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Inverted Triangle CSS Architecture

What is ITCSS?

ITCSS is a methodology of writing CSS code that is scalable and easy to manipulate

1. Generic to explicit - We start with the most

generic, low-level, catch-all styles.
2. Low to high specificity - The specificity
steadily increases
3. Far-reaching to localized - Selectors at the
start of our project affect a lot of DOM-
elements, for example your browser reset
styles, while selectors later in our project
become very localized, for example specific
styles for one component.

The settings layer consists of partials

which are used to define the global
variable configurations for things like
colors, fonts, sizes etc…
@import “sizes”;

@import “global”;

@import “colors”;

@import “fonts”;
$brand-color: #bada55;
$spacing-unit: 10px;

Partials for globally available mixins

and functions
@import “mixins”;

@import “functions”;

@mixin font-brand() { @function half($n) {

… …
} }

The first layer that outputs CSS,

affects a lot of the DOM, low
specificity, far reaching
Generic @import “box-sizing”;

@import “normalize”;

@import “reset”;

*, *::before, *::after {

Base / Elements

This layer is used for styling bare

unclassed elements. These elements
come with default styling from the
Base @import “links”;

@import “image”;

@import “headings”;

img {
ul {
display: block;
list-style: square outside;
max-width: 100%;

First layer where we find class-based

selectors. These partials define style
rules for elements responsible for
layout or structuring.
@import “layout”;
@import “grid”;

@import “list-inline”;

@import “wrapper”;
.o-grid { .o-layout {
… …
} }

In this layer we define partials for

specific UI components. Still using
only classes which are named
@import “header”;

@import “carousel”;
@import “card”;

.c-card { . c-card__column {
… …
} }
Trumps / Utilities

The partials in this layer can override

anything that has gone before it. A lot
of the declarations will carry !
@import “clearfix”;

@import “hide”;


.u-one-half { .u-hidden {
width: 50% !important; display: none!important;
} }
Folder structure

Higher layers have broader

range of influence, so the
specificity boosts as we move
down the triangle. We can
adjust the folders structure to
our own needs (themes etc..)
ITCSS Naming Conventions - BEMIT

ITCSS adopts the BEM CSS naming o- Signify that something is an object
methodology and mixes it with its
c- Signify that something is a
style structure and its namespacing
u- Signify that something is a Utility

.o-layout {} .c-modal {} .u-clearfix {}

.o-layout__item {} .c-modal__title {}
.o-layout--fixed {} .c-modal--gallery {}

BEM stands for Block Element .modal {} - BLOCK

Modifier. .modal__title {} - ELEMENT
.modal--large {} – MODIFIER can be applied on
both blocks and elements

 modal is the higher level of an abstraction or

 modal__title is a descendent of the .modal that helps
form the .modal as a whole
 modal--large is a different state or version of the .modal

BEM stands for Block Element .modal {} - BLOCK

Modifier. .modal__title {} - ELEMENT
.modal--large {} - MODIFIER

 modal is the higher level of an abstraction or

 modal__title is a descendent of the .modal that helps
form the .modal as a whole
 modal--large is a different state or version of the .modal

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