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By: Sarah H Freeman Case Presentation

Table of Content



• Name: James Woodell
• Gender: male

Background Age: 20 years Old
• Ethnicity/Race: African American and
Information Caucasian
• He is a Junior in College, just found out that his girlfriend
is pregnant
• He does not have a steady income
• He is worried about his finical standing with the

Problem • He is trying to "make it work" with his now pregnant


Statement • He has little to no family support

• He is worried that he might have to drop out of college

(Personal communications,
March 14, 2019)
• Referenced scholarships for him
• Searched eligible jobs and work study programs
• Therapeutic services
Goals, Interventions, and Timelines
Services • Personal goals- to find a job (on going), Intervention-
research jobs- going to the career center
• Working on bettering the relationship with girlfriend
(on going), Intervention- Therapy sessions
(Personal communications,
March 14, 2019)
• He has learned to be patient and think things through
(Journal his thoughts, Listen to others, and breathing exercises)
• He is dedicated to graduate on time, and make things work with his girlfriend for his future
(finding ways to better communicate and work on problems with his girlfriend, using all resources
that are offered to him to make sure he will graduate on time)
• Finances
• No support system
(Personal communications, March 14, 2019)
• While doing this interview we used the person-
centered approach and PIE.
• Person-centered approach allows the person to
come up with their own goals and thing through
their own problems, so they know exactly what
Framework they want to fix.
• PIE was used because it helps the client see
their strengths and limitations with their issue
that way they are better able to pinpoint the
• What are some biases you had going into the interview?
When the client walked in my office and told me his issues, I
automatically assumed he had family support to help him.
Because he was a male, I didn't think he was going to be so
open about his financial status.
What were some value differences between you and the
client? Family roles and support, Religious beliefs and race.
Interview • What events or life experiences have shaped them into the
person they are? The way he was raised, his life choices.
Reflection • What is the staff recommendation about diagnosis,
Interventions or treatment? Staff recommends that you help
each student to the best of your ability and give all
resources that are needed.
• What changes do recommend for the agency or service
(Needs of agency, changes, and rights issues)? Easier way to
obtain resources.

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