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Take Away Notes

A plan to invent the marketing we need today

Proposed seven strategies which can help the marketers to deal with
the fast pace changes 21st century businesses faces.
Bridge the disciplinary Silos
• Are the functional areas collaborated enough in organizations ?

• Is it easier to linked with each other in small organizations? or big


• Which type of organizations needs the most collaborations among the

Shift form traditional management to
network orchestration
Why do organizations need to expand their networks in today’s world?
Change the focus from CRM to CMR
• Do CRM also need to be redefined ?
• Or its is already redefined ?
Shift the company branded products
to customer bounded solutions
• How crucial is it for the
organizations to keep the
customers engage in rebuying
their products ?
• How this can be done ?

• If I need a knife and a peeler

together should the company
make it a one product or keep
redesigning or promoting the
separate two products ?
Use analytics and metrics as glue
• Is it enough to call the customers and ask about their experience
about the product and services by rating them as worst to best ?
• Or is it enough to ask the customers to fill a feedback form ?
The marketers need to be more analytical ?
Adopt the experimentation philosophy in all
activities and use empirical generalizability

Is it necessary to blend both the quantitative and qualitative techniques

of analysis? If yes, why ?
Challenge your mental models
• How can we challenge our conventional way of practicing the
marketing ?
Final Remarks

This is not the end, this is the beginning of unconventional thinking to

deal with new challenges posed by dynamic business environment.

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