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Les adjectifs possessifs

Possessive Adjectives
Les adjectifs possessifs

There are two ways to express possession:

 That’s David’s sister = Ça c’est la soeur de David
 These are David’s cousins. = Ça ce sont les cousins de David

The other way to express possession is to use possessive adjectives (my,

his, ours etc.)
 In French the possessive adjective takes the place of the le or the la.
Les adjectifs possessifs
 MY  Our
 masculine = Mon  Masculine: Notre
 Feminine = Ma  Feminine: Notre
 Plural = mes  Plural : Nos

 Your (tu)  Your (vous)

 Masculine = Ton  Masculine: Votre
 Feminine = Ta  Feminine: Votre
 Plural = tes  Plural: Vos

 His or Her  Their

 Masculine = Son  Masculine: leur
 Feminine = Sa  Feminine: leur
 Plural =Ses  Plural : Leurs
Possessive Adjectives

 Just like regular adjectives, the possessive adjective

must agree with what it is possessing.
 If the noun is feminine, the possessive adjective is feminine.
 If the noun is plural, the possessive adjective is plural.
 For Example,
 Ma soeur = my sister
 Ses cousins = his/her cousins
 Ton grand-père = your grandfather
SON and SA

 Son, Sa, and Ses can mean either his or her.

 The agreement is with the noun possessed, NOT the owner
 Example: Le chien de Claire = Son chien (because dog is masculine even
though it belongs to Claire)
 Example: His girl cousin
 Sa cousine
Before a vowel

 Before a masculine or feminine singular noun that begins with a vowel

or silent h, you use the masculine form of the possessive adjective
 Mon ami = masculine vowel
 Mon amie = feminine vowel = my friend
 Son amie = feminine vowel =his/her friend
 Notre enfant = our child
1. Where is her book? Où se trouve ____________ livre ?
2. I'd like to introduce you to my father and mother. Je te présente
____________ père et ____________ mère.
3. Here are our pens. Voici ____________ stylos.
4. Sarah, go look for your brother. Sarah, cherche ____________ frère.
5. Their friends are very nice. ____________ amis sont très sympa.
6. His sister is really smart. ____________ soeur est très intelligente.
7. What is your (plural) favorite restaurant? Quel est ____________ restaurant
préféré ?
8. I lost his keys. J'ai perdu ____________ clés.
9. She likes their car. Elle aime bien ____________ voiture.
10. My parents hate to drive. ____________ parents détestent conduire.
Thank you
By Gauri Unnithan (17-BBA-FR-017)

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