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Americans spend Billions of
Dollars every year on Diet &
Health Fads, but we are still
the most over-weight and
malnourished country in the
Western World!
"   "
"$ 4%
    &  & 
°eens give the following reasons for dieting:
Ñ èAll the magazine models are super thin and I
want to look like them´ (Not really ± photo shop!).
Ñ è any of my friends are on diets and I have to
diet also to fit in and join their discussions.´

Ñ èI want to look good for the dance.´

Ñ èI need to diet to make my

wrestling weight.´

Ñ è°he ° ads promise amazing results of

popularity and an exciting new life!´

|  # 
˜verfed å ˜verweight
Under- or Incorrectly Fed å Undernourished
Leads to:
Less ˜ptimal School Performance
Diabetes (type 2)
Cardio ascular Disease (CD) Risk
Eating Disorders -> Sometimes Death!
¢ |  ¢



Be Smart -
Know the Facts &
Do What 4 
"#˜ " " #D
Ñ ‰    
  struggle with
dieting, body image, and eating
Ñ any normal weight, and even some
underweight teens feel pressure to be
Ñ When they want to lose weight, teens
tend to use unhealthy, ineffective, and
sometimes dangerous diets.
Did You Know??
°een Diet Fads Don¶t Work!
such as:
å Starving or Skipping 1-2 eals per day;
å °aking Diet Pills, Powders, or Lots of Herbs;
å ˜mitting Sugars, Fats, or Carbohydrate;
å °aking Laxatives or omiting Up eals.

å Research on illions of °eens & Adults show:

Y˜U ! ! !

˜    ' ()
˜ur bodies
and nutritional
needs come
from our
ancestors who
 +(, * -"
˜ur ancestors wandered around
in the wilderness hunting for meat
and collecting berries, roots, nuts,
grains, etc« °hey ate small amounts
continuously throughout the day as
they wandered and searched.

6 Your body is designed for frequent,

6 but small feedings of fruits, meats,
6 nuts, veggies & grains to do its BES°!
Wood represents Food Feeding the Fire;
Fire represents the Calories burned by the Body.

°he more Wood you Feed a Fire, the FAS°ER it Burns;

the more often you EA° small amounts of food, the
Quicker your body BURNS Calories & in Greater
When you Stop Feeding Wood to the Fire,
it Quits Burning
When you Stop Feeding Your Body
ultiple °imes Per Day, it Quits
Burning Calories to Protect You from
Starvation that looks like this:




You don¶t lose much weight after a few
days of skipping
1-2 meals a day
or cutting out all
carbs, sugars, or
fats, and you feel
hungry and irritable (Your body is protesting
this abuse!).
6 You have difficulty
concentrating on anything
but F˜˜D (schoolwork -> BLAH!);

6 You don¶t have enough energy

and feel tired or sad/depressed.

6 Your hair becomes dull and

stringy & your skin can become
dried out and wrinkled.
). )D" D˜) #|"
Ñ ˜ptimal nutrition is necessary for
optimal intellectual functioning.
Ñ Zinc and iron (along with other
nutrients) are critically important
to brain function.
Ñ Sub-optimal nutrition can
affect academic performance
and even IQ scores.
)D" D˜) #|"


#*  "
Ñ Kids who avoid milk are more
likely to be overweight and
to have bone fractures.
Ñ Higher milk intake in chi is
teens is associated
with lower body fat.
Ñ ˜verweight teenagers have more
school absences than children
with a healthy weight.
Ñ Seriously overweight teens report a
lower quality of life.

Ñ Weight-related teasing is one major

cause of bullying at school.
Ñ °ype 2 diabetes - once a disease of people
over 40 - has become increasingly
common among children (as young as 9
and 10).
Ñ °he Center for Disease Control (CDC)
estimates that è        

 0 1 
Ñ °eens with type 2 diabetes have
more school absences.
Ñ Fluctuating blood sugar levels
contribute to poor behavior and
other school problems.
Ñ Kids with type 2 diabetes need more
intensive nursing services and are
sometimes restricted on sugar intake.
¢  ˜ (4    
Ñ ˜ne-third of all kids who are over-weight
have a sleep disorder called ˜bstructive
Sleep Apnea (˜SA).
Ñ °his causes kids to Snore and Stop
Breathing many times per night in sleep.
Ñ ˜SA can cause daytime tiredness, poorer
school performance, sometimes behavior
problems (irritability and aggression), and
inattention or poor concentration in school.
˜ (4   |  # 

Ñ Being over-weight often results in

high blood pressure and high
cholesterol, which frequently leads
to CD over time & Heart Attacks.
Ñ any more health problems and
medical expenses.
Ñ Shorter Life Span.
What are the Solutions?

It isn¶t a YS°ERY:

Healthy Eating
Habits & Fitness
How °o Stay Fit, Healthy, & Attractive:
Ñ Eat Breakfast & at least a salad and
piece of fruit at lunchtime every day to
keep your body burning the calories to
power your brain.
Ñ Eat your evening meal before 6:30 ± 7:00
Ñ Eat 4-6 times per day, but
smaller portions.
Ñ Smart, healthy snacks.
How °o Stay Fit, Healthy, & Attractive:
Ñ Eat more Fruits, eggies, Grains,
& ilk Products than Sugars,
Fats, & Carbohydrates, but your
body needs a variety of all of
these foods.
Ñ Eat Fruits & eggies of different colors
to get a variety of vitamins from A to Z !
What If You Dislike egetables??

Ñ Anyone can learn to like vegetables. By eating a

little of the same vegetable 1-2 times a month your
taste buds will get used to it after a half year and
you will start enjoying it more and more.
Ñ If this doesn¶t work, camouflage the vegetables in
your mashed potatoes, in a stew, or on a pizza so
you don¶t taste much of them.
Ñ Drink Lots of Liquids, Especially Water,
ilk & Healthy, Natural Fruit Juices.
Ñ If you want to stay Slim, Fit, & Healthy,
S°AY AWAY from from Regular or Diet
Sodas & High Energy Drinks with lots of
Ñ New research claims that diet drinks & diet
food containing Aspartame increases your
appetite & may cause damage to your
nervous system & possibly brain tumors.
Ñ Your body also must have protein in
some form to grow and develop
muscles (the leanest meats are usually
things like fish, chicken and wild game
(elk, deer, bison, etc«).
Ñ Baked and grilled meats w/o sauces are
usually healthier than fried meats and
fried vegetables (many fast foods are
fried in heavy oils & have lots of
¢    |  /
Exercise goes hand-in-hand with
good food choices to be FI°, burn
ore Calories & Look Your Best!
#D#2#! |) 
Ñ 64.2 percent of Youth did not meet current
activity recommendations.
Ñ 9.6 percent had not been active during the
past 7 days.
Ñ 45.8 percent did not attend
physical education classes.
Ñ 77.0 percent did not attend physical
education classes daily.
Ñ 37.2 percent watched 3 or more hours of °
on an average school day.
Ñ Excessive screen time undermines
student's education.
Ñ Research supports a connection
between being active and
improved brain performance.
Ñ Students who achieve more
fitness standards tend to score
higher on standardized tests
Ñ ake sure your exercise
is something you enjoy so
you will stick with it.
Ñ ary your physical activities

so you don¶t get bored & quit.

Ñ Do physical education or

other physical activity daily.

Ñ Do some stretching and bending a
few times a week to stay flexible
and prevent injuries.
Attractiveness & Fitness
are Easier than you think!
Ñ No need to °orture
Your Body or Suffer.

Ñ Just Do What 4 !

˜˜" #D"
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