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When waves interact with
matter, they can be
reflected, transmitted, or a
combination of both. Waves
that are transmitted can be
Light doesn’t travel through a
mirror, but is returned by the
mirror’s surface. These waves are

When waves strike the surface of

a medium at an angle, their
direction changes. These waves
are refracted.

Usually waves are partly reflected

and partly refracted when they fall
on a transparent medium.
The return of a wave back to its original
medium is called reflection.
The wall is a very rigid medium
compared with the spring, so all the
wave energy is reflected back along
the spring.
Waves that travel along the spring are
almost totally reflected at the wall.
If the wall is replaced with a less rigid
medium, such as a heavy spring, some
energy is transmitted into the new medium.
Some of the wave energy is still reflected.
The incoming wave is partially reflected.
A metal surface is rigid to light waves that
shine upon it.
Light energy does not propagate into the
metal, but instead is returned in a reflected

This is why metals such as silver and

aluminum are so shiny. They reflect almost all
the frequencies of visible light.
Materials such as glass and water are not as
rigid to light waves.
• When light shines perpendicularly on the
surface of still water, about 2% of its
energy is reflected and the rest is
• When light strikes glass perpendicularly,
about 4% of its energy is reflected.
• Except for slight losses, the rest is
Incident rays and reflected rays make equal angles
with a line perpendicular to the surface, called the
• The angle between the incident ray and the
normal is the angle of incidence.
• The angle between the reflected ray and the
normal is the angle of reflection.
• Angle of incidence = Angle of reflection
The Law of Reflection
If you look at your blue shirt in a mirror, what is the
color of its image? What does this tell you about
the frequency of light incident upon a mirror
compared with the frequency of the light after it is

The color of the image will be the same as the
color of the object because the frequency of light is
not changed by reflection.
Visible light that reflects from a
sheet of paper is diffusely
Rays of light incident on paper
encounter millions of tiny flat
surfaces facing in all
directions, so they are
reflected in all directions.
Diffuse reflection allows us to
read the page from any
direction or position. We see
most of the things around us
by diffuse reflection.
Diffuse reflection allows us to see most things around us.
a. Light is diffusely reflected from paper in many directions.
Diffuse reflection allows us to see most things around us.
a. Light is diffusely reflected from paper in many
b. Light incident on a smooth mirror is only reflected in
one direction.
Material a adalah air dan material b adalah
kaca dengan indeks refraksi 1,52. Jika sinar
masuk membuat sudut 60o dengan normal.
Carilah arah sinar yang direfleksikan dan
arah sinar yang direfraksikan
Dua cermin dipasang tegak
lurus satu sama lain. Sebuah
sinar berjalan dalam sebuah
bidang yang tegak lurus
terhadap kedua cermin
direfleksikan dari satu cermin,
kemudian direfleksikan ke cermin
yang lain,
seperti pada gambar. Kemanakah arah
akhir sinar itu dipantulkan
Seberkas sinar cahaya mempunyai panjang
gelombang sebesar 650 nm dalam ruang
a. Berapa laju cahaya ini dalam sebuah
cairan yang indeks refraksinya pada
panjang gelombang ini adalah 1,47?
b. Berapa panjang gelombang dari
gelombang ini dalam cairan itu?
Seberkas sinar cahaya yang paralel dalam
udara membentuk sudut sebesar 47,5o
dengan permukaan sebuah pelat kaca yang
mempunyai indeks refraksi sebesar 1,66.
a. Berapakah sudut antara bagian yang
direfleksikan dari sinar itu dan permukaan
kaca tersebut?
b. Berapakah sudut antara sinar yang
direfraksikan dengan permukaan kaca
Setelah sepanjang hari mengendarai mobil, anda
berenang pada waktu larut malam dalam sebuah
kolam renang motel. Ketika anda pergi ke kamar,
anda menyadari bahwa anda telah kehilangan
kunci kamar anda dalam kolam itu.anda meminjam
sebuah senter yang bersinar sangat terang dan
berjalan mengitari kolam itu. Dengan
mennyorotkan cahaya ke dasar kolam tersebut.
Cahaya itu menyinari kunci, yang terletak si dasar
kolam, ketika senter dipegang 1,2 m di atas
permukaan air dan diarahkan pada permukaan itu
dengan jarak horizontal 1,5 m dari tepi kolam. Jika
kedalaman air adalah 4 m, seberapa jauhkah
kunci itu dari tepi kolam?
Total Internal Reflection

Total internal reflection occurs

when the angle of incidence is
larger than the critical angle.
• Beyond the critical angle (48° from the
normal in water), the beam cannot enter the
air; it is only reflected.

• The beam is experiencing total internal

reflection, which is the complete reflection of
light back into its original medium.

• Total internal reflection occurs when the

angle of incidence is larger than the critical
a-d. Light emitted in the water at angles below the
critical angle is partly refracted and partly reflected at
the surface.
a-d. Light emitted in the water at angles below the
critical angle is partly refracted and partly reflected at
the surface.
e. At the critical angle, the emerging beam skims the
a-d. Light emitted in the water at angles below the
critical angle is partly refracted and partly reflected at
the surface.
e. At the critical angle, the emerging beam skims the
f. Past the critical angle, there is total internal
The critical angle for glass is about 43°, depending on
the type of glass.

This means that within the glass, rays of light that are
more than 43° from the normal to a surface will be
totally internally reflected.

Total internal reflection is as the name implies: total—


Mirrors reflect only 90 to 95% of incident light, so

prisms are used instead of mirrors in many optical
Shine bright like a diamond!
Total Internal Reflection in Diamonds
The critical angle for a diamond is 24.6°,
smaller than in other common substances.

This small critical angle means that light inside

a diamond is more likely to be totally internally
reflected than to escape.

All light rays more than 24.6° from the normal

to a surface in a diamond are kept inside by
total internal reflection.
In a cut diamond, light that enters at one facet is
usually totally internally reflected several times,
without any loss in intensity.
It then exits from another facet in another direction.
A small critical angle, plus high refraction, produces
wide dispersion and a wide array of brilliant colors.
The brilliance of diamonds is a result
of total internal reflection.
Sudut kritis untuk refleksi intenal total pada
antarmuka cairan – udara adalah 42.5o
a. Jika sebuah sinar cahaya yang berjalan dalam
cairan itu mempunyai sudut masuk pada
antarmuka sebesar 35o, berapakah sudut yang
dibuat oleh sinar yang direfraksikan itu dalam
udara dengan normal?
b. Jika sebuah sinar cahaya yang berjalan dalam
udara mempunyai sudut masuk pada
antarmuka sebesar 35o, berapakah sudut yang
dibuat oleh sinar yang direfraksikan dalam
cairan itu dengan normal?
Cahaya masuk secara normal pada muka
yang pendek dari sebuah prisma 30o – 60o
– 90o (perhatikan gambar). Selapis cairan
ditempatkan pada ditempatkan pada
hipotenusa prisma itu. Jika indeks refraksi
prisma itu adalah 1,62, carilah indeks
refraksi maksimum yang dapat dimiliki oleh
cairan itu jika cahaya akan direfleksikan
secara total
Sebuah prisma 45o – 45o – 90o dicelupkan
ke dalam air. Sebuah sinar cahaya masuk
secara normal pada salah satu mukanya
yang lebih pendek. Berapakah indeks
refraksi minimum yang harus dipunyai
oleh prisma itu jika sinar ini akan
direfleksikan secara total di dalam kaca itu
pada muka panjang dari prisma?

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