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Welcome Year 2 Parents

Our unit of work for the first three weeks of this term is……
Prayer & what we will be covering

Thank you God for the gift that I am.

When I look around I can see that there is nobody the same as me.
Some people are taller while others are shorter. the same as me.
Our smiles and laughs are different too.
The way I think and the things I like
are not quite the same as another yet, even so, it is good to be me and to
thank you, God,
that we are all made so differently.

Importance of teaching Religious Education

• Catholic schools are important means through which the Church proclaims the Gospel of
Jesus Christ, or evangelises, in the world of today. They are privileged places of
evangelisation where the young learn ‘the good news of salvation’ – and what it means
to live as ‘new creatures in Christ through Baptism’ and ‘knowingly as children of God’.
• Schools need to provide opportunities for young people to reflect deeply upon the
meaning of their lives, particularly in the light of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ. This is particularly important for the new evangelisation of students whose
families ‘are far from the faith’.
• Catholic schools contribute to the development of our young through education,
particularly to their formation in Christian conscience and virtue. To be Catholic schools,
they need to be good schools.
• Catholic schools assist parents who wish to develop their children as Christian men and
women. Also, they support parishes with their responsibility of supporting parents as the
first educators of their children
How you can support your child at home

• Wondering with them about physical differences within

your family (eg. age, features, abilities, etc.)
• Praying with your child to God, thanking God, who
creates people’s bodies different
• Sharing your favourite prayer with your child
• Creating a sacred space in your home or garden for
Rituals we will be having within the

• Prayer Table – please would you bring a small image of the country
your family heritage belongs to, this will be placed on our prayer
table to acknowledge all of your cultures and family heritage
• Pray in the mornings – Each one of your children will be creating a
Prayer of their own through the course of this unit, this prayer will
be “Loving our differences” and what they are thankful for, this
will be done for week 2 and week 3 of this unit in the morning and
at lunch time.
Your child should feel safe and secure and they belong,
important to you.

• Prayer brings the religious feeling and thus changes the children’s
surrounding environment due to mass prayer vibration. The
healthy environment and association of teachers encourage the
students a lot before attending classes. Prayer pours deep impact
on them in their workplace the whole day.
• I strongly encourage you to include a prayer into your daily lives
with your child, whether it be in the morning, dinner table or
during bath time.
• Our classroom is a sacred space, this unit will be explored
outdoors as well as within the classroom.

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