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Arranged by :
Group 7 Offering C 2017
1. Alfian Ramadhana ( 170341615101)
2. Dorris Ningtyas Bidarsis (170341615113)
3. Elistika Oktaviyani (170341615062)
◦ Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways which can attack all ages. Asthma with repeated handling wheezing, which
varies each individual within. WHO estimates 235 million people of the world suffer asthma and the amount is expected to
continue increased (WHO, 2013). If not prevented and handled well, then it is expected to happen an increase in prevalence
in the future (Departemen Kesehatan R.I, 2009). Asthma can not be cured but it can controlled with proper management
asthma management guidelines are widespread almost all over the world as well as various new drugs continue developed but
the management of asthma in the field is still inadequate in developing countries as well in the developed world (NAEPP,
◦ Asthma is a disease that is very close to the community and has an ever-increasing population (Global Initiative for Asthma,
2004). Asthma cases worldwide according to GINA (2004) survey reached 300 million people and predicted in 2025 people
with asthma increased to 400 million people.
◦ On the other hand, some reports have suggested that there is an association between change of eosinophilic airway
inflammation andthe clinical outcome of asthma. Level of asthma control can be achieved with medical treatment as well as
self-management good asthma patients, where one factor is can affect the level of control of the asthma is knowledge of
asthma. With the existence of knowledge about asthma, patients can recognize and perform self-management diseases
asthma effectively (Redman, 2003).
◦ Patient's knowledge of asthma is one factor that can affect the level of asthma control. So with knowing the relationship
between levels knowledge of asthma with level of control asthma becomes very important to know.
◦ Design to be used in this research is analytic observational by cut method latitude (cross-sectional) implemented in Section
Sumbersari village in Malang City. Execution time is 10 November 2017. The target population of this study was random
◦ The questionnaire used is the Asthma questionnaire General Knowledge Questionnaire (AGKQ), a questionnaire this was
first demonstrated by Allen et al 1998 in the United States. This questionnaire has good content and face validity. AGKQ can
dependable in the knowledge testing process asthma in the study, so this questionnaire has been proved to be a valuable
research tool for determine the level of knowledge of asthma well on educational interventions and clinical circumstances.
The score results obtained from the percentage score of the answer right (Allen RM, et al. 1998). In this study the level of
asthma controlcategorized into two categories:
a. Low if the answer is true <60%
b. High if true answer 60%
◦ The level of asthma control was assessed through questionnaires ACT (Asthma Control Test). The questionnaire contains 5
questions and individual questions have a score of 1 to 5, so the lowest value ACT is 5 and highest is 25.12 In this study the
level of asthma control categorized into 3 categories:
a. Uncontrolled: score <19
b. Partially controlled: score 20 - 24
c. Total controlled: score 25
◦ The questionnaire sheet consists of sheets basic data questionnaire, ACT questionnaire sheet, and sheet of
the AGKQ questionnaire. Data questionnaire sheets the basis contains about the characteristics of research
subjects ie gender, age, education level, high body weight, BMI, and smoking history. ACT questionnaire
paper sheet (Asthma Control Test) and the AGKQ questionnaire paper sheets has been translated into
Indonesian. Source of data to be used in this research is the primary data source. Primary data obtained from
random people. Signing of informed consent and interview for filling out the questionnaire done on random
people. The data collected from this study will be recorded and further processed for testing statistics using
the SPSS program (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windowsversion 17. Analysis performed
univariat and bivariate. Univariate analysis will present data in form the frequency distribution table so it
looks descriptive description of the variables studied. Analysis bivariate done with Chi Squre significance test
to see the relationship between two variables ie independent and bound variable, if not qualified used
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. If available significant difference (p <0.05) and none meaningful difference (p>
◦ From the results of research and discussion that has been described can be inferred:
◦ Most asthma quisionaire respondents in the study this with female gender. IMT most
normal and smoking history most are never smoked.
◦ Most asthma quisionaire respondents in the study it has a level of knowledge about
high asthma.
◦ Most asthma quisionaire respondents in the study this has an asthma control level that
is not controlled.
◦ There is a difference in the proportion of asthma not controlled asthma and high
knowledge low, so it can be concluded there a meaningful relationship between levels
knowledge with asthma control level.

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