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Basic Types
• Independent – are those that cause changes in
the subject
• Dependent – are those that bear or manifest the
effects caused by the independent variables
• Hence, in a causal relationship, the cause comes
from the independent, the effect from the
dependent variable.
Extraneous Variables
• Extra variables that create an impact on the relationship between
the independent and dependent variable.
• Participant variables - refer to moods, emotions, intelligence of
the subject.
• Situational variables – nature of the place
Types of Variables
1. Constant – do not undergo any changes during an experiment
Types of Variables
2. Attributes – characteristics of people: intelligence, creativity,
anxiety, learning styles, etc.
Types of Variables
3. Covariate – included in the research study to create interactions
with the independent
Types of Variables
3. Continuous – quantitative in nature and is used in interval or ratio
scale of measurement
Types of Variables
4. Dichotomous – has only two possible results
Types of Variables
5. Latent – cannot be directedly observed to give proofs or latent
Types of Variables
6. Exogenous
– found
outside an

7. Endogenous
– found outside
an identified

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