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Divisi aferen
 Mengirim informasi mengenai lingkungan internal dan
eksternal ke SSP (sensasi)
 Persepsi (conscious awareness and interpretation of
sensations by cerebral cortex)
 some sensory information never reaches cerebral cortex, no
 Eg : blood pressure
Sensory Modalities
 General senses
 Somatic senses
 Tactile sensations (touch, pressure, vibration, itch, and tickle)
 thermal sensations (warm and cold)
 pain sensations
 proprioceptive sensations
 Visceral senses : conditions within internal organs
 Special senses
 smell, taste, vision, hearing, and equilibrium
Sensory Receptors
 free nerve endings of 1st
-order sensory neurons
 encapsulated nerve
endings of 1st -order
sensory neurons
 separate cells synapse
with 1st-order sensory
 Exteroceptors
 at or near the external surface of the body
 Interoceptors/visceroceptors
 in blood vessels, visceral organs, muscles, and nervous system,
monitor conditions in internal environment
 not consciously perceived
 Proprioceptors
 in muscles, tendons, joints, and the inner ear
 information about body position, muscle length and tension,
and the position and movement joints
Type of stimulus
 Mechanoreceptors : mechanical stimuli
 Thermoreceptors : temperature
 Nociceptors : painful stimuli
 Photoreceptors : light
 Chemoreceptors : chemicals in the mouth (taste), nose (smell),
and body fluids.
 Osmoreceptors : osmotic pressure of body fluids
Process of Sensation
Stimulation of the
sensory receptor

converts energy in a
Transduction stimulus into a graded

Generation of
nerve impulses

Integration of
sensory input
Potensial reseptor
 Potensial reseptor :
Perubahan depolarisasi potensial aksi pd reseptor yg terpisah
 Potensial generator
Perubahan depolarisasi potensial aksi jika reseptor adalah
ujung khusus dari suatu neuron aferen
Jaras – jaras sensorik
 Sistem lemniskus/kolumna dorsalis
 Serat-serat utk rasa raba halus
dan propriosepsi berjalan ke atas
di dalam kolumna dorsalis medula
spinalis dan bersinaps di nukleus
grasilis dan kuneatus.
 Dari sini neuron ordo kedua
menyilang garis tengah dan naik ke
atas di dalam lemniskus medialis,
kemudian berakhir di bagian ventral
nukleus posterior dan nukleus-
nukleus relai sensorik spesifik
 Sistem anterolateralis
 Serat-serat utk rasa raba lainnya, suhu, dan
nyeri, akan bersinaps dgn neuron di kornu
 Akson neuron-neuron ini akan menyilang
garis tengah dan menuju ke atas dalam
kuadran anterolateralis medula spinalis
membentuk sistem anterolateralis.
 Umumnya rasa raba : traktus
spinotalamikus ventralis,
 nyeri & suhu : traktus spinotalamikus
Adaptasi reseptor
 Bila rangsang dgn kuat rangsang tetap diberikan kontinyu
pd suatu reseptor, frekuensi potensial aksi di saraf
sensoriknya lama kelamaan akan menurun. Fenomena ini
dikenal sebagai adaptasi /desensitisasi
 Berdasarkan kecepatan adaptasinya terdapat 2 jenis
reseptor yaitu
 Reseptor fasik
 Reseptor tonik
Reseptor fasik
 Reseptor yg cepat beradaptasi
 Tdk berespon lagi thdp rangsangan yg menetap
 Jika rangsangan dihentikan reseptor berespon dgn
depolarisasi ringan
 Eg:Reseptor taktil di kulit
Reseptor tonik
 Reseptor yg tdk beradaptasi sama sekali atau beradaptasi
secara lambat
 Penting utk mengetahui informasi yg kontinyu dr suatu
stimulus, eg :
 Reseptor regang otot -> memantau kekuatan otot
 Proprioseptor sendi -> mengukur derajat fleksi sendi
Reseptor dalam kulit
Ada 4 jenis
 Reseptor raba-tekan
 Reseptor dingin
 Reseptor panas
 Reseptor nyeri
Rasa Sentuh (raba)
 Paling banyak di kulit jari tangan serta bibir, relatif jarang di
kulit badan
 Badan Meissner dan Pacini -> reseptor sentuh yg cepat
 Diskus Merkel dan ujung Ruffini -> reseptor sentuh yg
lambat beradaptasi
 Impuls dikirim ke SSP melalui serat A dan sebagian melalui
serat C
 Kesadaran akan posisi berbagai bagian tubuh dlm ruang
 Muscle spindles : Sensory nerve endings wrap around
central area of encapsulated intrafusal muscle fibers
within most skeletal muscles -> Monitor Muscle length
 Tendon organs : Capsule encloses collagen fibers and
sensory nerve endings at junction of tendon and muscle
-> Muscle tension
 Joint kinesthetic reseptor : Pacinian corpuscles, Ruffini
corpuscles, tendon organs, and free nerve endings ->
Joint position and movement
 Dua jenis organ indera suhu :
 Organ yg berespon maksimum thdp suhu antara 32 - 48 
C ((suhu panas)
 Organ yg berespon maksimum thdp suhu antara 10 - 40C
(suhu dingin)
 Reseptor : ujung-ujung saraf bebas
 Rangsang adekuat : perbedaan dua derajat panas (krn dingin
bukan suatu bentuk energi)
 Aferen suhu dingin : serat C dan A
 Aferen suhu panas : serat C
 Organ indera (nosiseptor) : ujung-ujung saraf bebas yg
terdapat pd hampir semua jaringan tubuh
 Impuls dikirim ke SSP melalui serat A kecil bermielin -
> nyeri cepat dan serat C tak bermielin-> nyeri lambat
 Stimulus : thermal, mechanical, chemical
 Trauma/iritasi jaringan -> melepas prostaglandins,
kinins, potassium ions (K) -> merangsang nosiseptor
 Adaptasi lambat/tidak ada
Tipe nyeri
 Fast pain : terjadi sangat cepat (0.1 second setelah stimulus)
 myelinated A fibers.
 acute, sharp, or pricking pain
 not felt in deeper tissues
 Slow pain : terjadi beberapa detik setelah stimulus
 Intensitas perlahan meningkat
 unmyelinated C fibers
 chronic, burning, aching, or throbbing pain
 skin and in deeper tissues or internal organs
 Superficial somatic pain : pain that arises from
stimulation of receptors in the skin
 Deep somatic pain : stimulation of receptors in skeletal
muscles, joints, tendons, and fascia causes
 Visceral pain : stimulation of nociceptors in visceral organs
 Referred pain : pain is felt in or just deep to skin that overlies
stimulated organ, or in a surface area far from stimulated organ
served by same segment of spinal cord
Korteks somatosensorik
 Daerah sensorik somatik I
(SI) di girus pascasentralis,
sesuai dgn daerah
Brodmann 1,2, dan 3
 lokalisasi rinci utk setiap
bagian tubuh
 Ukuran korteks yg menerima impuls dari bagian tertentu
tubuh setara dgn jumah reseptor di bagian itu
 Daerah korteks yg menerima impuls dari tangan dan bagian –
bagian mulut yg berbicara sangat besar, sedangkan yg menerima
sensasi dr punggung dan badan lebih kecil
 Proyeksi ini bukan bawaan dan tdk kekal, dapat berubah oleh
Homunkulus sensorik (gambar)
Diskriminasi 2 titik
 Jarak terkecil dimana 2 rangsang sentuh harus dipisahkan agar
dapat dirasakan sebagai terpisah
 Bervariasi pd setiap tempat di tubuh
 Makin banyak reseptor sentuh makin kecil jarak kedua
 Setiap neuron sensorik berespon thdp informasi sensorik hanya
dalam daerah terbatas di permukaan kulit sekitarnya yang dikenal
sbg lapangan reseptif
 Semakin besar ukuran lapangan reseptif semakin rendah
kepadatan reseptor daerah tsbt
 Semakin kecil lapangan reseptif suatu bagian tubuh, semakin
besar ketajaman atau kemampuan diskriminatif
 spinal cord is continuous with the brain
 together they comprise central nervous system (CNS)
Protective Structures

 Vertebrae
 Meninges
 Subarachnoid Space : Cerebrospinal fluid (produced in the
brain) surround and protect the delicate nervous tissue of the
spinal cord
 Epidural space : between dura mater & wall of vertebral
 Spinal nerves and nerves that branch from them : part of PNS
 Connect CNS to sensory receptors, muscles, and glands in all parts of
 31 pairs
 named and numbered according to region and level of vertebral
column from which they emerge
 Spinal cord ends near level of superior border of 2nd lumbar vertebra
 Not all spinal cord segments are aligned with their corresponding
 roots of lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal nerves descend at an angle to
reach their respective foramina before emerging from the vertebral
column constitutes cauda equina
Distribution of Spinal Nerves
 Branches (Rami)
 short distance after passing through intervertebral foramen a spinal
nerve divides into several branches (rami)
 Posterior (dorsal) ramus serves deep muscles and skin of posterior
surface of trunk
 Anterior (ventral) ramus serves muscles and structures of upper and
lower limbs and skin of lateral and anterior surfaces of the trunk
 Meningeal branch reenters vertebral cavity through the intervertebral
foramen and supplies vertebrae, vertebral ligaments, blood vessels of
spinal cord, and meninges
 Rami communicantes components of autonomic nervous system
 Axons from anterior rami of spinal nerves do not go directly to body
structures they supply
 they form networks on both left and right sides of body by joining with
various numbers of axons from anterior rami of adjacent nerves :
plexus (braid or network)
 cervical plexus
 brachial plexus
 lumbar plexus
 sacral plexus
 coccygeal plexus
 Except for thoracic nerves T2–T12
 Emerging from plexuses are nerves bearing names that are often
descriptive of general regions they serve or the course they take
Cervical plexus
Brachial plexus
Lumbar plexus
sacral & coccygeal plexus
 12 pairs
 Arise from the brain inside cranial cavity and pass through
various foramina in bones of cranium
 Part of peripheral nervous system (PNS)
 Has a number (roman numeral) and a name
 numbers indicate the order from anterior to posterior, in which
nerves arise from the brain
 names designate a nerve’s distribution or function
Olfactory (I) Nerve
 entirely sensory
 contains axons that
conduct nerve
impulses for olfaction
(sense of smell)
Optic (II) Nerve
 Entirely sensory
 contains axons that
conduct nerve impulses
for vision
Oculomotor (III) Nerve
 Motor cranial nerve
 Control movements of eyeball and upper eyelid
 Superior branches
 Innervate superior rectus (an extrinsic eyeball muscle) and
levator palpebrae superioris (muscle of upper eyelid)
 Inferior branches
 Supply medial rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique
muscles—all extrinsic eyeball muscles
 also provides parasympathetic innervation to intrinsic eyeball
muscles (smooth muscle : ciliary muscle of eyeball and circular
muscles (sphincter pupillae) of iris)
Trochlear (IV) nerve
 motor cranial nerve
 smallest
 innervate superior oblique muscle of eyeball
Trigeminal (V) nerve
 3 branches:
 Ophthalmic
 Maxillary
 Mandibular
 Sensoric and motoric
Abducens (VI) Nerve
 motor cranial nerve
 Innervate lateral rectus
muscle of eyeball
Facial (VII) Nerve
 Mixed cranial nerve
Vestibulocochlear (VIII) Nerve
 Sensory cranial nerve
 Two branches
 Vestibular branch
 carries impulses for
 Cochlear branch
 carries impulses for
Glossopharyngeal (IX) Nerve
 Mixed cranial nerve
 Sensory axons of the glossopharyngeal nerve arise from
 taste buds and somatic sensory receptors on posterior one-third of
 proprioceptors in swallowing muscles supplied by motor portion
 baroreceptors (stretch receptors) in the carotid sinus
 from chemoreceptors in carotid body near carotid arteries
 Somatic motor neurons
 innervate stylopharyngeus muscle -> elevates pharynx and larynx
• autonomic motor neurons (parasympathetic) stimulate parotid
gland to secrete saliva
Vagus (X) Nerve
 mixed cranial nerve
 wide distribution
 Sensory, motoric, and
autonomic neuron
Accessory (XI) Nerve
 Motor cranial nerve
 conveys motor impulses to
sternocleidomastoid and
trapezius muscles to
coordinate head
Hypoglossal (XII) Nerve
 Motor cranial nerve
 Conduct nerve impulses
for speech and swallowing
 nerve impulse propagation
 integration of information
 serving as an integrating center for some reflexes
 fast, automatic, unplanned sequence of actions that occurs in
response to a particular stimulus
 inborn, learned or acquired
Reflex arc
 pathway followed by nerve impulses that produce a reflex
(reflex circuit)
Stretch reflex
 contraction of a skeletal muscle (effector) in response to
stretching of muscle
 monosynaptic
Tendon Reflex
 tendon organs detect and
respond to changes in
muscle tension
 inhibitory
neurotransmitter inhibits
(hyperpolarizes) motor
neuron, which then
generates fewer nerve
Flexor (withdrawal) reflex

 Sensory neuron activates

interneurons that extend
to several spinal cord
 intersegmental reflex arc
 polysynaptic
Crossed extensor
 sensory neuron
activates several
interneurons that
synapse with motor
neurons on the other
side of the spinal cord
in several spinal cord

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