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4th hour 1st quarter

Vocab slide show

10th grade English

You will provide:
● The definition
● The word used in a sentence with LOTS of context clues
● A synonym
● An antonym
● The part of speech
● A visual

Definition- belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious

Part of speech- Noun

Synonym- dissent

Antonym- Agreement

Sentence- It is heresy to steal because the church thinks

it is wrong.

Definition: Crafty deceit; Craftiness; Sly tricks

Part of Speech: Noun

Synonym: Cunning

Antonym: Honest

Sentence: In order to get away from the police, the criminal used his guile and
quick thinking to get away.

Definition: Deep, painful regret for having done wrong.

Part of Speech: Noun

Synonym: Regret

Antonym: Happiness, Indifference

Sentence: He felt remorse when the harmless prank went too far.

definition:Lack of emotion or feeling

Part of speech: Noun

Synonym:Lack of interest

Antonym: Interested

Sentence: Susan was very bored at school, she showed a lot of apathy.
Definition- stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion or action

Part of speech- Adjective

Synonym- Stubborn, Headstrong

Antonym- angelic

Sentence- She was being obstinate against her mother when she tried taking
her phone.

Definition: To admit to something that is true.

Part of Speech: Verb

Synonyms: admit, allow

Antonyms: decline,disagree

Sentence: I had to concede that I overreacted.


Definition- Statement that may be true

but seems to say the opposite.

Part of speech- noun

Synonym- contradictory, opposites

Antonym- normal, usual

Herein lies the paradox which is also the

deepest truth of our spiritual life.

Definition: Existing in a person from birth

Part of speech: Adjective

Synonym: Natural, inborn

Antonym: Artificial

Sentence: Todd has the innate ability to run for hours.


Def: Without flaw

Part of Speech: Adj

Syn: Perfect

Antonym: Wrongdoing

Sen: The impeccable book had a great theme.


Definition- belonging to a person or thing as a permanent and essential quality

or attribute

Part of speech- adj

Synonym- built-in

Antonym- extra

There was an inherent weakness in the design.

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