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Phoebe Kate Enciso
Phoebe Joy Pelo
Angeline Parado
Jerry Gacer
Non-probability Sampling

• It is a process of selecting respondents in which not all

members of the entire population are given a chance of
being selected as samples.
• There are cases that certain segments of a population are
given priority over others such as when a researcher does
not intend to generalize to a larger population. This is also
called non-scientific sampling, and is commonly used in
qualitative research.
A. Convenience Sampling A researcher intends to
study the elementary
students of a particular
It is also called accidental or school, and has determined
incidental sampling the desired sample size.
Due to the study’s
constraints, the elementary
pupils who are present at
the time of the researcher’s
Non-probability sampling visit to the school will be
chosen as respondents.
B. Quota Sampling Example:
It is somewhat similar to stratified sampling,
A researcher wants to survey
in that the population is divided into strata, and
the employees of a company
the researcher deliberately sets specific
regarding their thoughts on
proportions in the sample, whether or not the
the company’s new policies.
resulting proportion is reflective of the total
The researcher intends to
population. This is commonly doe to ensure the
have representatives from all
inclusion of a particular segment of the
departments in his sample, but
one department not being
represented. The researcher
Non-probability Sampling then sets a quota of
respondents from that
department to ensure their
inclusion in the sample
C. Purposive Sampling In a study about
honor students, the
It involves handpicking subjects, researcher uses a list of
usually to suit very specific intentions. honor students and
This is also called judgmental chooses the necessary
sampling. number of respondents,
to the exclusion of all
other students.
Non-probability Sampling
Take Note:

In selecting the sample of a study, the following elements

must be properly discussed: the total population and its
parameters, the sample and its statistics; the sampling
method with references to support it; an explanation and
discussion of the sampling method; an explanation of how
the sampling was done; an enumeration of the qualifying
criteria; and the profiles of the subjects and/or respondents.

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