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A Presentation on

Conditional Statements, Iteration

And String Manipulation
Conditional Statements
The if statement is the conditional
statement in Python. There are 3
forms of if statement:
1. Simple if statement
2. The if..else statement
3. The If..elif..else statement
Simple if statement
• The if statement • Syntax The header of if
statement, colon
tests a condition & if <condition>: (:) at the end
in case the condition statement
is True, it carries out Body
[statements] of if
some instructions
and does nothing in • e.g.
case the condition is if amount>1000:
False. disc = amount * .10
Example of if statement
• Prog to find discount (10%) if amount is more than 1000.
Price = float (input(“Enter Price ? ” ))
Qty = float (input(“Enter Qty ? ” ))
Amt = Price* Qty
print(“ Amount :” , Amt)
if Amt >1000:
Body of if statement
disc = Amt * .10
(will be executed incase condition is true)
print(“Discount :”, disc)
The if-else statement
• The if - else statement • Syntax
tests a condition and if <condition> :
in case the condition statement Block 1
is True, it carries out else :
statements indented statement
below if and in case [statements] Block 2

the condition is False, • e.g.

it carries out if amount>1000:
statement below else. disc = amount * 0.10
disc = amount * 0.05
Example of if-else statement
• Prog to find discount (10%) if amount is more than 1000,
otherwise (5%).
Price = float (input(“Enter Price ? ” ))
Qty = float (input(“Enter Qty ? ” ))
Amt = Price* Qty
print(“ Amount :” , Amt)
if Amt >1000 :
disc = Amt * .10 block 1
print(“Discount :”, disc) (will be executed incase condition is true)

else :
disc = Amt * .05 block 2
print(“Discount :”, disc) (will be executed incase condition is False)
The if..elif statement
• The if - elif statement has • Syntax
multiple test conditions and if <condition1> :
in case the condition1 is Block 1
True, it executes statements elif <condition2> :
in block1, and in case the statement
condition1 is False, it moves [statements] Block 2
to condition2, and in case elif <condition3> :
the condition2 is True, statement
[statements] Block 3
executes statements in
block2, so on. In case none :
of the given conditions is else :
true, then it executes the statement
statements under else block [statements]
Example of if-elif statement
• Prog to find discount (20%) if amount>3000, disc(10%) if
Amount <=3000 and >1000, otherwise (5%).
Price = float (input(“Enter Price ? ” ))
Qty = float (input(“Enter Qty ? ” ))
Amt = Price* Qty
print(“ Amount :” , Amt)
if Amt >3000 :
disc = Amt * .20 block 1
print(“Discount :”, disc) (will be executed incase condition 1 is true)
elif Amt>1000:
disc = Amt * .10 block 2
print(“Discount :”, disc) (will be executed incase condition2 is True)
else :
block 3
disc = Amt * .05
(will be executed incase both the
print(“Discount :”, disc)
condition1 &conditon2 are False)
Example of Nested if statement
• Prog to find Largest of Three Numbers (X,Y,Z)
X = int (input(“Enter Num1 ? ” ))
Y = int (input(“Enter Num2 ? ” ))
Z = int (input(“Enter Num3 ? ” ))

if X>Y:
if X > Z:
Largest = X
Largest = Z
if X > Z:
Largest = X
Largest = Z
print(“Largest Number :”, Largest)
• WAP to input a number and check whether it is Even or Odd.
• WAP to input a number print its Square if it is odd, otherwise print
its square root.
• WAP to input a Year and check whether it is a Leap year.
• WAP to input a number check whether it is Positive or Negative or
• WAP to input Percentage Marks of a students, and find the grade as
per following criterion:
Marks Grade
>=90 A
75-90 B
60-75 C
Below 60 D
• It is used when we want to execute a sequence of
statements (indented to the right of keyword for) a
fixed number of times.
• Syntax of for statement is as follows:
– i) with range() function
– ii) with sequence
The for Loop
Starting Ending Step
• Syntax 1: value value value

for <Var> in range (val1, val2, Val3):

Statements to be repeated

• Syntax 2: List or a String

for <Var> in <Sequence> :

Statements to repeat
The range() function
• range( 1 , n): 1) range( 1 , 7): will produce
will produce a list having 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
values starting from 1,2,3… 2) range( 1 , 9, 2): will produce
upto n-1. 1, 3, 5, 7.
The default step size is 1 3) range( 5, 1, -1): will produce
• range( 1 , n, 2): 5, 4, 3, 2.
will produce a list having 3) range(5): will produce
values starting from 1,3,5…
upto n-1. 0,1,2,3,4.
The step size is 2 default start value is 0
for loop implementation
Sum=0 Sum=0
for i in range(1, 11): For i in range(10, 1, -2):
print(i) print(i)
Sum=Sum + i Sum=Sum + i
print(“Sum of Series”, Sum) print(“Sum of Series”, Sum)
1 10
2 8
: :
10 2
Sum of Series: 55 Sum of Series: 30
for loop: Prog check a number for PRIME
METHOD 1 METHOD 2: using loop else

num= int(input(“Enter Num?”)) num= int(input(“Enter Num?”))

flag=1 for i in range(2, num//2+1):
for i in range(2, num//2+1): if num%i == 0:
if num%i == 0: print(“It is Prime No.”)
flag = 0 break
break else:
if flag == 1: print(“It is Not a Prime No.”)
print(“It is Prime No.”)
else: Note: the else clause of a loop will be
print(“It is Not a Prime No.”) executed only when the loop
terminates normally (not when
break statement terminates the
Nested for Loop
for i in range ( 1, 6 ):
print( )
for j in range (1, i + 1):
print(“@”, end=“ ”)

Will produce following output

The while Loop
• It is a conditional loop, which repeats the statements with in itself as
long as condition is true.
• The general form of while loop is:
while <condition> :
Statement loop body
[Statements] (these statements repeated until
condition becomes false)
• Example: OUTPUT
k = 1, sum=0 1
while k <= 4 : 2
print (k) 3
sum=sum + k 4
print(“Sum of series:”, sum) Sum of series: 10
while loop: Implementation
• Prog. To find digit sum • Prog. To find reverse
num = int(input(“No.?”)) num = int(input(“No.?”))
ds = 0 rev = 0
while num>0 : while num>0 :
ds = ds +num % 10 d = num % 10
num = num // 10 rev = rev*10 + d
print(“Digit Sum :”, ds) num = num // 10
print(“Reverse :”, rev)
Strings: indexing
• A string can be traversed both sides (with help of
• Examples: let t = “WelCome” then indexing will be as under:

Thus, t [ 2] will give “l” & t[-2] will give “m”

t [0] will give “W” & t[-1] will give “e”
Basic String Operators
a) String Concatenation Operator (+) b) String Replication Operator (*)
the + operator creates a new The '*' operator when used with
string by joining the operand String, then it creates a new
strings. string that is a number of
e.g. replications of the input string.
"Hello" + "Students" e.g.
will result into : "HelloStudents" "XY" * 3 will give: "XYXYXY"
"3" * 4 will give: "3333“
'11' + ‘22’ will give: ‘1122'
"a" + "5" will give : "a5" "5" * "7" is invalid
'123' + 'abc' will give: '123abc‘

"a" + 5 is invalid
• Note: both operands must be Note: operands must be one string
strings. & other Number
Membership Operators: (in & not in)

in : returns True if a character not in: returns True if a

or a substring exists in th character or a substring does
e given string, False not exists in the given string,
otherwise. False otherwise.

"a" in "Rajat" gives: True "a" not in "Rajat" gives: False

"Raj" in "Rajat" gives: True "Raj“ not in "Rajat" gives: False
"67" in "1234" gives: False "67" not in "1234" gives: True
ord() & chr() functions
ord() function: chr() function:
It gives ASCII value of a it is opposite of ord() fu
single character nction
ord ("a") : 97 chr(97) : “a"
ord ("Z") : 90 chr(90) : “Z"
ord("0") : 48 chr(48) : “0”
String Slice : part of a string containing some
contiguous characters from the string. Let word=“WelCome”

word [0:7] will give : WelCome
word [0:3] will give : Wel
word [2:5] will give : lCo (2,3,4)
word [-6:-3] will give : elC (-6,-5,-4)
word [ :5] will give : WelCo (0,1,2,3,4)
word [3: ] will give : Come (5,6,7,8)
1. string.capitalize():
it gives the copy of string with its first character
e.g. if t = "sumit rana” then R= t.capitalize()
will create a copy of string in R as,
R = "Sumit rana“
2. string.find(subString [,start [,end]):
it returns the lowest index in the string where the
subString is found with in the slice range of start &
end, returns -1 if subString not found.
e.g. t="We are learning Strings. Strings are used in Python"
k = "Strings"
t.find(k) gives : 16 (index no.)
t.find(k,20) gives : 25 (index no.)
t.find(k,20,30) will search from index 20 to 30
t.find(“Hello”) gives : -1 ( as string is not found)
3. string.isalnum(): it gives True, if the characters in the st
ring are alphanumeric (alphabet or number) and there
is atleast one character, False otherwise.
e.g. t ="Hello123” then t.isalnum() gives True
t ="Hello 123” then t.isalnum() gives False

4. string.isalpha(): it gives True if the characters in the

string are alphabet only and there is atleast one
character, False otherwise.
e.g. t ="Hello123” then t.isalnum() gives False
t = "Hello” then t.isalnum() gives True
5. string.isdigit(): it gives True if the characters in the strin
g are digits onlyand there should be atleast one charact
er, False otherwise.
e.g. t ="Hello123“ then t.isalnum() gives False
t= "123” then t.isalnum() gives True

6. string.islower(): this function gives True, if all letters in

given string are lowercase, otherwise it gives False.
e.g.: if t="sunday" then t.islower() gives True
if t="Sunday" then t.islower() gives False

7. string.isupper(): opposite of islower()

8. string.isspace(): it gives True if there are only
whitespace characters in the string, False otherwise.
e.g. if t=" " then t.isspace() gives True
if t=" S" then t.isspace() gives False
9. string.upper(): this function gives a copy of the string
converted to uppercase.
e.g.: if t="SUNday12" then
x=t.upper() will store "SUNDAY12" in x.
10. string.lower(): opposite of upper()
11. len(string): this function gives the length of given
string. e.g. Len(“Top Brand”) gives 9
for loop with string
e.g.1: e.g. 2:
for ch in “Hello” : T = “Hello”
print(ch) for ch in T :

Output: Output:
e e
l l
l l
o o
for loop with string
e.g.1: e.g. 2:
T = “Hello” T = “Hello”
Len= len(T) Len= len(T)
for i in range(Len) : for i in range(0,Len) :
print(T[i]) print(T[i])

Output: Output:
e e
l l
l l
o o

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