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Classroom News

What We Will Learn:

This week we will begin to work with our new Language Arts unit’s Essential
Question - “How would our lives be different without sound and light?” Our phonics
skill for the week will be long “e” spelled –y and –ey.
We will be working on Module 6 in math. This module focuses on place value and
counting to 120. We will be continuing our work with our unit in Writer’s Workshop
which asks students to write realistic fiction, developing characters, and creating
problems and solutions.

We will no longer be doing home reading, but please continue to
read nightly with your child. It has a profound impact on their
reading skills! Thank you so much to the volunteers that made our
home reading program possible!
Tuesday: Module 6 Lesson 13 p. 231 - 232
Wednesday: Module 6 Lesson 15 p. 239 - 240
Thursday: Reading
Friday: Reading:

Important Dates: First Grade Play

May 31 – Spirit Day (dress up First grade presents Jack and
for a career you would like)
the Beanstalk! Our play will be
June 6th – First Grade Play -
8:30 am
on June 6th at 8:30 am. Families
June 14th – Last Day of are encouraged to attend and
School celebrate our work!

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