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Residen Jaga: Aina

Supervisor Jaga: dr. Haryati Sp. P (K)

 Mr. Rahman/ 59 yo
 Chief of Complaint: Bloody cough
 History of Future Iilness:
 Bloody Cough since 1 day before admission, almost 1/4
cup, recurrent. Before that, the px had cough with
white sputum about 1 month.Shortness of breath
happens when the patient cough continuosly.
 chest pain is denied. There isn’t fever, nausea and
vomitus. Loss of appetite and off but loss of body weight
is denied, also night sweating that denied, Smoking (+)
but stop for the long time ago
 History of Past Ilness: DM (-), Asthma (-), hypertension
(+) rutin take amlodipine 10 mg daily
ATD (+) in 2000-completed
 History of admission: RSUD Ulin in July2018 with the
same complain
 Status Present: stupor, GCS : E3 M4 V5
 Vital sign : BP : 110/70, P : 106 x/m, RR : 26 x/m, T : 36,3 oC
sp.O2: 92persen98% with NC 3lpm
 H/N : anemia (+), icteric (-), cyanosis (-), dyspneu (+),
Lymph node Colli (-), JVP (-), neck edema (-/-)
 Thorax :
 Cor : S1-2 single, murmur (-), gallop (-)
 Pulmo :
 Inspection : symetric, collateral vein (-)
 Palpation :

+ +

 Abd: distended (-), H / L : not palpable

 Ext: warm, edema - / - , clubbing finger (-)

Hb 6,7 g/dl SGOT 11 mg/dl
WBC 7,4x10³ SGPT 7 mg/dl
BUN 44 mg/dl
GDS 134
SC 1,51
Plt 229,000 mg/dl
Na 138
Granulo 87,7%
sit K 3,5
Cl 109
Temporary Problem List
Abnormalities in anamnesis • Bloody Cough since 1 day before admission, almost
1/4 cup, just once, recurrent
• Shortness of breath happens when the patient
cough continuosly, but chest pain is denied.
• Smoking (+) but stop for the long time ago
• hypertension (+) rutin take amlodipine 10 mg daily
• RSUD Ulin in 16 Mei 2018 because bloody cough

Abnormalities in physical Rh (+)


Abnormalities Supporting Anemia 6,7

Investigation MCV/MCH 65,1/19 (mikrositik hipokromik)
Abnormal CXR

Chronic lung Disturbances in cilia

destruction movement

Loss of functional area Ruptur of locus

Chronic cough

Obstruction of

1. Hemoptoe
3. Anemia
4. HT grade 1 Controlled
no Problem Planning Diagnosis Planning Therapy Planning

1. Obs. Bloody •According to no. 2 Inj as. tranexamat C/Vs, sign of

Cough •PT/APTT 3x500 mg sufocation,
•FoB Codein 3x20 mg CBC if
Lactulac 3x1 C progressive
2. SOPT •Spirometry when Formoterol/budeso C/Vs
hemaptoe stop nide 2x1

3. Anemia •Peripheral Blood Smear PRC transfusion 2-3 C/Vs, CBC

Hipochromic •SI, TIBC, Ferritin kolf post
Microcytic transfusion

4 Hypertension gr - Amlodipin 1x 10 mg C/Vs

1 controlled
 Tn. Thamrin/58 tahun
 Keluhan utama: batuk darah
 RPS: batuk darah sejak 1 jam SMRS, batuk
sekitar ½ gelas aqua berwarna merah segar
diikuti dengan sesak nafas.
 Demam (+) sumer sumer 3 hari terakhir. Keringat
malam (+) nyeri dada (+)
 Muntah bercampur darah 1 jam SMRS, darah
merah kehitaman bercampur makanan didahului
mual dan nyeri ulu hati
 Penurunan nafsu makan, penurunan berat badan
 Riwayat penyakit dahulu: DM (+) HT (-) TB (+)
pengobatan selesai Mei 2018
Pemeriksaan Fisik
 Keadaan Umum : Sedang, GCS : 4-5-6
 Vital sign : BP:120/70 mmHg, N : 106 x/m, RR: 28 x/m, T: 37,0oC,
SO2:94% dengan NC 3 lpm
 K/L : anemia (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-),
 Peningkatan JVP (-), Pembesaran KGB (-)
 Thorax :
 Cor : S1-2 single, ictus cordis teraba 3 cm lateral MCL kiri, murmur(-) ,gallop
 Pulmo :
 Inspeksi : normal
Percussion Auscultation Ronchi Wheezing
 Palpasi :
Sonor Sonor v v + + + +
Sonor Sonor bv v - - + -
Sonor Sonor v v - - - -

 Abdomen : supel, nyeri tekan (+) epigastrium, H / L : tak teraba, BU (+)

 Extremitas :akral dingin, edema - / - , clubbing finger (-)

Hb 13,4 g/dl SGOT 14 mg/dl

WBC 4,16 SGPT 15 mg/dl

x10³ /ul BUN 24 mg/dl
GDS 239
SC 0,79mg/dl
Plt 181,000 Na 136
K 3,9
Cl 105
Permasalahan Sementara
Abnormalitas pada anamnesis  Batuk darah 1 jam SMRS, sekitar ½ gelas aqua
merah segar diikuti sesak nafas
 Demam sumer sumer 3 hari terakhir, keringat
malam (+) nyeri dada (+)
 Penurunan nafsu makan (-) penurunan BB (-)
 Mual (+) Muntah bercampur darah(+) disertai
nyeri ulu hati

Abnormalitas pada pemeriksaan Inspection : asymetris

fisik Palpation: +/+ Percusion R/S Aus :
-/+ R/S +/+
+/+ S/S +/+
Permasalahan Sementara
Abnormalitas pada GDS 239
pemeriksaan penunjang Abnormal CXR
Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2

Impairment in
Imun system
Non specific Cellular influx into
bacterial the alveolar &
M.TB cytokine release
infection infection

Inflamation Increased
permeability of
alveolar capillary
Î mucous Release of IL-1, IL-
production 6, and TNF- α

cough hypothalamus
Impaired ventilation
& diffusion

2. CAP
3. Hemoptoe susp Tb relaps
4. DM tipe II
5. Hematemesis e.c susp ulcus ulcer
No Analysis Planning Planning Therapy Planning
Diagnose Monitoring
1 hemoptoe FOB Inj asam tranexamat Vs/C
PT,APTT 3x500 mg Tanda sufokasi
Posisi Trendelenburg
Codein 3x10 mg
Lactulac syr 3x1 C
2 CAP - Sputum gram Inj. Ceftriaxon 2x1 gr Vs/C
- K/S aerob CBC, CXR
setelah AB 3
3 - Sputum BTA Sesuai Hasil Vs/C
Suspek TB Paru
- Gen Xpert
Relaps - K/S M.TB

4 Dm Type 2 GDP, G2PP Sesuai Hasil Vs/C

HbA1C GDP, G2PP per
Co. internist 3 hari
5 Hematemesis e.c Co. internist Inj omeprazole 2x40 Vs/C
susp gastric ulcer mg

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