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Lưu Gia Huy B1603792
Lê Quốc Bảo B1603739
Lê Thanh Quang B1603828
Phạm Phương Lâm B1603801

Digestive system perform four basic digest processes

1. Motility: refer to the muscular contractions to mix and
2. Secretion: A number of digestive juices are secreted
into the digestive tract lumen.
3. Digestion: the structurally complex foodstuffs of the diet
are broken down into smaller.
4. Absorption: absorb or uptake the nutrients and mineral
from food.
The digestive system is made up of the
gastrointestinal tract—also called the GI tract

Small Large
Mouth Esophagus Stomach Anus
intestine intestine
The human digestive system
Organ in the The function of each organ
digestive system
Mouth Chewing into smaller pieces and break down starch.
Esophagus Food highway that takes food from mouth  stomach
Stomach Play an important part in the digestion of food. It is filled
with powerful acids that break down the food into smaller
Liver Secretes the different enzymes
Gall bladder Storage for all of the bile and enzymes created by the
Pancreas It also makes enzymes to help break down food.
Small intestine Absorb nutrients and mineral from food. In fact, 90% of
food absorption takes place here.
Large intestine Any water used during digestion is reabsorbed.
Rectum Food get out of the body as waste.
Turn foods into nutrients
• Breaks down the food into smaller molecules nutrients the
body can absorb: carbohydrates, proteins, fats and
• Uses for energy, growth, and cell repair
‒Proteins break into amino acids
‒Fats break into fatty acids and glycerol
‒Carbohydrates break into simple sugars
The Second Brain
• Gut linked to the immune system, endocrine system,
and nervous system, these signals impact on our
physiological and behavior reactions.
• The digestive tract contain 70% of the immune system.
The Digestion System
- > 10 organs

- 9 meters of one-way passage

for food (gastrointestinal tract
or GI tract )

- 20 + specialized cell types

How does the digestion work ?
Overview digestion pathway
1. Mouth:
• Physical digestion: chewing, tearing food into small
pieces. Then, rolling smashed food into balls imbued with
• Chemical digestion: Amylase in the salivary cuts starch
into dextrose and maltose.
• Absorption: water and mineral.
2. Esophagus:
• Physical digestion: transfering food for mouth to the
stomach by peristalsis.
• Chemical digestion: no chemical reaction.
• Absorption: water, mineral and some vitamin.
3. Stomach:
• Physical digestion:
Cardia  Stomach: peristalsis of smooth muscle to
smash and mix the food with digestive juice (HCl and
digestive enzymes)  Pylorus opens  Duodenum.
3. Stomach:
• Chemical digestion:
‒Carbonhydrate: maltose.
‒Protein: (Oligopolipetide).
‒Lipid: There are just a small amount of lipid digested in
• Absorption: some carbonhydrate, water.
4. Small intestine
• Physical digestion: Doudenum, food is mixed with
digestive juice from the pancreate and gald bladder. Food
is carried in the small intestine by peristalsis to the large
4. Small intestine
• Chemical digestion:
‒Carbonhydrate: monomers, also called glucose.
‒Protein: amino acid.
‒Lipid: glycerol and fatty acids.
‒Nucleid acid: its components.
• Absorption: monocarbonhydrate, fatty acid, glycerol,
amino acids, etc.
5. Large intestine
• Physical digestion: eliminate solid, semisolid, or
liquid waste material from the digestive tract via the anus.
• Chemical digestion: there is no significant chemical
reaction here.
• Absorption: some biotin and vitamin.

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