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Definition of job satisfaction

Job Satisfaction is a pleasant psychological condition felt by worker /employees in the work
environment for their role in the organization and their needs are well met.

According to Robins, job satisfaction is identified with things that are individual. Therefore, the level of
satisfaction of each person varies and this happens what if several factors are fulfilled namely the
individual needs and their relation to the degree of likes and dislikes of workers (Robins, 1999).
Definition of Job Satisfaction According to Experts

1. S. P. Hasibuan
According to Hasibuan, the meaning of job satisfaction is an emotional condition in an employee wh
o is happy and loves his job. This attitude can be seen from work morale, discipline and work perfor
mance. This can be enjoyed at work, outside work, and a combination of both.

2. Stephen P. Robbins
According to Stephen P. Robbins the meaning of job satisfaction is the general attitude of a person t
o his job, the difference between the amount of income received by an employee and the amount t
hey believe in what they should receive.

3. Davis
According to Davis, the meaning of job satisfaction is the feeling of being satisfied by an employee
with respect to his work between what is expected by the employee from his job / office and what h
e received.
4. Susilo Martoyo
According to Susilo Martoyo the meaning of job satisfaction is one of the psychological aspects that
reflect a person's feelings towards his work, satisfaction with the compatibility between abilities, skills
, and expectations with the work he faces.

5. Setiawan and Ghozali

According to Setiawan and Ghozali, the meaning of job satisfaction is a pleasant or emotionally posi
tive condition that comes from a person's assessment of his work or his experiences in work.

6. Robbins and Judge

According to Robbins and Judge the meaning of job satisfaction is a positive feeling about someone
's work which is the result of an evaluation of its characteristics.
Types of job satisfaction surveys :

A. The purpose of the survey

The most popular types of surveys use multiple-choice questions. Respond to rea
ding all available questions, then choose one of several alternative answers that a
re appropriate for the situation. The benefit of using this type is the ease of admi
nistering and analyzing it with statistical methods, and can be analyzed using a c
omputer if the number of employees surveyed is very large.

B. Descriptive survey type

The type of descriptive survey is the opposite of the objective type. In this type, r
espondents provide answers to questions that are in accordance with their reque
Job Satisfaction Indicator
As mentioned above, the meaning of job satisfaction is a form of emotional attitude that is pleasant and lovin
g for work which is indicated by work morale, discipline, and work performance.
According to Hasibuan, an indicator of an employee's job satisfaction can be seen from the following:

1. Enjoying his job

Employees are aware of the direction they are aiming for, have reasons to choose their goals, and und
erstand how to work. In other words, an employee likes his job because he can do it well.

2. Loving His Job

In this case the employee does not just like his job but is also aware that the job is in accordance with
his wishes.

3. Positive Work Morale

This is an inner agreement that arises from within a person or organization to achieve certain goals in
accordance with the specified quality.
4. Work Discipline

Conditions that are created and formed through the process of a series of behavio
rs that show the values of obedience, loyalty, and order.

5. Work Achievement

The results of work achieved by someone in carrying out the tasks assigned to him
are based on skill and sincerity as well as time.
How to Increase Employee Job Satisfaction

Employee job satisfaction is very important in business productivity. Your employee

s are not satisfied working in your place means that the possibility of motivation to
innovate and increase profits is reduced. Well, there are several ways that can be u
sed to improve the effectiveness of employee work. Such as:

1. Become a Good Listener

This really sounds simple. But when the boss does this, employees will feel highly v
alued because they can handle the difficulties when working.
Not only that, you can also provide solutions related to the problem at hand. This
can also improve communication between superiors and subordinates.
2. Prioritize Health
Health is important. Give employees enough rest when their health conditions are n
ot good. An unhealthy body will reduce work productivity, therefore disrupting the
company's performance.

3. Reward is Needed
Reward is not merely a matter of salary and promotion. Can also provide additional
leave or vacation rations with the team. The award of the boss to the subordinates
about their performance is very necessary because it can increase motivation.
Do not hesitate to praise the empoyees when they can complete a difficult task. Do
n't forget to say thank you.

4. Give a Challenge
When you have a team that is quite a lot, it never hurts to share it in several teams
and invite them to compete to work on a project. Of course this method provides
multiple benefits; high motivation and the project is completed on time.

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