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Ms. Ally Kocovic

Do Now
• For each of the following polynomials and equations circle the
highest exponent you see. You may work with the person next to

1. 𝑥 4 + 3𝑥 2 − 9𝑥 −2
2. −19𝑦 5 + 8𝑦 8
3. 𝑦 = 4𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 + 4
What is a polynomial?
• An algebraic expression consisting of
variables and coefficients & constants
Why do we use polynomials?
• They are used to express numbers and equations
• Used for understanding:
• Embeddings of certain classes of curves into certain
• Bounds on a graph
What are the Different Types of Polynomials?

• Monomial – one term

• Example: 2𝑥 4
• Binomial – two terms
• Example: 5𝑎5 − 3𝑎
• Trinomial – three terms
• Example: 3𝑧 3 + 2𝑧 2 + 𝑧
• Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: Any polynomial of degree
n has n roots (may need to use complex numbers).
• Complex Numbers: a combination of a real number and an
imaginary number (𝑖).
−b± b2 −4ac
• Quadratic Formula: x = 2a
How can Polynomials be used in real life?
• Industry- People who work in industries and deal with modeling situations
• Financial planning- For example: a polynomial equation can be used to figure
out the amount of interest that will occur over time
• Constructional planning of materials
• Electronics
• Chemistry
Name the Following Polynomials
(monomial, binomial, trinomial, etc.)
• ________________ 𝑥 3 + 2𝑥
• ________________ −2𝑥 5
• ________________ 3𝑥 − 8 + 4𝑥 5
• ________________ −7𝑎 + 9𝑏 − 4𝑏 3 + 6
• ________________ 8𝑦 + 3𝑧 2 − 9𝑥
Name the Following Polynomials
(monomial, binomial, trinomial, etc.)
• ___BINOMIAL___ 𝑥 3 + 2𝑥
• ___MONOMIAL__ −2𝑥 5
• ___TRINOMIAL__ 3𝑥 − 8 + 4𝑥 5
• 4-TERM POLYNOMIAL −7𝑎 + 9𝑏 − 4𝑏 3 + 6
• ___TRINOMIAL__ 8𝑦 + 3𝑧 2 − 9𝑥
Match the Following Definitions
• ______ Quadratic formula 1. A combination of a real
number & an imaginary number
−𝑏± 𝑏2 −4𝑎𝑐
• ______ Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 2. 𝑥 =
• ______ Complex Numbers 3. Any polynomial of degree
n has n roots
Match the Following Definitions
• __2___ Quadratic formula 1. A combination of a real
number & an imaginary number
−𝑏± 𝑏2 −4𝑎𝑐
• __3___ Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 2. 𝑥 =
• __1___ Complex Numbers 3. Any polynomial of degree
n has n roots

• Worksheet on naming polynomials and defining terms

• Due tomorrow at the start of class!

Exit Ticket
Answering the following questions and hand it in before you leave

• How do you determine the highest term in a polynomial?

• What is one way in which we can use polynomials in real life?

Review from Yesterday

• Why do we study polynomials?

• What can we do with them and to them?

Can we Add Polynomials Together?
• YES!
• Steps:
1. Clear the parentheses
2. Group the same terms (i.e. circle x’s and box y’s)
3. Simplify
Let’s try some together

• 2𝑥 + 4𝑥 − 5

1 1
• 2
𝑦 + 8𝑧 +
𝑦 + 2𝑧

• 5𝑥 3 + 7𝑣 2 − 8 + (4𝑥 3 + 3𝑣 2 + 2)
If we can Add, we can Subtract!

• 2𝑥 − 4𝑥 − 5

1 1
• 2
𝑦 + 8𝑧 −
𝑦 + 2𝑧

• 5𝑥 3 + 7𝑣 2 − 8 − (4𝑥 3 + 3𝑣 2 + 2)
Add/Subtract the following in your notebook

1. 𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 + 3𝑥 2 − 5𝑥
2. 3𝑦 − 8 − −6𝑦 − 4
3. −9𝑥 + 8𝑦 − 1 + −9𝑥 + 8𝑦 − 1
4. −2𝑥 3 − 4𝑥 3 + 6𝑥 2
5. 4𝑏 5 + 2𝑏 3 + 𝑏 3 − 3

1. 𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 + 3𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 → 4𝑥 2 + 4𝑥
2. 3𝑦 − 8 − −6𝑦 − 4 → 9𝑦 − 4
3. −9𝑥 + 8𝑦 − 1 + −9𝑥 + 8𝑦 − 1 → −18𝑥 + 16𝑦 − 2
4. −2𝑥 3 − 4𝑥 3 + 6𝑥 2 → −6𝑥 3 − 6𝑥^2
5. 4𝑏5 + 2𝑏3 + 𝑏3 − 3 → 4𝑏5 + 3𝑏3 − 3

• Worksheet on adding and subtracting polynomials

• Due tomorrow at the start of class!

Exit Ticket
Answering the following questions and hand it in before you leave

• What is one thing you learned when adding polynomials?

• What is one thing you learned when subtracting polynomials?
• What is one thing that you are still unclear of when adding and/or
subtracting polynomials?
Activating Prior Knowledge

• Do Now: Think about the theorems and facts on adding

and subtracting polynomials to start thinking about
multiplying polynomials
Multiplying Polynomials
• Steps:
1. Rewrite the function notation as the multiplication of two
functions and then substitute the given expression in for each
2. Use the FOIL method or distribution to multiply the two
3. Combine like terms
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Let’s Practice!
• Directions: Answer the following questions in your notebook
• 𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 3𝑥 2 − 5𝑥
• 3𝑦 − 8 −6𝑦 − 4
• −9𝑥 − 1 −9𝑥
• −2𝑥 3 4𝑥 3 + 6𝑥 2
• 3𝑧 2 2

• 3𝑥 4 + 22𝑥 3 − 45𝑥 2
• −18𝑦 2 + 36𝑦 + 32
• 81𝑥 2 + 9𝑥
• −8𝑥 6 − 12𝑥 5
• 9𝑧 4

• Worksheet on multiplying polynomials

• Due tomorrow at the start of class!

Exit Ticket

• Turn to your partner and explain to each other how you

would multiply polynomials as if they were absent and
needed explaining

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