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EKO MAHENDRO S / 12181403
EGI AGUSTIAN / 12181864
IMAM MAULUDIN / 12180923
ARIO MUSTOPA / 12181071


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Cryptography (or cryptology; from Greek kryptós, "hidden, secret";
dangraphein, "writing", or logi, "science") or sandisastra is the expertise and
knowledge of ways for secure communication in its presence on third parties. In
general, cryptography is about constructing and analyzing communication
protocols that can block opponents of various aspects of information security such
as confidential data, data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation as the
center of modern cryptography. Modern cryptography occurs because there are
intersections between the disciplines of mathematics, computer science, and
Applications from cryptography include ATM, computer passwords, and E-commerce. Cr
yptography before is a synonym for "encryption", the conversion of sentences that can b
e read becomes unreasonable. The author of the encryption message divides the passw
ord-breaking technique needed to restore original information if only with the desired reci
pient, so as to prevent unwanted people from doing the same. Since World War 1
and the arrival of computers, the methods used to manage cryptology have increased in
a complex manner and their applications have spread beyond. Modern cryptography is v
ery much based on mathematical theory and computer applications; Cryptographic algori
thms are designed on computational endurance assumptions, making this algorithm very
difficult to solve by the enemy. Theoretically, it is very difficult to solve cryptographic syst
ems, but it is not feasible to do so in practical ways. This scheme is therefore called com
putationally very safe; theoretical progress can improve integer factorization algorithms,
and improve computational technology that requires this solution to be continuously ada
HY Before modern times, cryptography was seen solely as r
elating to secret messages (such as encryption) - message co
nversions from forms can understood to be an incomprehensi
ble form and return to one another, making it unreadable by in
terceptors or tappers without special knowledge (where the p
assword is needed to decrypt the message). Encryption is us
ed to ensure confidentiality in communication, including techni
ques for message integrity checking, sender / recipient identit
y authentication, digital signatures, interactive evidence and s
ecurity computing, and many others. The history of cryptograp
hy based on its development consists of 2, namely classical c
ryptography and modern cryptography.

The history of writing the oldest secrets can be found in ancient Egyptian civilization, namely in 300
0 BC. The Egyptians used secret carvings called hieroglyphics to convey messages to entitled peo
ple. Beginning in 400 BC the Spartans in Greece used cryptography in the military field by using a d
evice called a scytale, which is a long band made from papyrus leaves that are read by being rolled
into a cylinder. Whereas Chinese and Japanese civilizations discovered cryptography in the 15M

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Islamic civilization also discovered cryptography because. of its m

astery of mathematics, statistics, and linguistics. Even the techniq
ue of cryptanalysis was presented for the first time in the 9th cent
ury AD by a scientist named Abu Yusuf Ya'qub ibn ‘Ishaq as-Shab
bah al Kindi or known as Al-Kindi who wrote a book about the art
of decoding. The book is entitled Risalah fi Istikhraj al-Mu’amma
(Manuscript for solving Cryptographic messages). Inspired by the
repetition of letters in the Qur'an, Al-Kindi discovered a frequency
analysis technique, which is a technique for breaking ciphertexts
Image. Risalah fiii ikhtiraj
al-mu’amma based on the frequency of appearance of characters in a messag
Cryptography computer

first In England, the cryptanalytic effort at Bletchley Park during World War II spurred the development of more eff
icient tools to carry out repetitive tasks. This led to the development of Colossus, the first digital computer that wo
rked fully electronically, which helped encoders to describe the Lorenz SZ40 / 42 engine belonging to the German
army. Broad open cryptographic academic research is still relatively new, in the mid-1970s. At this time, IBM pers
onnel designed an algorithm that became the Federal data encryption standard; Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellm
an published their agreement algorithm. [17] and the RSA algorithm published by American columnist Martin Gar
dner. Since then, cryptography has been very widely used in the world of communication, computer networks, an
d computer security in general. Some modern cryptographic techniques can save the secret key when using com
plicated mathematical problems, such as integer factorization or discrete logarithmic problems, so there is a deep
connection with abstract mathematics.
In cryptography some important terms will be found including plaintext, cipher
text, encryption, decryption, cryptanalysis, and cryptology. Plaintext is data th
at can be read, while the technique for making data unreadable is called encr
yption. Encrypted data is called ciphertext, and the technique for returning a c
iphertext to a plaintext is called decryption. Cipher is a cryptographic algorith
m, which is a mathematical function that plays a role in data encryption and d
ecryption. Actors who are experts in the field of cryptography are called crypt
ographer. Cryptanalysis is the science of solving ciphertexts into plaintexts no
t through proper means, while people who master this knowledge are called
Cryptanalysts. The branch of mathematics which includes cryptography and c
ryptanalysis is called Cryptology, while people who master this knowledge are
called cryptologists.

The process of encryption and decryption

Cryptography can be classified into two types based on the key, namely symmetric algori
thms and asymmetric algorithms


A password algorithm scheme will be called key-symmetric if for the whole process of encryption and decryption
of data, the same key is used. This scheme is based on the amount of data per process and the data processing
flow in it is divided into two classes, namely block-cipher and stream-cipher.
Block-cipher is a password algorithm scheme that divides bright text that will be sent with a certain size (called a
block) with length t, and each block is encrypted using the same key. In general, block ciphers process light text
with relatively long blocks of more than 64 bits, to make it difficult to use existing attack patterns to unlock.
blocks are encrypted using the same key. In general, block ciphers process light text with relatively long blocks of
more than 64 bits, to make it difficult to use existing attack patterns to unlock.

B. Key-Asymmetric Password Algorithm

This scheme is an algorithm that uses different keys for the encryption and decryption process. This scheme is al
so called public key cryptographic system because the key for encryption is made known to the public (public-ke
y) or can be known to anyone, but for the decryption process can only be done by the authorities who have the s
ecret key to decrypt it, called private-key

. .

There are many uses of cryptography found in everyday in life.

a. Transactions Through Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is used by bank customers to conduct banking transactions. Primarily, th
e use of ATMs is to withdraw cash (cash withdrawal), but now ATMs are also used to transfer money (bo
ok-entry), check balances, pay cellphone card bills, buy train tickets, and so on. Transactions via ATM re
quire a magnetic card (also called an ATM card) made of plastic and a PIN (Personal Information Numbe
r) code associated with the card
b. Digital Signature
The purpose of digital signatures is to detect unauthorized data modifications and to authenticate the ide
ntity of the signatory, also for non-repudiation. These functions are achieved by generating blocks of data
which are usually smaller in size than the original data.


Cryptography is one of the ancient communication and information media utilized to date. Cryptography in In
. is called coding, which can mean briefly the art of protecting data and information from parties that a
re not desired either when transmitted or when stored. While the science of coding is called cryptology, which
is the study of how to protect data and information techniques along with all the followings. Users are given a
n ID and password to access the existing system. The password is encrypted to prevent illegal access to the
system for example theft of important data by those who are not entitled. Likewise, encryption of important fil
es can be done (eg files containing financial data). The encryption method used can be in the form of symme
tric key encryption, for example using the DES, RSA, etc. To get this encryption algorithm no cost is needed
because it has been publicly published. Therefore, it can be concluded that cryptography is still a system that
is effective in terms of security and protection and can be used widely in various fields of business and techn
Thank you

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