregnant women

( 80% pregnant women )
8/14/2018 91

Lab Diagnosis :
By estimation of haemoglobin in blood

Cut off figures of haemoglobin levels below which Anaemia is

indicated :

Group Age Hb ( gm/dl of blood )

Children 6 months to 6 years 11
6 years to 14 years 12
Adult Males 13
Females 12
Pregnant Women 11

8/14/2018 92
Clinical Diagnosis :

Anaemia can not always be diagnosed through lab

diagnosis because of non - availability of facilities,

particularly in rural areas.

Therefore, some of the following symptoms and signs may

help to suspect anaemia.

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1. Excessive tiredness

2. Breathlessness on slight exertion

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Pale and lusterless eyes Spoon shaped nails

Oedema of feet Pallor tongue

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A. In Children

1. Deterioration in school performance.

2. School absenteeism.

3. Impaired brain development .

4. Mental irritability.

5. Retarded growth.

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B. In Adolescent Girls

1. Fatigue and tiredness

2. Lack of interest in regular activities

3. Lack of concentration, which leads to poor

performance in school

4. Poor appetite

8/14/2018 97
5. Poor overall growth

6. Delayed menstruation

7. Less ability to prevent infections

8. When anaemic adolescent girls get married and

become pregnant, they run the risk of being more

anaemic , which can have adverse effects on both,

the mother and the child .

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C. In Pregnant Women

1. Birth of low birth weight babies.

2. High infant mortality.

3. High maternal mortality.

4. Impaired cognitive development in newborn

Pregnant women, thus, form the highest

risk group calling for urgent interventions.

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Control of Anaemia

Long Term Medium Term Short Term

measures measures measures

Dietary Food Iron

Modifications Fortification Supplementation

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1. Regular dietary intake of iron and folic

acid rich foods such as :

Green leafy vegetables,

Cereals like wheat, jowar, bajra, pulses ( especially

sprouted ones ),


Roasted bengal gram, etc.

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3. Iron absorption enhancers -

Intake of vitamin C rich foods like lemon, amla, guava,

orange, germinated foods etc in diet enhances the

absorption of iron.

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4. Iron absorption inhibitors – ‘ Tannins ’ present in

tea and coffee are the most potent inhibitors of iron

absorption. Taking tea or coffee along with meals

greatly reduces the absorption of iron.

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 Interventions
1. Iron and folic acid supplementation :
Dosage : Mothers – one tab. Daily
60 mg elemental iron +
0.5mg folic acid
Children- one tab daily
60 mg elemental iron +
0.5mg folic acid
2.Iron fortification
3.Other strategities – Control of parasites,
Nutritional education
4.Iron Rich Food
5.Public health measure-Control of Malaria
-Control of Hook worm
-Safe drinking water
-Personal hygiene & Sanitation.
8/14/2018 104
Loss, Phytate, Oxalate, Carbonate, Phosphate, Dietary Fibres, Milk, Tea, Eggs,
Or Interfere with iron Absorption.
Absorption Ascorbic acid increases absorption.
Total Daily Iron loss through haemorrhage & Basal loss through urine, sweat,
bile, surface cells.
Adult Male – 1 mg.
Mens. Female – 2 mg.

Absorption Duodenum & Small intestine in ferrous state.

& Absorbed Iron is transported as plasma ferritin and stored in liver, spleen,
Transport kidney and bone marrow.

Age & Gender Absorption Intake
Healthy Adult Male – 0.9 mg. 28 mg/day
Female (Mens.) – 2.8 mg 30 mg/day
Pregnant Women First Half – 0.8 mg. 38 mg/day
Second Half – 3.5 mg
Lactating Mother 2.4 mg. 38 mg/day
Children 1.0 mg. 26 mg/day

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 Iodine deficiency causes Goiter & cretinism
 The IQ Score of children less 13 points
 Implication of loss of IQ
poor scholastic performance, frequent
failure/Grad repititions/Abseteeism,Dropouts
 Daily Requirement – 150 microgram
 Iodization of salt is best prophylactic measure

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Enlarged Thyroid Gland

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Thyroid Gland


8/14/2018 110
• Endemic Cretinism
• Note normal man and three adult
women with cretinism:
• Short stature
• Protuberant abdomen
• Swollen features

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 Excessive amounts of fluorine(3-5mg/L) in
drinking water causes fluorosis
 Toxic manifestation –
 Dental Fluorosis
 Skeletal Fluorosis
 Interventions –
 Changing the water source
 Chemical treatment
 Avoid fluoride tooth paste

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