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What is 
he  (ectronic eria  er) is the seria n er of yor
cear teephone.
he  is transitted to the ce site and sed in conjnction with
to verify that yo are a egitiate ser of the cear

What is 
he  ( o ie dentification  er) is sipy the phone
n er of the cear teephone.

dvanced o ie hone ervice) was the first cear
o ie syste in the United tates.
 operate as an anaog

syste using 30 kHz wide channes.

 was ater enhanced to 

 (arrow and
dvanced o ie
hone ervice), a version of
 that uses 10 kHz channes and
y doing so tripes ceuar capacity.
What is G (Go a yste for
o ie conication)
G (Go a yste for o ie conication) is a digita o ie
teephone syste that is widey sed in rope and other parts of
the word. G ses a variation of ie Division tipe
) and is the ost widey sed of the three digita wireess
teephone technoogies (D
, G , and mD
). G digitizes
and copresses data, then sends it down a channe with two
other streas of ser data, each in its own tie sot. t operates
at either the 900 Hz or 1,800 Hz freqency and.
h  !"
95 is a standard for mD
(mode Division tipe
Digita mear.
n a mD
syste, yor encoded voice is digitized and divided into
packets. hese packets are tagged with "codes." he packets then
ix with a of the other packets of traffic in the oca mD

network as they are roted towards their destination. he receiving

syste ony accepts the packets with the codes destined for it.
What is ce phone coning

ach phone has an ectronic eria  er (),

identifying the phone, as we as a o ie dentification
 er ( ), which incdes the teephone n er
of the phone.
s the acronys indicate, these are sed
to identify the s scri er.
When pacing a ca, the phone transits oth the 
and the  to the network. hese were, however,
sent in the cear, so anyone with a sita e scanner
cod receive the. he eavesdropped codes wod
then e prograed into another phone, effectivey
coning the origina s scription.
ny cas ade on
this coned phone wod e charged on the origina
Figure 1. Cellular cloning.
ethods to detect coned phones
on the network
Dpicate detection. he network sees the sae phone in severa
paces at the sae tie. Reactions incde shtting the a off so
that the rea cstoer wi contact the operator ecase he ost the
service he is paying for, or tearing down connections so that the
cone sers wi switch to another cone t the rea ser wi
contact the operator.
Veocity trap. he o ie phone sees to e oving at ipossi e,
or ost nikey speeds. For exape, if a ca is first ade in
Hesinki, and five intes ater, another ca is ade t this tie
in apere, there st e two phones with the sae identity

onthe network.
 codes. rior to pacing a ca, the caer nocks the phone y
entering a  code and then cas as sa.
fter the ca has een
copeted, the ser ocks the phone y entering the  code
again. perators ay share  inforation to ena e safer

oe of the fors of frad presented here have een possi e
ecase of design faws. he coning of anaog o ie phones was
possi e ecase there was no protection to the identification
inforation and the coning of G  cards is possi e ecase
of a eaking athentication agorith. hese pro es can e
contered with technica eans.
However, frad in itsef is a socia pro e.
s sch, it ay e
teporariy contered with technoogica eans t they rarey
work peranenty. o ie phones are a reativey new
phenoenon and socia nors to its se have not een fored.
oe operators have tried the `` f yo can't eat the, join the''
approach and provided services that wod otherwise e attained
y frad.
s o ie conication atres, oth sociay and
technoogicay, frad wi sette to soe eve. Unti then, it is a
race etween the operators, eqipent anfactrers and the


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