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Submitted to

Sir Nadeem

Digestion of Protein
Absorption and Transport of amino
Submitted by
Aneeda Shabir
14271507-038 ss
(8th semester)
Proteins are polymers of alpha- amino acids
bonded by peptide linkage

two amino acids can combine building block of protein

with elimination of water

protein sagment
Digestion of protein
Digestion is the process by which macromolecules break down into their
smaller subunit.
Protein are macromolecule ,hence it need to digest into their smaller
subunits (amino acids)
 Protein are obtained from two sources

1. Dietary source about 50-100g/day 2.Endogenous sources about 30-100g/day.

that derived from digestive enzymes and

worns out cells of digestive tract
 The digestion and absorption of protein is very efficient in healthy human
Enzyme That Digest Protein
Hydrolase group of enzyme that hydrolyse (digest) proteins are called peptidase or
proteolytic enzyme or protease
Classification of proteolytic enzyme …
1.Endopeptidases.. Attack the internal peptide bond
and release peptide fragments
2. Exopeptidases….act on the peptide bond of terminal amino acids
…exopeptidase can be subdivided into two class
(a) Carboxypeptidases(act on C-terminal amino acid)
(b) Aminopeptidases(act on terminal amino acid)
Digestion of protein in the gastrointestinal tract
In human the digestion of protein into their constituent amino acids
occur in gastrointestinal tract by proteolytic enzyme produced by
stomach,pancreas and small intestine
 Peotein are not digested in the mouth due to the absence of protease
in saliva
1.Digestion of proteins in stomach by
gastrin secretion
Part of the human digestive (gastrointestinal) tract.
(a) The parietal cells and chief cells of the gastric glands secrete
products in response to the hormone gastrin. Pepsin begins the
of protein degradation in the stomach. (b) The cytoplasm of exocrine
cells is completely filled with rough endoplasmic reticulum, the
site of synthesis of the zymogens of many digestive enzymes. The
zymogens are concentrated in membrane-enclosed transport particles
called zymogen granules. When an exocrine cell is stimulated, its
plasma membrane fuses with the zymogen granule membrane and
zymogens are released into the lumen of the collecting duct by
The collecting ducts ultimately lead to the pancreatic duct and
thence to the small intestine. (c) Amino acids are absorbed through
the epithelial cell layer (intestinal mucosa) of the villi and enter the
capillaries. Recall that the products of lipid hydrolysis in the small
intestine enter the lymphatic system after their absorption by the
intestinal mucosa

. Produced by the serous cell of the stomach
.Secreted as pepsinogen(inactive form)
.Activated by HCl and Pepsin itself(autocatalysis)

Pepsin digestion of proteons results in peptides and few amino acids

2.Digestion of proteins by pancreatic
 The proteases of pancreatic juice are secreted as zymogen and then convert
to active form
 These processes are initiated by the release of two polypeptides hormones
namely cholecystokinin and secretin from the intestine

Pancreatic juice contain the …

3.Digestion of proteins by small intestinal
Absorption and transport of amino acids

“Therefore,after a protein meal, only the free amino acids are found in the portal vein”

• The small intestine possesses an efficient system to absorb free amino acids

In contrast to D-amino acids which takes place by a simple diffusion

Another transport system to explain the mechanism of amino acid
transfer across in the intestine and kidney has been put forth
• This cycle is operative for rapid transport of cysteine and glutamine
• The cycle appears to be important for the metabolism of glutathione
However,the macromolecules absorption in certain individuals appears to be
responsible for the antibody formation that often cause food allergy
• Deficiency of pancreatic secretion may be due to pancreatitis,cystic fibrosis or
surgical removal of pancreas
• Defects in the intestinal amino acids transport system are seen inborn error of

The treatment includes high protein diet and nicotinamide


 Biochemistry by U.Satyanarayana
 Principles of Biochemistry by lehninger
 A textbook of organic chemistry by B.S.Bahl
 Digestion and absorption of protein by

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