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How to plant a seed

Name:Mariam Faheem
Course:Technical and Business writing
How to plant a seed


 some trays or pots
 sterile seed compost
 mist spray
 a slate
 Seeds
How to plant a seed


 STEP 1: Find some trays or pots
 You can sow seeds in a proper seed tray .
 If there are no holes in the bottom of the container,
make some with a 1/4 inch drill bit or large diameter
 This allows water to drain from the container and
prevents it collecting at the bottom which would make
the seed compost overly wet.
How to plant a seed

 STEP 2: Fill the seed container with seed

 Use a sterile seed compost if possible.
 You can also use a combined seed/potting compost.
 Don't use soil dug up from your garden as this will be
lumpy, contain lots of pests and diseases, and dry out
How to plant a seed

 STEP 3: Moisten the surface of the compost

 Moisten the surface of the compost with a mist spray.
 Don't use a watering can to wet the compost pre-
 if it becomes dry, or to water delicate young seedlings,
because it will wash away seeds or flatten the seedlings
How to plant a seed

 STEP 4:Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the

 Sprinkle the seeds over the compost from the palm of
your hand using your finger.
 Don't cover small seeds as it can smother them. Larger
seeds can be placed one by one on the compost and then
covered with a sprinkling of compost.
 Much larger seed such as sweet corn, sunflower seeds
and nuts from trees can be pushed down below the
surface of the compost (about 1/4" / 6 mm)
How to plant a seed

 STEP 5: Cover the seed tray

 Cover the seed tray to prevent the compost drying out.
 This also keep the seeds dark, which aids germination.
You can use a piece of glass and a magazine, a slate, a
piece of plastic, plywood or whatever.
How to plant a seed

 STEP 6:Place the seed tray in a warm place

 Seeds germinate best at a temperature above 64 F .
 If you live in a climate with cold winters, the
temperature may be too low for germination.
 So you can place the seed tray in a plant propagator or
alternatively locate it in a hot press close to a hot water
tank, or near your furnace/boiler.
 Check the seed tray after a few days as some seeds can
germinate quite quickly.
How to plant a seed

 Step 7: Uncover the seedlings once they

 It's important to uncover the seedlings and expose them
to light once they germinate, otherwise they will rapidly
become straggly.
How to plant a seed

 Step 9: Keep Transplanted Seedlings in the Shade

 keep them in the shade for a week until the roots grow
into the new compost and have a better chance of
absorbing moisture.
How to plant a seed

 Step 10: Plant Out

 Once plants have reached the stage where roots are
starting to emerge from the bottom of the pot, they can
be planted out to their final location.

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