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S and S, Inc.
How should they organiz
e their accounting recor
a. ds so that the financial st
atements their banker re
quires can be easily prod
The above-mentioned situation gave t
he information on hiring 10 to15 empl
oyees with that said, in order to organi
ze the accounting records of the entity
to produce the needed financial state
ments of the banker, there is a need t
o implement the following:
• Assignment of Tasks
How can they design a se
t of procedures to ensure
that they meet all of their
b. government obligations,
such as remitting sales, in
come and payroll taxes?

Using the General Ledger System S a

nd S Inc with the aid of Functional S
egmentation will be able to meet all
of their government obligations, suc
h as remitting sales, income, and pa
yroll taxes.
How should they price thei
c. r products to be competiti
ve yet earn a profit?

S and S Inc, should venture into Contra

cts of Dealership or Memoranda of Agr
eement with Appliances companies to
obtain favorable wholesale prices, price
Engage in Universal Resale Price Policy
Market Research to obtain the Consum
Should they extend credit
, and if so, on what terms
d. ? How can they accurately
track what customers ow
e and have paid?

There are numerous benefits to o

ffering store credit in any type of
retail store. Store credit can be a
great financial incentive for custo
mers, if S and S, Inc. would want t
o stand out from customers
How should they hire, tra
in, and supervise their e
mployees? What compen
e. sation and benefit packa
ges should they offer, an
d how should they proce
ss payroll?

The entrepreneur Scott Parry affili

ated to a huge company before m
ay invite the HRM of the former to
hire suitable applicants, and these
will be trained with basic accounti
ng (inventory, cash flows,etc.) as
well as marketing skills to increas
How can they track cash in
flows and outflows so that
f. S&S’s limited showroom s

Computerize Accounting Reco

rds system, integrate
What functionality shoul
g. d be provided on S&S’s
Web site?

Downloadable Coupons
Online Purchases and Delive
Hiring, Job Requirements Su
Susan and Scott reflected on what they had don
e to try and understand what decisions S&S wou
ld need to make and the information needed to
make them. They had begun by obtaining an un
derstanding of S&S's basic business processes a
nd of the key decisions that must be made to op
erate the business effectively. They followed that
with an analysis of the internal and external parti

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