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Shweta Patil

Department of

Food adulteration Food groups


Food packaging Preservation

Food borne
Why do we eat???
 To sustain physical well-being or to keep us fit

 To sustain energy

 To regulate body functions

 To sustain growth of body cells and tissues

 To alleviate hunger

 To repair damaged cells

Food gives us
 Taste
 Variety
 Nutrients required by the body
 to provide energy for growth
 body building
 protect from diseases
 Healthy life.
What are food groups????
 A food group is a collection of foods that share
similar nutritional properties or biological
 Each nutrient has its own function to perform in the
 More than one nutrient may also perform the same
Nutrients are the nutritious
components in foods that an
organism utilizes to survive and
Nutrients can be
acquired from
the environment.
 To build and repair tissues
 To regulate body processes
 Methods for nutrient intake are different for
plants and animals.
 Plants intake nutrients directly from the
 Animals have specialized digestive
Macronutrient Micronutrient

Bulk energy Cofactors

Proteins ,
Growth factors
Food groups
Different food items are sources
of different nutrients
Good source of energy
Good for body building or for
protective functions
Food groups
Selection of food is important
To get everything that a body
to get a balanced meal
Classification of food into food
groups is necessary…….
Food groups……….
Foods available can be broadly
divided into 3 groups from the
nutritional point of view
Energy yielding foods
Body building foods
Protective foods
Food groups
Food can also be divided into
five groups:
similar food items are placed
together according to their
nutritive content
5 Food group Systems
Food Groups Examples Main Nutrient

Cereals, Grains Rice, Wheat, Bajra, Jowar, Energy, Protein, Invisible fat, Vit
& Products Wheat flour, Barley B1, Vit B2 , Iron, Fibre

Pulses & Bengalgram, lentil, cowpea, Energy, Protein, Invisible fat, Vit
legumes Rajmah, Beans B1, Vit B2 , Iron, Calcium,Fibre,

Milk & meat Milk, Curd, Cheese Protein, Fat, Calcium, Vitamin B2
Products Chicken, Egg, Meat, Fish Protein, Fat, Vitamin B2

Fruits & Mango, guava, Tomato, orange Carotenoids, Vitamin C, Fibre

Vegetables Spinach, Drumstick leaves Carotenoids, Vit B2 ,Iron, Fibre
Carrot, Brinjal, Capsicum Carotenoids, Folic acid, Fibre

Fats & Sugars Butter, Ghee, Cooking oil Energy, Fat, Essential Fatty Acids
Sugar, Jaggery Energy
 Cereals
 Cereals form the bulk of our daily meals
 main and cheapest source of energy
 Cereals should be eaten in unrefined form
 Sprouting cereals
helps in improving
their vitamin C
A good source of protein
specially for those who are
vitamin B,
calcium and
 Milk, Egg and Flesh Foods
 Any form of milk - fresh, powdered or condensed,
is a good source of protein, fat,vitamin B and calcuim
 Milk protein is of good quality- considered good for
 Eggs are a rich source of all nutrients
 Egg protein is the best and is good for growing
children, pregnant women and lactating mothers
 Flesh foods include,
meat, poultry and fish
 rich in proteins,
vitamin A and Vitamin B.
 Fruits and Vegetables
 Citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin C
 Yellow fruits like mango, pappaya contain
plenty of carotene which is converted into
vitamin A
 Dried fruits like figs,
walnuts, almonds,
peanuts,etc, are
rich in vitamins
iron and calcium
 All fruits contain
fibre which helps in
bowel movement
 Green leafy vegetables- rich in
calcium, carotene, iron, folic acid,
vitamin C
 Roots and tubers- rich in
carbohydrates hence good source of
 Fats and Sugar
 Butter, ghee, oil, are
the common forms of fats
 fats are concentrated
sources of energy
 Some amount of
fat is necessary in
our meals everyday
How to get a balanced diet?
 To remain healthy a
balanced diet from
all food groups is
 Eat food from each
Group for a proper
functioning of body
Thank You

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