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• Shock; is the clinical syndrome that results from inadequate tissue

• Irrespective of cause, the hypoperfusion-induced imbalance between the
delivery of and requirements for oxygen and substrate leads to cellular
• The cellular injury created by the inadequate delivery of oxygen and substrates
also induces the production and release of damage-associated molecular
patterns (DAMPs or “danger signals”) and inflammatory mediators that
further compromise perfusion through functional and structural
changes within the microvasculature.
• This leads to a vicious cycle in which impaired perfusion is responsible for
cellular injury that causes maldistribution of blood flow, further compromising
cellular perfusion; the latter ultimately causes multiple organ failure (MOF)
and, if the process is not interrupted, leads to death.
• The clinical manifestations of shock are also the result, in part, of autonomic
neuroendocrine responses to hypoperfusion as well as the breakdown in organ
function induced by severe cellular dysfunction
• Cardiogenic shock (CS) is characterized by systemic
hypoperfusion due to severe depression of the
cardiac index (<2.2 [L/min]/m2) and sustained
systolic arterial hypotension (<90 mmHg) despite
an elevated filling pressure (pulmonary capillary
wedge pressure [PCWP] >18 mmHg).
• It is associated with in-hospital mortality rates
 Etiology
• Causes of cardiogenic shock
 RV failure due to:
Acute myocardial infarction
Acute cor pulmonale
Refractory sustained bradyarrhythmias
Pericardial tamponade
Severe acidosis, severe hypoxemia
Etiology continued..
• Causes of both Cardiogenic shock or pulmonary edema
• Acute myocardial infarction/ischemia
• Hemorrhage
• Refractory sustained tachyarrhythmias
• Acute fulminant myocarditis
• End-stage cardiomyopathy
• Takotsubo’s cardiomyopathy
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with severe outflow obstruction
• Aortic dissection with aortic insufficiency or tamponade
• Severe valvular heart disease
• Toxic/metabolic
• β blocker or calcium channel antagonist overdose
• The rate of CS complicating acute MI was 20% in the 1960s,
stayed at ~8% for >20 years, but decreased to 5–7% in the
first decade of this millennium largely due to increasing use
of early reperfusion therapy for acute MI.
• Shock is more common with ST elevation MI
(STEMI) than with non-ST elevation MI
• LV failure accounts for ~80% of cases of CS complicating
acute MI.
• Acute severe mitral regurgitation (MR), ventricular septal
rupture (VSR), predominant right ventricular (RV) failure,
and free wall rupture or tamponade account for the
Risk factors
Older age
 female sex
 prior MI
 diabetes
 anterior MI location
 and extensive coronary artery stenoses are associated with
an increased risk of CS complicating MI.
 Shock associated with a first inferior MI should prompt
a search for a mechanical cause.
CS may rarely occur in the absence of significant
stenosis, as seen in LV apical ballooning/Takotsubo’s
Shock is present on admission in only one-quarter of
patients who develop CS complicating MI;
one-quarter develop it rapidly thereafter, within 6 h of
MI onset.
Another quarter develop shock later on the first day.
Subsequent onset of CS may be due to reinfarction,
marked infarct expansion, or a mechanical complication.
 Most patients have dyspnea and appear pale, apprehensive, and
diaphoretic, and mental status may be altered.
 The pulse is typically weak and rapid, often in the range of 90–110
beats/min, or
 severe bradycardia due to high-grade heart block may be present.
 Systolic BP is reduced (<90 mmHg or ≥30 mmHg below baseline)
with a narrow pulse pressure (<30 mmHg), but occasionally BP may
be maintained by very high systemic vascular resistance.
 Tachypnea, Cheyne-Stokes respirations, and jugular venous
distention may be present.
 There is typically a weak apical pulse and soft S1, and an S3 gallop
may be audible.
 Acute, severe MR and VSR usually are associated
with characteristic systolic murmurs
 Rales are audible in most patients with LV failure.
 Oliguria is common.
Laboratory findings
 WBCis typically elevated with a left shift.
 Renal function is initially unchanged, but BUN & creatinine rise
 Hepatic transaminases may be markedly elevated due to liver
 The lactic acid level is elevated.
 Arterial blood gases usually demonstrate hypoxemia and anion gap
metabolic acidosis, which may be compensated by respiratory
 Cardiac markers, creatine phosphokinase and its MB fraction, and
troponins I and T are typically markedly elevated.
• CXR:
 The chest x-ray typically shows pulmonary vascular congestion and
often pulmonary edema, but these findings may be absent in up to
a third of patients.
 The heart size is usually normal when CS results from a first MI but
is enlarged when it occurs in a patient with a previous MI.
• Echocardiography: invaluable
• ECG:
 CS due to acute MI with LV failure, Q waves
and/or >2-mm ST elevation in multiple leads or left
bundle branch block are usually present.
More than one-half of all infarcts associated
with shock are anterior.
 Global ischemia due to severe left main stenosis usually
is accompanied by severe (e.g., >3 mm) ST depressions
in multiple leads.
Investigations …..
• Its use with established or suspected CS is controversial
• Generally recommended for measurement of filling pressures and cardiac
output to confirm the diagnosis and to optimize the use of IV fluids, inotropic
agents, and vasopressors in persistent shock
• O2 saturation measurement from right atrial, RV, and pulmonary arterial blood
samples can rule out a left-to-right shunt.
• In CS, low mixed venous O2 saturations and elevated arteriovenous (AV) O2
differences reflect low cardiac index and high fractional O2 extraction.
• However, when sepsis accompanies CS, AV O2 differences may not be elevated
The PCWP is elevated.
• Use of sympathomimetic amines may return these measurements and the
systemic BP to normal. Systemic vascular resistance may be low, normal, or
elevated in CS.
• Equalization of right- and left-sided filling pressures (right atrial and PCWP)
suggests cardiac tamponade as the cause of CS.
• Left heart catheterization and coronary
• Measurement of LV pressure and definition of the
coronary anatomy provide useful information and are
indicated in most patients with CS complicating MI.
• Cardiac catheterization should be performed when there
is a plan and capability for immediate coronary
intervention (see below) or when a definitive diagnosis
has not been made by other tests.
• General principles
• maintaining adequate systemic and coronary perfusion by raising
systemic BP with vasopressors and
• adjusting volume status to a level that ensures optimum LV filling
• There is interpatient variability, but the values that generally
are associated with adequate perfusion are systolic BP ~90 mmHg
or mean BP >60 mmHg and PCWP >20 mmHg.
• Hypoxemia and acidosis must be corrected; most patients require
ventilatory support (see “Pulmonary Edema,” below). Negative
inotropic agents should be discontinued and the doses of renally
cleared medications adjusted.
• Hyperglycemia should be controlled with insulin. Bradyarrhythmias
may require transvenous pacing. Recurrent ventricular tachycardia
or rapid atrial fibrillation may require immediate treatment
• Vassopresors
• Norepinephrine is a potent vasoconstrictor and inotropic
stimulant that is useful for patients with CS.
• As first line of therapy norepinephrine was associated with
fewer adverse events, including arrhythmias, compared to a
dopamine randomized trial of patients
• although it did not significantly improve survival compared to
dopamine, its relative safety suggests that norepinephrine is
reasonable as initial vasopressor therapy.
• Norepinephrine should be started at a dose of 2 to 4 μg/
min and titrated upward as necessary. If systemic perfusion or
systolic pressure cannot be maintained at >90 mmHg with a
dose of 15 μg/min, it is unlikely that a further increase will be
• Dopamine
• has varying hemodynamic effects based on the dose;
at low doses (≤ 2 μg/kg per min), it dilates the renal vascular bed,
although its outcome benefits at this low dose have not been
demonstrated conclusively;
• at moderate doses (2–10 μg/kg per min), it has positive chronotropic
and inotropic effects as a consequence of β-adrenergic receptor
• At higher doses, a vasoconstrictor effect results from α-receptor
stimulation. It is started at an infusion rate of 2–5 μg/kg per min, and
the dose is increased every 2–5 min to a maximum of 20–50 μg/kg per
• Dobutamine
• is a synthetic sympathomimetic amine with positive inotropic action
and minimal positive chronotropic activity at low doses (2.5 μg/kg per
min) but moderate chronotropic activity at higher doses. Although
the usual dose is up to 10 μg/kg per min, its vasodilating activity
precludes its use when a vasoconstrictor effect is required.

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