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Presenter : Kifle Yilma

SMASEE regional trainer
4/17/2019 1
የስልጠናው ጠቀሜታ
 የስራ ላይ ብቃታችሁን ታጠናክሩበታላችሁ፡፡

 የምትሰሩበት ት/ቤት በሒሳብና በሳይንስ ትምህርቶች

የበለጠ ውጤት እንዲያመጣ ታስችላላችሁ፡፡

4/17/2019 2
የሥልጠናው ግብ

በአላማ አቀራርፅና አፃፃፍ ላይ ግልፅነት
እንዲኖራቸው ያስችላል፡፡

የስማሴ የትምህርት ዕቅድ ዝግጅት የሚያካትታቸው

ነጥቦች ላይ የጋራ ግንዛቤ እንዲኖራቸው ያስችላል፡፡

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ii. Objectives of this session

After the end of this session, participants should be able to:

• Identify the difference between rationale and objective of a


• Criticize sample objectives and rationale taken from school

lesson plans developed by teachers.

• Write some SMART behavioral objectives.

• Write some rationale for selected topics.

• Write the prerequisite knowledge required by the students to

teach a lesson.
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1. Introduction:
Getting the most from this training
• You can tell people what they need to know very fast. But they
will forget what you tell them even faster.
• People are more likely to understand what they discover for
themselves than what you figure out for them.
• Learning is not an automatic consequence of pouring
information into another person’s head. It requires the
learner’s own mental and physical involvement. Lecturing and
demonstrating , by themselves , will never lead to real, lasting
learning. Only learning that is active will.
• What makes training “active”? When training is active , the
participant do most of the work. They use their brains- studying
ideas, solving problems, and applying what they learn.( ????)
So let’s be active to get the most out of this training!

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Warm-up Questions(10’)
1.What is a daily lesson plan?

2.What are the components of SMASEE’s daily lesson plan form? Give a
description for each major components.

3.What is the difference between rationale and objective of a lesson?

4. What is the objective of SMASEE prog?

5. What is the rationale of SMASEE prog?

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A teacher who is attempting to teach
without stimulating the pupil with a
desire to learn is hammering on a cold
Horace Mann

Qn.1.what did you understand from the above

2. As a teacher, in which part of your lesson will
use it to prepare your daily plan? 7
Characteristics of Effective teachers…

• Know the content • Create a suitable

• Value the diversity of learning environment

the students within the • Use effective

class communication
• Use multiple assessments to • Collaborate with all
evaluate progress members of the learning

• Engage in sustained
professional growth
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Why do teachers prepare a daily lesson plan?

Write your suggestions ( 10 min.)

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• Keeps the teacher and students on track

• Achieves the objectives

• Helps teachers to avoid “unpleasant” surprises

• Provides direction to a substitute

• Encourages reflection, modification, and


• Enhances student achievement

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• Frustration for the teacher and the students

• Aimless wandering

• Unmet objectives

• No connections to prior learning

• Disorganization

• Lack of needed materials

• A waste of time

• Poor management
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• Rationale of the topic
• Prerequisite knowledge
• learning Objectives
• Starter activity
• Main activity/ lesson devt.
• Concluding activity/summary
• T & L materials
• Learner support
• Reflection *
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Rationale of the topic
Rationale is a justification or the significance
of the lesson. It is the general statement that
• emphasizes the applicability and
usefulness of the contents of the lesson to the
learner either in the present or in the future
The rationale, therefore, affords the teacher
an opportunity to see why the lesson must be

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Pre-requisite skills and knowledge
This component states what learners are already
able to do or know before this lesson. It could be
drawn from the objectives of previous lessons. In
other words it outlines the concepts that need to
be mastered in advance in order to accomplish
the lesson objectives.

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• An objective is a description of what the student will be
able to do at the end of the lesson
– Use behavioral verbs to describe the expected outcomes
– No-no’s: appreciate, enjoy, understand, love, etc.
• Questions: 1. Select a topic either from grade 7 or grade 8 and
Write at least two behavioral objectives for your students.
2) write the rationale of each lesson you selected above.
3) write the prerequisite knowledge that must be mastered by the
students in order to understand the present lesson easily and
comfortably ( 20 minutes). (Think-pair-share)
• The four key points for writing behavioral objectives are
• A) Audience B) Behavior C) Conditions and D)Degree of
4/17/2019 15
Criterion for writing objectives
A. Audience
This part of the objective points out to whom the objective is intended. In our case
the audience of a lesson should be a learner/learners. Objective of the lesson
should be written like, “The pupils will be able to….”, or Students will be able to…..”.
B. Behavior
The students’ behavior which is expected to be seen as a result of the lesson can
be stated as either being overt or covert. Overt means being observed directly

(visible, audible), while covert means not being observed directly (mental ,
invisible, cognitive).

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Criterion of writing objectives(cont’d)
C. Conditions
To state the objectives clearly, you sometimes have to state conditions
you will impose when children are demonstrating their mastery of the
objectives like, "Given a list of ……”, or “With the data of …”.
you can ask questions below to yourself as a guide to your identifying
· What will the learner be allowed to use?
· What will the learner not be allowed to use?
· Under what conditions, will you expect the desired performance?

D. Degree of Proficiency (Performance Level)

You will need to state acceptable level of performance for the
objective, if necessary. This usually appears as time limit, accuracy or
quality of the performance which the teacher expects the learners to
E.g. “Pupils will be able to finish ten (10) simple decimal calculations in
30 seconds
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(starter activity)

• capture the attention of the students

• Set the tone for the lesson connected to the
– A question/ written in advance in a lesson plan
– A story
– A saying
– An activity
– A discussion starter

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Main activity/ lesson devt.
The purpose of this stage is to develop what is to be
learned in depth and is needed to propel/drive
development. It is a coherent collection of several
activities, where each activity develops what is to
be learned in a different way.

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The lesson closes with a plenary session in which the
teacher draws out key points.
It is here where learning is reviewed and there is an
opportunity to reflect on the learning process.
Pupils do most of the work. They are encouraged to
explain what they have learned and how it can be
used in the future, perhaps in other lessons.

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Teaching and learning
• A teaching aid can be defined as any device, real
object(improvised or commercially produced) or
machine used by a teacher to supplement
instruction to stimulate the interest of students.

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Learner support
What we intend to do to help special students.
It usually boils down giving extra/unique
activities to motive students.

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• What went well in the lesson?
• What problems did I experience?
• Are there things I could have done
• How can I build on this lesson to make
future lessons successful?

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Criticize the ff objectives as bad or good and correct
them if necessary(10 min).

1.Describe the habitat and locomotion of paramecium

2.Draw the picture of paramecium in its cellular parts
3.Explain the mode of feed that param. uses
4.Explain the habitat, locomotion, feeding of Amoeba
5. Find the sum of two nos. of opposite sign using arrow
6. Appreciate the use of addition of rational numbers in
solving daily life problems

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Criticize the ff rationale taken from the daily plan as bad or good and
correct them if necessary( in groups 2 or 3): 10 min.)
Grade 8/Physics/ measuring volume
The students needs to get the basic knowledge about measuring
area of a rectangle, square, triangle, Circle
Grade 8/Biology/ unit 1/ biology for development
1. Biology contribute for life
2. Biology necessary for life
Grade 8/chemistry/ unit 1/ compound
The students needs to get the basic knowledge about the property
of hydrocarbons

Grade 7/Math/unit 5/ measurement

It will help you to estimate the amount of paint needed for
your home by finding the areas of walls.

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Criticize the ff rationale extracted from SMASEE annual LP as
bad or good and correct them, if necessary

1) Daily life: square, square root ,cube and cube roots

are very important when they measure the capacity
( counting ) the no of materials that fill the amount
of something and to measure the area and volume
materials in their daily life.
2) Further study: square and cubes are central to the
study of cube and square roots of a rational
number in grade 9.

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Criticize the ff rationale extracted from SMASEE annual LP as
bad or good and correct them if necessary

3)The study of mathematics as well as that

of sciences is unthinkable without the
proper understanding, ability and skills to
apply square roots to solve problems.

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