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How to log defects

How to log defects

 Log in to the ticket system at

 Request login credentials from the R6 product management

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How to log a defect

 View your tickets and raise new tickets

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How to log a defect
 Please provide the following information when logging a defect
 Subject*: short description of the defect
 Description*: A detailed description of the defect and the expected behaviour
 How to reproduce*: A detailed description how the defect can be reproduced in a non-client specific
environment. Therefore do not include client specific terms or configurations but provide a guideline and
configuration how the defect can be reproduced on a plain R6 installation without customization and integration to
3rd party systems
 Attachments: Screenshots, log files with stack traces, any other valuable information
 Severity*: Indication of the severity of the defect:
‒ Blocker: the defect has critical business impact and causes major problems - it leads to a complete loss of
service or causes data loss or corruption for all users or customers on the system
‒ Major: the defect impacts important functionality and has serious business impact - it causes a severe loss of
service for a large group of users or customers on the system and no acceptable workaround is available
‒ Minor: the defect does not prevent the user from working with R6 but causes unexpected behavior or a minor
loss of service – the impact is an inconvenience which might require a workaround to restore functionality
‒ Trivial: cosmetic problems like inconsistent labels or typos
 Affected version*: the R6 core version in that the defect was found (e.g. R6.4.5.3)

 Please also consider the following general instructions for describing a defect:
 Use English language only - avoid writing in the first person
 Do not include stack traces of exceptions in the description (if necessary only a short excerpt) – add stack traces as
an attachment
 Do not use client specific terms, company or product names - use a comment instead if additional information helps
to understand and reproduce the defect
 Do not include results of a detailed analysis in the description - use a comment instead if additional information
helps to understand and reproduce the defect
 Do not use internal names, login credentials or employee names

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How to log a defect

 Status of tickets
 new: the ticket was created
 in process: the analysis of the ticket started
 closed: the ticket is closed
 (note that the OTRS internal phases „accepted“ and „repaired“ are visible as well
but have no meaning)

 The following information is provided for tickets

 The version of R6 that includes the fix
 Assistance for workrounds and data restoration
‒ This is limited to the R6 core areas
‒ Support for customizations and/or the affected environment is not provided

 Tickets that do not comply with the standards defined for logging a defect (see
previous slide) or defects that cannot be reproduced in a non-client specific
environment are rejected
 The tool is not used for logging feature requests

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