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ganglion cyst

Merupakan non-cancerous lumps filled with fluid (cysts) most

often develop along the tendons or joints of the wrist or hand.
Cyst ganglion may also appear in ft. Cyst ganglion can occur
suddenly or gradually over time.
Cyst ganglion is type tumor
(not cancer) which grow
the form bump, This usually
happen on joints circle

 Cyst ganglion could flourish when body falling or injury,

 Cyst ganglion could happen when there is abnormality on
joints from veil tendons enable network surrounding
appear in outer that cause inflammation,
 The cause of ganglion cysts is not clear.
 Cyst The growth of the joints and seems to occur when the
tissues surrounding the joint or tendon out of place,
Factor risk

 Age
 Type Sex
 History trauma
 Work
 History Disease
Manifestation Clinical

 lumps Enlarged near the wrist or joint finger.

 Round, Chewy, and smooth.
 Containing liquid.
 Size depending on the level of activity of the joint,
becomes larger when moving the affected joints often
grows smaller and when the joint much rested.
 Usually no pain, although in some cases the cysts can
cause pressure on the nerves in the joints that can cause
pain, weakness, or numbness.
Manifestation Clinical

 Cyst ganglion be marked with presence bump or cyst on,

Usually sized wide 1-4 cm and soft, Usually happen
swelling that sometimes cause flavor sick, flavorsick feel
when someone move touch cyst,
 Cyst flourish on end nerve that could cause flavor pins
and needles on part that struck cyst,
diagnosis and Examination

 ultrasound
 anamnesis History
 Examination Physical
Directly hamper : Heksametonium, trimetafan, Pentolinium,
mekamilamin chloride,

 Work mechanism
Working briefly insulate the ganglionic and are petitif.
 Indication
Lowering blood pressure in an emergency, such as pulmonary
edema, or rupture of aortic aneurysm. (This is another
bilaobat can not be used)
 Side effects
Mydriasis, dry mouth, impotence, constipation
Directly hamper : Heksametonium, trimetafan, Pentolinium,
mekamilamin chloride,

 Work mechanism :
Different with retardation by nicotine and methacholine,
effect retardation drug heksametonium not preceded by
stimulation, obstacle this happen in competitive with occupy
reseptornasetilkolin, penglepasan acetylcholine from end fiber
persinaps not in bother,
 Indication
Blocking the nicotinic receptors in ganglion.

 Side effects
Mydriasis, dry mouth, impotence, constipation

 contraindications
- Use with Watch Out on patient allergy
- Do not in Use on patient insufficiency coronary and kidney,
Stimulate then hamper : Nicotine
Directly hamper : Heksametonium, trimetafan, Pentolinium,
mekamilamin chloride,

 Mechanism :
Nicotine work with fish excitation receptor acetylcholine
nicotine (nicAChr) which result release neurotransmitter and
remover sensitivity nicAChr,
 At low doses, nicotine causes ganglion stimulation. In high
doses, nicotine causes inhibition of ganglionic.
 Indication :
Nicotine have character stimulate and at once relaxation, in
physiological, nicotine increase vigilance, decrease irritation,
and make relax tonal muscle framework,
 Effect side :
Tolerance, Dependency,. Hooked well in physical nor
physiological, Nausea, gag (poisoned nicotine in I)
 Dose :
nicotine for adults from 40 to 60 mg

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