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Ratih Putri Damayati, S.Gz, M.Si

 Kolesterol merupakan sterol utama dalam
 Disintesis dari asetil koA, di semua
jaringan terutama di hati
 Berada di dalam makanan dan dalam
tubuh terutama dalam bentuk kolesterol
bebas atau kompleks kovalen dengan
asam lemak yang terikat pada gugus
hidroksil  ester kolesterol
 Fungsi  sebagai elemen struktural
membran danbahan awal penyusunan
garam empedu dan hormon steroid
 Kolesterol dalam diet berasal dari sumber
Dietary cholesterol and diseases
 Dietary cholesterol were positively
associated with the total cholesterol
 Dietary cholesterol has been suggested to
increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
 High intake of cholesterol might increase
the risk of pancreatic cancer
 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
recommendations of no more than 300
mg/d of cholesterol for healthy
Pangan Sumber Kolesterol
Bahan makanan Kadar kolesterol (mg)/100 g
Kerang 53
Daging sapi 88
Daging ayam 88
Lobster 92
Udang 178
Telur 252
Jantung 272
Hati sapi 430
Hati ayam 734
Otak 2000
Cumi-cumi 1170
Pangan Sumber Kolesterol
Bahan makanan Kadar kolesterol (mg)/100 g
Daging kambing 70
Daging bebek tanpa kulit 50
Ikan 70
Sosis daging 150
Kepiting 150
Mentega 250
Lemak babi 95
Keju 100
Susu bubuk full cream 85
Susu sapi cair 11
Klaim Produk

 Free
◦ Fat free: The product has less than 1/2 gram
(0.5 g) of fat per serving
◦ Saturated fat free: The product has less
than 0.5 grams of saturated fat
◦ Cholesterol free: The product contains less
than 2 milligrams of cholesterol per serving
Klaim Produk

 Low
◦ Low fat: The product contains 3 grams of fat
or less per serving
◦ Low in saturated fat: One serving has 1
gram or less of saturated fat
◦ Low-cholesterol: Per serving, the food
contains 20 milligrams or less of cholesterol
and 2 grams or less of saturated fat.
Minimizing the saturated fat to
lower cholesterol
Favorite Foods for Controlling
 Getting more fiber in your diet
 Adding antioxidants
 Discovering phytonutrients and minerals
that lower cholesterol
 Putting anti-inflammatory foods on the
front burner
 Cooking with the freshest and most
colorful foods

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