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Is how people relate to the world by acquiring and using

things and by relating to self and others, and they can do
so either nonproductively or productively. Erich Fromm is
a theorist who came up with six different character
orientations: Receptive, Exploitative, Hoarding,
Necrophilous, Marketing and Productive.
• Receptive Orientation- is characterized by a need for constant
support from others. They tend to be passive, needy, and
totally dependent upon others. These people require constant
support from family, friends and others, but they do not
reciprocate their support
• Exploitative Orientation- is willing to lie, cheat and
manipulate others in order to get what they need. In order to
fulfill their need to belong, they might seek out people who
have low-esteem or lie about loving someone they don’t
really care about. These types take what they need either
through force or deception and exploit other people to meet
their own selfish needs.
• Hoarding Orientation- copes with insecurity by never parting
with anything. They often collect massive amount of
possessions and often seem to care more about their material
possessions than they do about people.
• Marketing Orientation- looks at relationships in terms of
what they can gain from the exchange. They might focus on
marrying someone for money or social status and tend to
have shallow and anxious personalities. These types tend to
be opportunistic and change their beliefs and values
depending on what they think will get them ahead.
• Productive Orientation- is a person who takes their negative
feelings and channels the energy into productive work. They
focus on building loving, nurturing, and meaningful
relationships with other people.
Personality Disorder
(PD) are a class of mental disorders characterized by enduring maladaptive
patterns of behavior, cognition, and inner experience, exhibited across many
context and deviating from those accepted individual’s culture.
Other Personality Type:
• Paranoid personality disorder
• Schizoid personality disorder
• Schizotypal personality disorder
• Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)
• Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
• Histrionic personality disorder
• Narcissistic personality disorder
• Avoidant (or anxious) personality disorder
• Dependent personality disorder
• Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCDP)
Is a way to help people with broad variety of mental illnesses
and emotional difficulties. It can help eliminate troubling
symptoms so a person can function better and can increase well-
being and healing.
Types of Psychotherapy:
-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
-Interpersonal Therapy
-Dialectial Behavior Therapy
-Psychodynamic Therapy
-Supportive Therapy

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