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Retno Wulandari
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Universitas Diponegoro
 Ada 4 tipe kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris :
 1. Simple sentence
 2. Compound sentence
 3. Complex sentence
 4. Compound-complex sentence
Simple sentence
 Simple sentence mempunyai paling tidak satu subject dan
satu verb (mempunyai satu induk kalimat/main clause).
 Contoh :
 I will study English next semester.
 The teacher and the students went to library.
 The expensive new computer is important for my work as a
Compound sentence
 Terdiri dari simple sentences yang digabung menjadi satu
dengan tanda baca atau kata-kata penghubung. (mempunyai dua
atau lebih induk kalimat /main clause, tapi tidak mempunyai
anak kalimat/subordinate clause)
 Compound sentence bisa dihubungkan dengan menggunakan :
 1. Tanda koma dengan kata-kata penghubung yang
disingkat FANBOYS (,for ,and ,nor ,but ,or ,yet ,so)
contoh : He is rich, but he is low profile
Jane is in a hurry, so she will leave soon.
Compound sentence cont.
2. Tanda titik koma/semicolon (;)
 Contoh :
 He has a small calculator; he really needs a much better
one for his tasks.
 His first class is at 8 A.M.; he leaves home at 7:30 A.M.
to get there on time.
Compound sentence cont.
3. Tanda titik koma /semicolon dengan kata
penghubung dan koma
; also, ; however, ; instead, ; then,
; first, ; in addition, ;on the other hand,
;therefore, ; furthermore, ;indeed, ; second,
 Contoh :
 He has a small calculator; however, he really needs a much better
one for his tasks.
 His first class is at 8 A.M.; therefore, he leaves home at 7:30 A.M.
to get there on time.
Complex Sentence
 Mempunyai satu induk kalimat (main clause) dan satu atau lebih
anak kalimat (subordinate clause).
 Anak kalimat terdiri dari adverbial clause, relative clause, dan
noun clause.
1. Adverbial clauses :
after before since when
although even though unless where
as if because until while
 I will study physics after I take calculus.
main clause subordinate clause
 Sue cannot come because it is raining.
main clause subordinate clause
Complex sentence cont.
2. Relative clauses/adjective clauses :
that who whom whose
when where which
 I have a dictionary that costs Rp. 350,000,-
main clause subordinate clause
 I know the man who is standing there.
main clause subordinate clause
Complex Sentence cont.
 3. Noun clauses :
that what how
 I believe that my laptop is easy to use.
I believe it ( dikembangkan menjadi that my
laptop is easy to use.)
 What you are thinking about surprises me.
 It (dikembangkan menjadi surprises me.
what you are thinking about
Compound-Complex Sentence
 Merupakan gabungan antara dua atau lebih simple sentence
dan satu atau lebih anak kalimat (subordinate clause)
 Contoh :
 Because it is quiet and comfortable, I like to study in the
library, but I study at home more often.
 Although they are both majoring in chemistry, Ted plans to be
a chemist, and Grace wants to be a medical doctor.

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