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Teaching Writing Techniques

Chapter # 5


National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques


National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

1. BRAINSTORMING (Collecting Ideas)

 Individual/ Group Activity (Small Groups)

 Teacher avoids monitoring flaws

 Teacher as a helper (Words Or Structures)

 Preceded by students talk/ writing

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

To illustrate (Students think what’s going on in this picture)

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

1. Thought process improves

2. Speaking and listening (comprehension) improves

3. Writing improves

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

2. GUIDED DISCUSSION (Students’ thoughts are aimed at specific points)

The teacher guides groups or the whole class

to talk about sth keeping specific points in
e.g. Students talk about the picture as per the given points:

1. Greetings
2. Request to play the game
3. Acceptance with pleasure
4. Vocabs n sentences
are practised
National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan
Teaching Writing Techniques

Another example (The students predict how this game started, what conversation took

1. Use present tense

2. Use past tense

3. Present progressive

4. Perfect tense etc.

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

1. Thought process improves

2. Speaking and listening (comprehension) improves

3. Writing improves

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

3. INTERVIEW (good to know each other)

1. Useful for a new class

2. Students transmit genuine information

 The Teacher helps elementary students
 Advanced learners create their questions

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

As an example
 Name
 Class
 Nationality
 Favorite subject
 Favorite movie
 Favorite sports
 Favorite teacher

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

1. Thought process improves

2. Speaking and listening (comprehension) improves

3. The communication is natural

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

4. SKITS (A short humorous performance OR piece of writing)

 Group or class activity

 The students play other people’s roles

 One of them reports it as an outsider

by writing/ speaking

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

For example (The students play these roles and one of them reports it)

1. Class after results

2. Group of advertisers…..

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

1. Thought process improves

2. Speaking and listening (comprehension) improves

3. Writing improves

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

5. DICTATION (Read slowly, broken into meaningful segments)

o The teacher reads, students listen to it carefully

o The teacher reads more slowly, students write
o The teacher reads for the last time and the students
check their work
Other forms:
 Dictogloss  AC—introduced in the end of a lesson
 Dicto-comp read all the way through 3 times, not
broken into segments followed by students’
National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan
Teaching Writing Techniques

An illustration

o A passage from their text-book

o A newspaper article

o A piece from a magazine

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

1. Listening (comprehension) improves

2. writing improves

3. knowledge improves

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

6. NOTE TAKING (To pick up the important information)

 The teacher reads a useful piece (syllabus/

current events)
 Radio or tape recorder is also a useful resource

 Provide skeleton outline to elementary students
 Advanced learners listen to long passage and
take notes

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

1. Listening (comprehension) improves

2. writing improves

3. knowledge improves

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

7. STORY TELLING (Arouses curiosity –what happened next)

 People like to listen to it

 They can’t wait to pass it on

1. Detective stories

2. TV serials…..

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

1. The teacher reads a useful resource
2. He stops where students know how to continue
3. Students n teacher continue the story on their
own and share their continuation
4. Students correct each other’s work
5. The teacher helps correct everyone

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

1. Listening (comprehension) improves

2. writing improves

3. Speaking improves

4. Reading improves

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

Teaching Writing Techniques

Thank you!

National University of Modern Languages – Karachi By: Kakar RahmatUllah Khan

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