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– a branch of science which deals with the
study, design, construction, calibration and
testing of a thermometer.

Thermometer – a device used in measuring the

temperature of a body or a system.
System – anything that is enclosed and maybe
subjected to study purposes.
Temperature (t or T) –
• a manifestation of heat.
• It is the measure of degree of hotness or coldness of
a body or a system
• tells the direction of the flow of heat.

𝒕𝑨 > 𝒕𝑩

• Heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature.
• At thermal equilibrium, both bodies have the same temperature
and no heat flow occurs.
• 𝒕𝑨(𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍) =𝒕𝑩(𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍)
Degree (o)- unit of temperature

Temperature Scales
Metric System (CGS and MKS)
– Centigrade or Celsius (oC)
– Kelvin (K) Absolute scale/Celsius Absolute

English System (FPS)

– Fahrenheit (oF)
– Rankine (oR) Absolute scale/Fahrenheit Absolute
• oC, oF, K, and R are temperature readings
directly from the thermometer.
• Co and Fo are units for any difference or
change in the temperature.

Ex. Temperature readings:

t o  20 C, t f  50 C
o o

t  t f  t o  50o C  20 C  30C o

Fixed points
• used to compare temperature scales.
• temperature at which a substance undergo a change
in phase
Boiling Point (BP) – point at which liquid and gas
co-exist at normal pressure and at thermal
equilibrium. (100oC = 212oF for water)
Freezing Point (FP) – point at which solid and
liquid co-exist at normal pressure and at thermal
equilibrium. (0oC = 32oF for water or ice)
Note: FP and BP are measured at sea level.
Absolute Zero –
• lowest possible temperature.
• This is the temperature where there will be no
molecular motion in a gas.
Comparison of Temperature Scales
oC oF K R
100 212 373.15 672
Temperature,t 45 _____ _____ _____
Freezing Point
0 32 273.15 492
Temperature,t 𝒕𝒇 = 𝒕𝒄 ____ ____
Absolute Zero ____ ____ 0 0
Conversion by Ratio and Proportion
𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 − 𝐹𝑃

tc  0 t f  32 t k  273.2 t R  492
  
100  0 212  32 373.2  273.2 672  492

t c  (t f  32)
5 9
t f  t c    32
9 5
1. Convert 45oC to oF.
2. Given a hypothetical temperature scale X, the freezing
point is assigned the reading of 40o and a boiling point
160o. For another scale Y, the assigned values are -20o
and 180o respectively.
– Convert a reading of 90oX to Y scale.
3. At what temperature will the Celsius reading and
Fahrenheit reading be the same?
4. Absolute zero on the Celsius temperature scale is –273.15 °C.
What is absolute zero on the Fahrenheit temperature scale?
5. Three thermometers are in the same water bath. After
thermal equilibrium is established, it is found that the Celsius
thermometer reads 0 °C, the Fahrenheit thermometer reads
12 °F, and the Kelvin thermometer reads 273 K. Which one of
the following statements is the most reasonable conclusion?
A) The Kelvin thermometer is incorrect.
B) The Celsius thermometer is incorrect.
C) The Fahrenheit thermometer is incorrect.
D) All three thermometers are incorrect.
E) The three thermometers are at different temperatures.
2. Given a hypothetical temperature scale X, the freezing
point is assigned the reading of 40o and a boiling point
160o. For another scale Y, the assigned values are -20o
and 180o respectively.

Convert a reading of 90oX to Y scale.

oC oF K R X Y
100 212 373.15 672 160 180
Temperature,t 45 𝒕𝑭 = __ _____ _____ ____ ____
___ _____ _____ _____ 90 𝒕𝒀 =___
Freezing Point
0 32 273.15 492 40 -20
Temperature,t 𝒕𝑭 = 𝒕𝒄 ____ ____
Absolute Zero ____ ____ 0 0

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