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Observing Old land slide Is a good indication that the area has unstable geology,
and that more landslide are likely in the future.multiple landslide events in the
same place can be rettrogressive piecemeal, or reactived.A reactive landslide is
where something change at an old, semi-stable landslide, triggering a new failure at
the same looking around an area a whole lot of old landslide scarps and
deposits are seen, this is a pretty good indication that even
Tension cracks are created by the stress og geological material pulling
apart.they often mark the eventual landslide scarp, the top edge of the
failure zone, they can be identified as road segments that constantly
need long, thin patches, or out in the wild as actual cracks in the
ground, tension cracks above an existing landslide can hint at a future
reactive, however, if tension cracks are found on flat ground they’re still
being created by extensionla stresa, but are more likely related to a
fault than a landslide
ebservable movement and deformation of things are also indicators of an
impending landslide, the most common among these is tha tress are bending up in
a j-curve as an a sign that the ground slioa out from under them
A patch of angied gorest on a slope or j-curve trees somewhere can be a good
indicator that the ground is less solid than it seems, while so far the motion has
been slow the slope could catastrophically collapse as a prapid landslide ,
especialy if you find tension cracks farther uphill
Another warning sign for a landslide is changes in water flow.the sudden arrival of
water in a spring, seep, or wet ground somewhere that is usually dry indicates that
something changed and this change is not tobe trusted the sudden disappearance
of water is just change is not water levels in a creeck suddenly dropping canbe due
to an upstream obstruction like a creek suddenly dropping can be due to an
upstream obstruction like a landslide –dam that will break and send a debris flow
rushing downstream.A debris flow is a very wet, very mobile landslide where water
is loaded with strees, mud, rock, and everything else caught in the torrent.low
water level precedes the arrival of the debris flow surge.
sinkhole rarely strike without giving some warring in the surrounding
environment or in a nearby are some signs to watch for they may
indicate a problem about the present and immintel danger of sinkhole.
• Tress or fence posts that tilt or fall
• Foundation that slang
• New small ponds that appear after rain
• Cracks in the ground
• Sudden drainage of a pond
• Rapid appearance of a hole in the ground
• Dips, depressions, slopes that appear in a yard
• Dead patches of grass or plants
• Sinkhole in the neighbor hood
• Wilted vegetation in a limited area
• Well water that’s is discolored or contaminated with debris

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