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Professional Email

 When you are sending
professional email messages,
it's really important to make
sure the message is perfect.

 Always make sure your email

is organized and professional.
Professional Email Message

 1. Professional Email Address-

 ex.
2. Subject Line-

The subject line should

concisely convey your purpose
for writing.Your subject line can
be as simple as "Thank You" or
"Request for Recommendation"
The “SUBJECT” of
the email as a way to
let the person know
what the email all
3. Greeting-

 Even if you are writing a very

short email, include a greeting. If
you know the name of the
person, include it. Unless you are
on a first-name basis with the
person, call them by their title.
 4. Length-

Keep your email as concise

as possible. People tend to
skim long emails, so only
include essential
 5. Font Style-

 Avoid playful or colored fonts; these

simply distract the recipient from
your actual message. Avoid overusing
bold and italics as well, which make
an email look cluttered. Do not
write in all capital letters either; this
comes across as angry or
overexcited in an email.
 6. Emoticons-

Do not include emoticons

in a professional email;
save these for personal
 7. Spelling and Grammar-

 Just because you are writing an

email does not mean you should be
sloppy about spelling and grammar.
Edit your email carefully before
sending it. An error-free message
tells the recipient that your email
should be taken seriously.
 8. Closing-

◦Sign off with a brief "Thank

you," "Best," or other simple
send-off, and then your name.
Most email accounts let you
embed a signature with your
name, title, and contact
information into every email.
This is a terrific way to make
each correspondence more
Additional Info
Additional Info
Bcc. ... "Cc" stands for "Carbon Copy,"
while "Bcc" stands for "Blind Carbon Copy."
A carbon copy, or "Cc" message is an e-
mail that is copied to one or more
recipients. Both the main recipient (whose
address is in the "To” and the Cc recipients
can see all the addresses the message was
sent to.
* Copy furnished
 Both Cc and Bcc forward a
copy of the message to everyone
you've listed. The main difference
between Cc or Carbon copy
and Bcc (Blind carbon copy) is
that, with the latter, the recipients
do not get to know each other.
 Make an email to your teacher on how to do
the “Book Review” (GROUP 1)

 Create an inquiry email to a University

regarding their courses offered. (GROUP 2)

 Send it to
 Make an email to your professor on how to
do the “Book Review” (GROUP 1)

 Create an inquiry email to your boss about

your new project. (GROUP 2)

 Send it to
 Make an email to your professor on how to do
the “Book Review” (GROUP 1)

 Create an inquiry email to your boss about your

new project. (GROUP 2)

 Asking permission to your boss about your

vacation leave (GROUP 3)

 Send it to

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